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Memoirs: MCXA, Vox Populi, and the true meaning of loyalty.


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This is an interesting thread.

Considering how I identify and understand the cause of your actions (those that know me over the past months will understand this), I find your chosen actions to be quite the wrong choice to make.

One does not show IC love/affection for an alliance, or however you want to describe "alliance loyalty," by plotting behind the alliance. One does not show loyalty by trying to enact a mild coup to gain control. One does not show loyalty by spying.

If you believe your alliance is going somewhere you cannot stand to see it go and have done everything in your power to make it change, you don't just start doing subterfuge types of things in an attempt to forcibly make it happen.

You leave.

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LIAR mind you BJ's dont count. lol

IC: i think what Fran did was try and use vox to publish MCXA's problems and try to steer them towards what she and many others believed to be the right path. When your hitting your head against brick wall it isnt constructive you have to find a way to go round it. Thats whta she thought was the best way to help her Friends. Maybe she was wrong maybe she was right. Whatever you believe. She did something about it she stood up for what was wrong. Too many people in bob dont stand up for their beliefs. They hang on to the coat tails of people like NPO and then jump ship when they see the tides changing.

People of Bob need to realise that what VOX did has changed the course of CN. They stood up and spoke when people were afraid to say a word. Fan are the same they stood for their beliefs and there right to stay in CN. These are the people of CN i admire. People that stick to their beliefs and follow them through. NPO has never changed once they have always been the curbstompers. That was their M.O yet i see people saying they deserve everything they have got in this war that chose to be with them when the ship was fine. As soon as that ship started sinking look how many people jumped it.

I applaud Fran not because she spied but because she acted on her beliefs in the only way she saw fit to inact change in an alliance lost with no direction.



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Let's hope VE does everything to your exacting satisfaction then. Lest you decide to save them from themselves.

The situation is entirely different, there are not two opposing factions or extreme internal conflict, and they are already an extremely honourable Karma alliance. Additionally, I have not been in VE for very long and would not presume to try and influence the directions that they take, especially since I am not a government member. VE already knows that I would never, ever spy on them or they would have kicked me out already. But we :wub: one another, so it is fine.

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Legion are cool. They honoured their treaty with NPO despite the huge odds against them, unlike the rest of the CoC.

im talking way back in history GW2 they had the opportunity to stop NPO accent to domination if they had just come in with the league at the start. i think even NPO were worried at one point.



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im talking way back in history GW2 they had the opportunity to stop NPO accent to domination if they had just come in with the league at the start. i think even NPO were worried at one point.



Newsflash: alliances CAN in fact change.

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Fran, you have no idea about TSO and their reasons. You may try to honestly talk to Sam, Celt or Dragon. I know it´s hard as they have no reason to trust you and vice versa. You may have a glimpse of an idea what happened back then but you clearly have no idea of the motivation and reasons the latter TSO had.

From what i read in your summary you scratched only the surface of anything especially of global politics.

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Fran, you have no idea about TSO and their reasons. You may try to honestly talk to Sam, Celt or Dragon. I know it´s hard as they have no reason to trust you and vice versa. You may have a glimpse of an idea what happened back then but you clearly have no idea of the motivation and reasons the latter TSO had.

From what i read in your summary you scratched only the surface of anything especially of global politics.

I have a very good idea, as I was in the thick of it at the time. However, if needs be, I'm fully prepared to chat to Celt about what happened. I respect him a lot more than Sam, and Dragonaspect is rarely online anyway.

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Newsflash: alliances CAN in fact change.

Yes but old grudges die hard.

My true alliance isnt here today because it didnt want to give the satisfaction of reps to the NPO (NAAC).

and no offense Hymenbreach its just this is a touchy subject for me.



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You gave me no reason to believe this statement back when you first sent me those messages.

So wait a minute...I had one OOC fight with you, heard nothing more about it for MONTHS, and then when I found out you were still upset by it, I went out of my way to apologize to you, and you lied when you accepted the apology in a thread where you try to justify spying on one alliance for another and violating a loyalty oath in the process.

...and you're saying you couldn't trust me?

On the contrary, there were a few names that got voted back in time after time despite chronic inactivity. Dragonaspect, for example. In addition, I think my claims about an "old boys crowd" are quite justified given that only a special few were given access to the Project 91 boards, where forming TSO was first discussed.

Yes, and the rest of us had a problem with it every time as well. It made being HC harder on the rest of us having to carry their loads as well. It wasn't fair to us that they would be inactive most of the term, and show up to start a campaign thread, get elected, and then go inactive again. If you'd have the where-with-all to recall, when we went around assessing the work of each other over the last term, we would consistently negatively comment on those individuals activity levels much like I'd usually get a comment here or there about controlling my temper. We did not sugarcoat anything in those threads. if we were unhappy with someone's performance, we said so. So don't accuse us of somehow "keeping" them in HC. It wasn't our fault the vast majority of those that voted were inactive themselves except for elections and would just come in and click the boxes next to names they recognized without reading anything or knowing what's going on. That's the fault of the voters, not this malicious incrowd that never existed except in your mind. Take it up with them.

As far as P91 goes, that was not started til the very end there, just a couple days before you found out about it, and only specifically for the specific purpose of planning it without using MCXA resources. As it is, what was done was questionable, but it would have been a flagrant ethics violation to use their admin access to use MCXA forums or MCXA gov channels to plan TSO.

Yes, actually I do believe they were your friends and fellow incrowd members.

No, we were not friends. I consistently clashed with sunny in regards to styles of management and behavior, and we still do to this day. It seldom got remotely heated though because he's too damn level headed. :mellow:

Lakie...I've had fun with plenty of times, but I don't really talk to him and gotten to know him. I know he has good work ethic and is Australian. That's about it. No convo with him stands out to me at all...it's all business.

Despite what your warped little mind wants to thing, they're acquantances, not friends. I trust them with alliance business, but I'm not about to confide in them. That may change, we may get to know each other, but I dunno. Nothing against them, just don't know them that well.

But go ahead and assume and believe without actually knowing what you're talking about. I bet you don't even know the real names of a lot of the people you consider friends in this game, if you have any. And Sup4 doesn't count.

Incrowds do not necessarily entirely agree on every single detail.

But they'd cover each others' backs regardless and defend each other and hold their disagreements until the well-being of the group is no longer in jeopardy, no? In the sports if someone botches part of a play, the rest of the team doesn't stop in the middle of the game to squabble about it. They finish the game, secure the victory, and then assess and rehearse the play in question at the next practice. Get where I'm going here?

You have yet to establish any kind of proof of an incrowd or the two of them and me being bossom buddies though. I don't know their names or faces. I don't know if they have families or are single. I don't know their ages or their tastes in music or movies. I really know nothing about them. They were willing to put me on ice for a week and even speculate voting not guilty without even looking at the evidence. You're going to have to work hard to establish incrowd connections between them and me since those facts all go against what one would consider typical of incrowd groups.

You told me to go f*** myself repeatedly. I can post the screenshots on here if you so desire. Those are sexual references, in my opinion.

Go ahead, but it's your warn level, since that would involve posting swear words prohibited by this site. I don't think it will do any favors for your case though since it's from a private isolated incident that happened last year, and that "go f*** yourself," no matter how many times it's repeated, is not sexual by nature and is almost always used identically to "piss off" "take a hike" "get bent" "blow it out your ***" etc.

Yes, f*** does have a sexual connotation sometimes, but it has many others. Which one is in play all depends on context. I was angry at you, I was not trying to get in your pants. The sexual connotation of f*** was not in play. Any 10 year-old could probably tell you that.

Now, I use a lot of lame pick-up lines in the bar I hang out at on a regular basis, but I've never used "go f*** yourself" with the intent to get a girl's number...no, it's only ever used to get someone to go away or escalate a tense situation into a fight. So unless you can explain how "take a hike" is a sexual reference, I would suggest you stop trying this spin game of yours before you force everyone here to write you off as ridiculous and nonsensical...on second thought that would really make my day for that to happen, so keep trying to convince the world that "go f*** yourself" is a sexual advancement.

But I am confused...earlier you said you were not accusing me of sexual references and advances (pedophilic behavior), but here is seems you're trying to spin it into looking like you felt that's what I was doing....so which is it, Fran: are you accusing me of pedophilia or not? Let's get it on the record so you don't feel compelled to change your story again later on when it suits you without any regard for factual accuracy.

I don't recall the Catch a Predator reference.

You don't, I do. It's moot anyway because the Foley reference is indicative enough of what he was trying to accuse me of. There's no reason to compare what I said to Foley unless trying to equate me to a sex offender. It just doesn't work. But keep trying to say that "when I compare your actions to a convicted pedophile, I'm not trying to accuse you of being one." Maybe if you close your eyes and start clicking your heels when you say it, it'll come true.

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As a matter of fact, I took no such oath. And furthermore, as CSM has described, I did not tell Vox absolutely everything.

Lol...yes you did. Your application to an alliance is an expressed desire to declare loyalty to that alliance and to stand by it and serve it honorably without deception. Go ask your VE leaders how they would feel if you handed out sensitive info and then tried to say "but you never made me take an oath!" Some alliances actually have an oath separate from the application, most do not, and when they do not it's implied that you are declaring such loyalty with your application.

Ok, so you didn't tell them EVERYthing...but that doesn't change that fact that you told them anything at all. One thing at all is all it takes, and BLAM: you're a disloyal traitor. That's a mark you don't wash off.

I am fully aware what the Charter says. The entire original post was dedicated to explaining how I came to be in Vox, and why I don't consider that betrayal.

Vox was an enemy to MCXA. It was made very clear that fraternization with Vox members was not acceptable. It's common sense that leaking information at all to anyone not in MCXA was a violation of the charter. Your motives be damned, you violated the charter and aided a listed enemy of the alliance in inflicting damage upon it, hampered its sovereignty, and tried to usurp power for yourself and your selfish megalomaniac vision of what the alliance should be without regard for what the majority of the alliance democratically stated they wanted it to be through their votes in the charter-approved elections.

You lied about your motives, your goals, your friendships, and that you did not spread information to our enemies all while hiding among our ranks, and all because elections and policy didn't go the way you wanted it to despite those being the policies we had in place before you were even a member, meaning you joined knowing that's how we were and you took it upon yourself to effect change by means explicitly listed as against our terms of membership.


I won a High Council seat in the very first election I ran in, which happened to be the final one that all the people you mentioned ran in. I also won the following elections, for High Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the election after that, also for MoFA and HC.

Wait...so you won a seat the first time you tried for a seat...but have been whining and pissing and moaning about the incrowd somehow blocking new people from gaining HC seats? It seems to me you sat back on your a** your entire membership, griping about policy without ever taking the steps outlined in our charter to gain a position in which you could have a say in policy, and just were a malcontent the whole time wanting to change the way we had been since before you joined us.

And then when you finally got off your whiny a** and ran for important positions, you had no trouble at all getting them.

But somehow maintain that throughout your tenure, some old guard incrowd was keeping people like you down.

I don't recall you ever introducing any charter amendments or policy proposals, which any member could do at any time. The process to do so was clearly outlined in quite a few places. You didn't even need to be a government member to effect policy change, you just had to follow the format for submitting a proposal we had.

It's becoming rather clear that you never had any respect, regard, or understanding of the charter and due processes of the MCXA, making your whining about how noble it was of you to break its laws "for its own good" complete hogwash. You never even attempted any of the legal means of effecting MCXA policy change before or after you became a spy.

You were in it for the power-grab, just like nc1701. That's despicable. But hilarious at how bad at manipulating people you really are.

I joined Vox while TSO was still around.

Yes we have already established that you are a backstabbing, treasonous, disloyal, lying, self-righteous, megalomaniac. When you made it official is moot. Why do you keep stating the obvious?

Yes, Cadie got into HC before me, but I got into HC on first attempt. I had never run before.

So once again: on what grounds do you have to complain about being held back from such positions by any incrowd? This contradicts your accusations that the environment there included an incrowd.

In this thread, I described TOP as the new superpower, not as the new tyrannical superpower, and not that TOP needed to be toppled. However, yes, I do disagree with some of TOP's actions, but that is not relevant to my thread.


You are an elitist alliance at almost the very top of the scoreboards and you are going to dominate this game more and more after the Karma war concludes.

Sounds like the kind of alliance NPO strived to be the way you describe it. Why should anyone think you'll think TOP is any different in their dominance?

I described them as an incrowd long before they left.

So KingEd was part of the in crowd? :huh:

Hon, he was never a part of the senior government, period until after we left, not CC like he is now, not HC, not even a minister. He was at your level of government activity: deputy d

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I am going to stop responding to Grinder's (TFS's) posts. I do not think further argument with him on this subject is constructive. If anyone genuinely wants to hear a response to a particular aspect of his argument, send me a pm or contact me on IRC. :)

Edited by Francesca
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I am going to stop responding to Grinder's (TFS's) posts. I do not think further argument with him on this subject is constructive to my cheap attempt at racking up PR points while ignoring logic and factual accuracy about when and what really happened and fully embracing a state of denial as to the context of "go f*** yourself". If anyone genuinely wants to hear a response to a particular aspect of his argument, send me a pm or contact me on IRC. :)

Fixed it for you with respect to truth in advertisement.

Been fun, Fran, but I gotta run to the gym. Hope to do this again soon sometime. Take care, now.

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I have a very good idea, as I was in the thick of it at the time. However, if needs be, I'm fully prepared to chat to Celt about what happened. I respect him a lot more than Sam, and Dragonaspect is rarely online anyway.

You don´t get it, i know that you were in the thick of it and you had clearly more insight of any obvious MXCA internal but you have no idea of the motivations and reasons behind TSO move and again espicially not of global politics.

I´m not the man to speak for TSO here but i know it can be more then frustating to run an alliance of 80% inactives, to run into walls of blockading if you try to improve or change it. I know how it is to deal with selfish members, with members who think they can do better including enormous egos but no substance behind it.

The list goes on and on and that is only a part of the reasons why TSO formed, i´m not going into the global politics here.

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You don´t get it, i know that you were in the thick of it and you had clearly more insight of any obvious MXCA internal but you have no idea of the motivations and reasons behind TSO move and again espicially not of global politics.

I´m not the man to speak for TSO here but i know it can be more then frustating to run an alliance of 80% inactives, to run into walls of blockading if you try to improve or change it. I know how it is to deal with selfish members, with members who think they can do better including enormous egos but no substance behind it.

The list goes on and on and that is only a part of the reasons why TSO formed, i´m not going into the global politics here.

Honestly I could tell you. I was present for a lot of the planning discussions and really know a good number of these people.

If you wish to know, feel free to PM me.

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It was about three hundred days into my Cyber Nations career. I'd never paid too much attention to the game, never bothered with politics beyond the CNF, never gone for a government position. However, at this time my activity began to pick up, and I started to use IRC on a regular basis. I became a reasonably well-known face in MCXA, and I made friends quickly. It was about this time that extreme drama blew up on the MCXA forums over the Freedom of Information amendment to the MCXA charter. On the one side, there was Sam & friends, on the other nc1701 and the more pro-democracy members of MCXA, the majority of whom were not in government positions, although nc1701 was a High Councillor. This debate was actually a critical moment in our history, for numerous different reasons. Firstly, it meant that I began spending time thinking about ways that MCXA could be improved, and especially ways that I personally could help improve it. Secondly, it was indicative of a pro-democracy versus pro-dictatorship trend which continued in many further debates, and eventually led to the TSO betrayal. I chose to take the side of the pro-democracy members like nc1701, because after all, MCXA was a democratic alliance and democracy was an integral part of our culture. Thirdly, the pro-democracy members were for the most part the anti-NPO members of our alliance, and they became my friends. This further reinforced my growing dislike for NPO and the hegemony.

I think the problem wasn't the Freedom of Information Amendment, it was the completely unacceptable manner this Amendment was proposed. I mean, don't you think it is weired that (I think it was Oligarch) made another, more kind thread, and the Amendment (even with Grinders help) passed. You never asked, you never discussed, you requested. And these requests had to be fullfilled, and if someone disagreed with you, you guys started sitting in backrooms, bullying these people until they resigned. You basically prove my point in this thread, you admit that you are stubborn, and people realized that you'd take every path to achieve your goals.

That said, yes, that aggressive atmosphere that was created by a few people were certainly one of the reasons I left. However, I hardly think it is betrayel if people leave after they get threatened, insulted and bullied again and again.

Despite this, I kept a somewhat open mind. I dared to disagree with Sam once on the CNF on the effectiveness of Vox's tactics in destroying the hegemony. This resulted in some chilling private messages from Sam, advising me to "get into peacemode quick" if I supported Vox, and informing me that trolling him was absolutely unacceptable, and that I was hereby ordered not to post on the CNF again. I was slightly upset, and taken aback, that he would say something like this to a member of his own alliance, as I assumed that he trusted me. I tried to explain that there was a difference between disagreeing with him, and trolling him, just as there was a difference between commenting on the effectiveness of Vox's tactics and expressing sympathy for their goals. This didn't really work, and I ended up crawling back to him on hands and knees and begging for forgiveness. I felt nervous and humiliated, and for the first time I felt distrustful of him.

Although I don't have that message anymore, I don't think I adviced you to go into peace mode. I think I get trolled enough and people know I don't really care / mind. Thing is, that we were at war with Vox, and if you are at war with someone, it doesn't look good if you defend your "enemy".

Then a prominent High Councillor, nc1701, resigned from all his government positions over issues with MCXA's government. I deeply respected NC, he came across as an honourable and upright man on the boards, and he'd stood up for what he believed in before. I realised that this latest drama was likely related to the democracy versus dictatorship conflict in MCXA, which was a long-term and deep rooted issue in MCXA by now.

nc resigned a billion times, and every time he resigned he made a huge public attraction out of it, trying to play the cry baby card. I honestly don't remember why he resigned the first time, but I doubt it was the democracy vs. dictatorship debate. I think he insulted a few people such as a good friend of mind who spent some time in hospital. I think I was disgusted by the lack of respect shown by him towards other Members of the community, and I think I told him that.

I sent him a private message to confirm my suspicions, as he had suggested in his resignation thread that we contact him privately if we wanted to know more about the circumstances regarding his resignation. He invited me to join his private channel on IRC, which will go unnamed on the CNF, although anyone who knows us well will probably be able to guess what I am referring to. The members of NC's channel discussed issues in MCXA, and how we could improve MCXA. Some of us decided to post in TFS's election campaign thread, outlining reasons that we believed he would be an ineffective government member. He'd sent me some highly abusive messages some time before, which I worked up the courage to post in his campaign thread. The whole thing turned into an enormous dramafest, which I suppose I should have predicted. TFS was forced to end his campaign, and when his friends in government admitted that he was partially in the wrong, he stormed off to leave MCXA and join NADC. I got what I wanted, but the victory was bittersweet, because I hadn't wanted him to leave MCXA under those circumstances. TFS also misunderstood a comment on nc1701's, believing that NC had accused him of paedophilia, which led to further tensions between the two of them.

That isn't quite right. Especially the underlined part is funny. You didn't discuss whether TFS is competent or not, you simply insulted him, and everyone else campaign thread who disagreed with you. He didn't leave because someone said he was wrong, I think he can handle critisism, he left, because nc was impeached, and not booted, because we (The Dictatorship!) indeed honored freedom of speech.

In these elections, I also ran for government, and campaigned for an increased level of transparency in government, and more of our democratic rights. I exploded my way onto High Council, because I won the trust and respect of the general membership by campaigning on issues that were important to them. In the week running up to the election, however, I was dismayed to discover that MCXA's government was planning on splitting off and forming their own alliance, leaving us in anarchy.

That is not quite right. We never wanted to leave the MCXA in anarchy, we wanted to give as much guidance as possible, and did everything to ensure that the turnover gets done smoothly.

They had not given us any warning of what they were planning.

Well, we have discussed that in an OOC channel for about 72 hours. At that time, we didn't have anything to present or tell. That would have come soon enough.

I told NC and my friends, and together we attempted to shift MCXA members into other alliances on a large scale, because it appeared that MCXA would disband when our government abandoned us.

You mean you recruited them off to other alliances, claiming we'd get hit by a huge alliances.

For this, I was called a traitor for the first time. SunnyInc was one of the people I tried to evacuate out of the alliance, because I considered him a friend. He leaked logs of the query to Sam, who bullied me and lied to me about his intentions of forming a new alliance, and claimed that he intended no such thing.

Certainly I didn't lie about my intentions to you. And well, you call it bullying. I was interested in a smooth transaction to the new government. People that recruited told MCXA Members to change their Alliance Affiliation didn't really help there. So yes, I was quite pissed off.

Instead, he made me feel responsible for the destruction of the alliance I loved, and for all the issues that were going on at that point. It is something he has never apologised for, and I have never forgotten. I was proven correct, however, a few days later.

The alliance you loved? Don't give me that.

TSO split off for a variety of reasons,

I am amazed you understood that part. Took you long enough,

not this under-appreciation rubbish that they tried to spoon-feed the public.

I don't think that you can back this claim. Simply because it is !@#$%^&*.

Firstly, they realised that MCXA had a number of issues that they didn't want to deal with, for instance opposing points of view on democracy, transparency and our relationship with the New Pacific Order.

I dealt with all these points. I even invited you in a conversation with Moo, so that you could tell him about your anti-NPO stance. However, nothing happened.

I also dealt with the view of democracy, but I don't like people blackmailing me, etc. That said, the relationship with the NPO stayed unquestioned by 90% of our active Members. You are not the majority, although you sometimes think that you are.

They also didn't want to have to deal with MCXA's high levels of inactivity and lack of military preparedness,

We worked our asses off. And you know that. nc can tell you how much work it was, to create this program, make all the threads, message the people, message them again, deal with people that didn't want to listen etc. I messaged all the inactives with a (for every single one) personal message and hardly got any responses.

Yes, it was sickening to deal with it, and it was hardly a mistake on our part. People lost interest in the game, and thus stopped caring.

which they themselves were responsible for,

That is wrong. We have increased the recruitment standarts, however most people simply lost the interest in the game itself. I am not magic sam, and I can't convince people that CN is teh !@#$, and that they have to play it.

given that they had been government of MCXA for so long.

Secondly, they knew that there was a war on the horizon that the NPO was not going to win and that they would be dragged into the conflict because of their five treaties with the NPO, or else get described as cowards by the rest of the community of Planet Bob. Splitting off and forming TSO solved this problem, as TSO had no prior treaty or MADP with the NPO, and was therefore under no obligation to provide them with military assistance. Sam moved on from one superpower to the next, The Order of the Paradox, as he realised that TOP was either going to go neutral or fight for the winning side of the war.

Actually, we'd probably even signed something with the NPO, and NPO even offered us a treaty. However, thanks to the TSO isolation strategy of your friend nc, (among others), we never heard again of Triyun. So yeah, leaving that isn't really a valid point.

Sam and his friends bade us farewell, then it was time for us to try and save what remained of MCXA. Our active membership was gutted, and the remaining members were leaving in droves.

Most of them were leaving because of the sickening atmosphere, created by a few :P

Despite this, I sensed that MCXA had an opportunity to reconsider its pathway, here. Public opinion was of quiet optimism towards us, and I thought we could build upon this. I genuinely believed that our government could reform MCXA, and we could forge our own destiny, act in our own interests and stop having our foreign policy dictated to us by NPO. I realised that MCXA's interests and Vox's interests were not mutually exclusive, but I also realised that many people wouldn't realise that at this point.

Yeah, and since you knew it better than anyone else, you had to go for it, and no matter what, force the MCXA to do something they don't want.

Therefore, I talked to Schattenmann once more and volunteered to work as an informant. I saw this as the best way to move MCXA away from NPO, because not only were the Vox Senate better equipped to help me transform MCXA, but I received a lot of intelligence from them that helped me to direct MCXA and understand world politics better.

During that term of government, I experienced terrible disappointment. Fresh's activity died down a lot, and the rest of MCXA's government went inactive. Fresh opposed all efforts to move away from NPO, and claimed that we would not move away from them as long as he was an MCXA member. With an inactive government, and a largely inactive membership, I could see MCXA was going nowhere. It was heartbreaking, and I disliked TSO all the more for it.

You dislike us for Fresh's opinions and activity level? Cool.

I immediately joined the Viridian Entente, and am currently fighting against the New Pacific Order.

If we accept loyalty to MCXA as faithfulness or devotion to it, then I beg you to consider who displayed loyalty to MCXA: I, the informer who worked not against MCXA, but to save it as dedicated Minister of Foreign Affairs, or those members of MCXA's government who were largely inactive and allowed an alliance of 700 members to crumble to nothing? Perhaps we could spend some time in reflection over the true meaning of loyalty... for not everything is, or has to be, so cut and dry.

There is no tl;dr. Read the thread if you want to know my story, don't read my thread if you don't want to know my story.

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You don´t get it, i know that you were in the thick of it and you had clearly more insight of any obvious MXCA internal but you have no idea of the motivations and reasons behind TSO move and again espicially not of global politics.

I´m not the man to speak for TSO here but i know it can be more then frustating to run an alliance of 80% inactives, to run into walls of blockading if you try to improve or change it. I know how it is to deal with selfish members, with members who think they can do better including enormous egos but no substance behind it.

The list goes on and on and that is only a part of the reasons why TSO formed, i´m not going into the global politics here.

I said in my post that there were several reasons for their departure, including high inactivity levels that they brought upon their own alliance. Please read what I say carefully.

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I said in my post that there were several reasons for their departure, including high inactivity levels that they brought upon their own alliance. Please read what I say carefully.

How can you bring high inactivity levels upon your own alliance? Yeah right, with a !@#$%* atmosphere. With people creating backrooms with the only purpose to bully the $%&@ out of other Members. I have talked to a few people that used to be inactive because of exactly these reasons.

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Francesca, I do not have the time or the inclincation to cut down the sea of sensationlist spin and blatant lies and given your track record of deceiving people and good ol' fashioned fibbing -- I don't have to. Besides, I agree with the sentiments put forth by most of the respondants in this thread anyways. The sad part is most of them weren't even around when the MCXA split transpired and they seem to have more of a clue than you.

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