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New Australasian Coalition discussions.

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Anthony Davis had contacted the membership of the Australasian Coalition on a telephone conference call, "Lady and Gentry, It's been a while since we've talked as a coalition, some new issues are arising in the region that need to be addressed regarding our protectorate. Acelin von Berg, a leader of a local government in the Indonesian region has approached me about wanting to take the old lands of Tanis and to bring a sort of organization to the region. I personally have no objection to this, but we need your input as joint occupants of the region. Likewise, Andonia has been requestion expansion space and is wondering if we might cede the west coast of the Siamese Peninsula to their expansion. I think they would be a good candidate to bring stability to that region. What say you on these matters?"

He lays out a map of the areas Acelin von Berg has in question...


Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Sarah sat alone in the darkened office and looked up at the screen where the map had been placed and where Davis was talking to the lot of leaders that were spread across the Coalition. She crossed her legs and placed her hand firmly beneath her face as she nodded. "Yes, I approve of the movement. Provided Mr. von Berg has good intentions to remain a stable power in the region, likewise with Andonia. Their recent election causes us some concern because we already have enough puppet states in the world and we do not need another one so close to the Hansa. However, yes, I can agree to both measures so long as my colleagues do as well. Perhaps even immediate economic treaties with Mr. von Berg and induction into the Coalition as well?"

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"I understand your concerns about Andonia, but we doubt their people would let their leadership do to much harm.. after all.. we've done so much for them. If I felt overly uncomfortable with it myself, I'd not be making this request. I think inviting him to the coalition and the economic treaties would definitely be polite. Would you like to be our face on this, Lady Protector?"

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Sarah nodded. "Yes I can do that, that's no trouble at all. I look forward to meeting with both the leader of Andonia and Mr. von Berg for a more in depth meeting about their futures in Indonesia and in Asia in general. But, I don't mind helping them out in anyway possible. The Hansa has always tried to bring some sense of stability to this part of Asia whether with or without the world's consent so, I for one am extremely happy that new, free and independent states are being born."

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General Davies considered the map in question. "Can we confirm that the region is now stable? That this is what the people there truly wish? If so, I have no problem with releasing this area to them. This is what we have held it for in the first place."

He considered the other proposal. "Although we should wait a few months to invite them to become a full member of the AC, to see what kind of policies they will set, I would have no objection to giving them an observer's seat."

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He considered the other proposal. "Although we should wait a few months to invite them to become a full member of the AC, to see what kind of policies they will set, I would have no objection to giving them an observer's seat."

"Yes a much better idea. A waiting period is a very good idea to see if the nation can support itself as many nations that form in the world also fall back into anarchy only months after their birth. But I will agree to the observer seat, thank you General Davies for putting that on the table."

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"Not a problem, then with 3/4 of the coalition in favor I guess the movement to liberate Indonesia is formed. I will relay the news to Acelin von Berg."

"The next question is about Siam, Subtle has yet to address this yet. Do we want to Allow Andonia to expand to the west coast of the Siamese Peninsula? They are running out of space on the island for their growing population."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"The next question is about Siam, Subtle has yet to address this yet. Do we want to Allow Andonia to expand to the west coast of the Siamese Peninsula? They are running out of space on the island for their growing population."

"Chairman forgive my pardon, but I would like Andonia to speak to us personally about this kind of land transfer. Mr. von Berg is the client of a new nation, just arriving on the world's stage. Andonia is a nation with sometimes a rather questionable history. I will not approve of any land transfer until I at least get the chance to speak with Andonian leadership."

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"Yes a much better idea. A waiting period is a very good idea to see if the nation can support itself as many nations that form in the world also fall back into anarchy only months after their birth. But I will agree to the observer seat, thank you General Davies for putting that on the table."

Davies only smiled in response, awaiting Davis' input on the suggestion.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"Not a problem, then with 3/4 of the coalition in favor I guess the movement to liberate Indonesia is formed. I will relay the news to Acelin von Berg."

"The next question is about Siam, Subtle has yet to address this yet. Do we want to Allow Andonia to expand to the west coast of the Siamese Peninsula? They are running out of space on the island for their growing population."

OOC: Um, it's not Subtleknifewielder talking to you right now...it's General Davies. Just so ya know. :)

"Chairman forgive my pardon, but I would like Andonia to speak to us personally about this kind of land transfer. Mr. von Berg is the client of a new nation, just arriving on the world's stage. Andonia is a nation with sometimes a rather questionable history. I will not approve of any land transfer until I at least get the chance to speak with Andonian leadership."
Ragnar Ruriksson walked into the room, a sheaf of files tucked under his arm. He bowed to the leaders in the room. " What is it that you would like to know?" he asked.

"For one, what plans, if any, do you have for the area, other than re-settling some of your overcrowded citizens?"

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We want to set up some culture centers, and improve the quality of life of the natives. They will be organised as a "state" within Andonia, with their own government and laws, like the Tamil Semi-Autonomous Zone in the lands Andonia currently controls. They would get representation within the Andonain Allthing that would be equal to the representation to the two current "states".

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"Sounds like a pretty fair arrangement for the people in the least. Any military development plans? H ow do you intend on protecting the region? Do you have any relations established yet with those who would be your new neighbors? They being the people of Siam and Khmer?" Anthony asked.

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"We will place installations along the borders of the new land, which will have well-trained guerilla operatives who will bog down any enemy advance until the main army can reach them.In the meantime, all citizens will be evacuated to a neutral country. Then the army will fight the enemy, while limiting property damage as much as possible."

Edited by freakwars
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"Well Andonian entrance in the Dragon Empire proper, I see no problem with Andonian stability becoming a problem, though their military record seems a bit over done in my opinion, I will vote to cede the Western side of the Malay Peninsula to Andonia." Sarah sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Now gentlemen, I would like to bring another issue to the table. As you all know, the Australasian Coalition is dominated by mainly three nations, now that New Cymru has descended into civil war. The metropolis of Singapore lays at the tip of the Peninsula, this city can very well act as its own country, let alone as just part of a state or province of either one of our great countries. I suggest that Singapore be declared a free-city, a co-prosperity zone of the Coalition that all of our nations can gain from the enormous economic benefit of the the free-state."

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"Well Andonian entrance in the Dragon Empire proper, I see no problem with Andonian stability becoming a problem, though their military record seems a bit over done in my opinion, I will vote to cede the Western side of the Malay Peninsula to Andonia." Sarah sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Now gentlemen, I would like to bring another issue to the table. As you all know, the Australasian Coalition is dominated by mainly three nations, now that New Cymru has descended into civil war. The metropolis of Singapore lays at the tip of the Peninsula, this city can very well act as its own country, let alone as just part of a state or province of either one of our great countries. I suggest that Singapore be declared a free-city, a co-prosperity zone of the Coalition that all of our nations can gain from the enormous economic benefit of the the free-state."
"The Dragon Empire will likely agree to this, but we need to have elections before we know who is to make such decisions. Consider it temporarily agreed to and we'll finalize it once elections are held."

"We have no issue with giving the Andonians the land in question."

"Now, about this new proposal. Promised Land holds such a city with New Cymru in the form of Melbourne. Though admittedly, being on our souther coast it's not as centrally located as Singapore, it has the advantage of having been established for some time now. If you like, and if New Cymru agrees, we can use this city instead."

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