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The rise of Dragon Empire of Asia? (Dragon Bloc Asian and Pacific Members only invited)

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The King of Cochin read the draft of the merger and is satisfied. He was relegating his sovereignty but it was for a greater good, a unified Asia. As the largest nation in Dragon Bloc he knew that Cochin will be contributing a lot to this Dragon Empire. So be it.

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The Kingdom of Cochin does not support the above mentioned Bill of Rights. They go against the very tenets of our monarchy. Subjects of Cochin are accorded freedom of life, education, prosperity and personal advancement. They do not have any rights to speak or act against the established governance. They have freedom of thought but not absolute freedom of speech.

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OOC: holy crap, this took me 20 minutes to read! I hope this is the last time I fall behind...

ooc: Given it's all comintern protectorates.. chances are transit, structural issues, communications, etc... would not be a problem.

OOC: Only if you always remain at least on nuetral terms with the ComIntern. If you should ever grow hostile...you get the idea.

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OOC: holy crap, this took me 20 minutes to read! I hope this is the last time I fall behind...

OOC: Only if you always remain at least on nuetral terms with the ComIntern. If you should ever grow hostile...you get the idea.

OOC:Dragonisia is a member of ComIntern

Edited by freakwars
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OOC: I'm just going to pretend I was in the back of the room for the meeting, thereby avoiding having to RP who I am, my entrance, etc...


To: Fellow Pacific and Asian neighbors

From: The Republic of Yawoo

Thank you for the invitation to join the Dragon Empire, however, due to the newness of the Republic, Chancellor von Berg feels it is in the country's best interest to focus on itself for awhile.

Respectfully submitted,

Dennis Paliz

Senior Ambassador, Republic of Yawoo

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