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WarriorConcept Q&A


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Yes, you need to go again :P

Not really, I didn't know about Water Cooler when I made my nation, and never really visit that part of these forums much anyway.

Hmm i dunno if you use it over there - was thinking of Water Closet, which is posh for toilet ;)

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Come on now, did you honestly think we would support you in the Unjust War? Or was it more of an expression of desire? Deep in your mind you must have known the NPO was going to do what it did. It was the right thing to do after all, morally and politically.

The logs of your constant crying, your disappointment and your warped feeling of betrayal have been one of the funniest experiences for me in the game, I must tell you. It almost seemed forced. What were you expecting?

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I'd have to say Boxxy is the epic of all epic fails.

WC, I am sorry, I wish I stayed in NSO long enough to coup Sileath for you :v

My question is this, can you forgive me?

He's not here anymore, so yes.

Hmm i dunno if you use it over there - was thinking of Water Closet, which is posh for toilet ;)

Don't really call it that here I'm glad to say.

Do you see TOP getting rolled this summer?

If the answer is yes, do you believe MHA got out in time or do you think they will get rolled at some later date also?

No, people need more time to reload before the next conflict.

Can you explain why you mention NPO thrice in your signature?

3 medals

Thoughts on cupcakery?

We have enough leaders in there that we can practically run a lot of CN if we wanted to to do something.

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Thoughts on thickness, Tom DeLay, and the meaning of life?

I heard it gives heart attacks.


I think of the meaning of life as a reason to fulfill normal human curiosity, whether that be potential in sports, business, life, enjoyment is all the same. Life is for experience, don't waste it.

How do you feel about Cheyenne?

Awesome dude nowadays, very chill

Come on now, did you honestly think we would support you in the Unjust War? Or was it more of an expression of desire? Deep in your mind you must have known the NPO was going to do what it did. It was the right thing to do after all, morally and politically.

The logs of your constant crying, your disappointment and your warped feeling of betrayal have been one of the funniest experiences for me in the game, I must tell you. It almost seemed forced. What were you expecting?

Considering Moo said he would, I'd kind of have had to had considered it. Granted the hope kinda faded when we started receiving intel from the secret ~ forums before the war started of them helping coordinate all the fronts along with our also at the time allies MCXA, and possibly NATO though I can't recall if they were there or not. Probably deep down I should've and did know that the NPO was going to do it, but I assumed it would've been further down the line since we assumed there was a big wedge between Moo and ES, which was proven to be true later on anyway. Morally it was not the right thing to do, and I've had enough conversations in private with NPO leadership over the years to know they agreed it was so as well, though I'm not permitted to share the logs. Politically they wanted to save their own asses and gain some more political capital by attacking GOLD in order to be able to set up tC later on and not lose out on too much influence by ES.

I suppose I was expecting an honorable ally whom I could trust, granted I've learned my lesson about NPO now.

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Thank you for your honest answer. I believe the ones who shared a personal friendship with you still have their regrets about what they did and they were vocal in their dissatisfaction with what was happening.

The fact the NPO didn't die after UJW but died after letting Polar get taken out sort of proves that it was a good decision to make. A GOONS dominated world was just something we couldn't let happen. The last few years of NPO rule would have looked benevolent in the face of protracted GOONS hegemony. I wanted GOONS to die, so I guess we'll never see eye to eye there.

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What do you think drives certain groups of players to the extremes they do within this game, not only in terms of how seriously they take it, but the harsh measures they undertake, and how do you feel about it?

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I like you do you like me?

Szrly, your name is one of the main ones I remember from back in 06-07.

Your red team alliance stuff is fun, we need more conflicts.

Also thanks.

What do you think drives certain groups of players to the extremes they do within this game, not only in terms of how seriously they take it, but the harsh measures they undertake, and how do you feel about it?

I believe what makes those groups do what they do, is the underlying fact that they feel like they have to do it. In their eyes their fellow players in opposite groups, allies, and even their own alliance members are really just pawns in order for them to truly play this like a game, disregarding the fact that those people can sometimes have emotions and feelings too.

However on the flip side there is the fact that this is a game and no one is seriously being hurt by losing pixels, so the moral outrageous can only be applied when the people feel that the punishment is exceeding the "crime" and is therefore being detrimental at whole to the whole game, which would imply that those people are then going OOC in their defense of an IC character. Naturally though since we're all simulating nation leaders we can also voice our concerns IC or even attack or rally IC, which in essence really justifies just how much different people in the world are and how this is considered a Global Political Simulator, you can do as much as you want but your actions will have consequences and the wise ones know how to maneuver.

Regarding how I feel about it, I think I've made my objections over EZI and the such well known. As for harsh terms and the like people have to accept that you're trying to be a national leader here, and a good leader will do his utmost to prevent a "curbstomping" and such for his nation and perhaps alliance as well. He predicts, prepares, and plans. If you're not set up properly for a war, whether with political capital, allies, war chests, then you have only yourself to blame and should try to get some mercy.

Why not Frostbite, SF and CnG all together on same side?

I just can't see the cultures mixing together at all.

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Dear WC,

1) Can I have some pro tips?

2) Can I borrow like.......50 million CN dollars?

3) I've spent the vast majority of my time here in a microalliance, and oft find myself being pwnd by nubs or real nobodies from a major alliance. It's sometimes fun and sometimes not.

That being said: What is your thought on a numeric definition for defining an "alliance". I am of the school of thought that this game is made or broken here on the boards, and that interaction and contribution to the community-at-large here should be a greater factor in recognizing someones "authority" to be an alliance than pure numbers. What say ye? (p.s. my opinion is 100% unbiased)

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What side do you yourself on with the next war?

Which sphere do you like to be on the most?

Why are RIA things something you sign?

Any alliances you miss besides \m/?

I like you, do you like me?

You live in New York City? where?

If yes to that ^. Can I stalk you?

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Dear WC,

1) Can I have some pro tips?

2) Can I borrow like.......50 million CN dollars?

3) I've spent the vast majority of my time here in a microalliance, and oft find myself being pwnd by nubs or real nobodies from a major alliance. It's sometimes fun and sometimes not.

That being said: What is your thought on a numeric definition for defining an "alliance". I am of the school of thought that this game is made or broken here on the boards, and that interaction and contribution to the community-at-large here should be a greater factor in recognizing someones "authority" to be an alliance than pure numbers. What say ye? (p.s. my opinion is 100% unbiased)

1. Yes

2. No

3. It is true that the forums can make or break this game easily, and at times has. However insofar as how some alliances are recognized depends on their ability to impose their thoughts as a power base that others wouldn't touch. You have to be ready to defend yourself and have possibly allies as a deterrence. The political reality is that going solo is just setting yourself up to be attacked quite frankly, and as a nation leader or even an alliance leader it's your responsibility to prevent that from happening.

Why did you quit your application to gremlins?

Forgot about the promise to Dilber then remembered

Why has Mussolandia asked all the good questions?

He was around at the time.

What side do you yourself on with the next war?

Which sphere do you like to be on the most?

Why are RIA things something you sign?

Any alliances you miss besides \m/?

I like you, do you like me?

You live in New York City? where?

If yes to that ^. Can I stalk you?

The side that uses common sense.

I'm liking aqua right now, very easy to get trades.

I was in RIA before for a while

GOONS, Genmay, NAAC, and a few others I'm sure I can't recall right now.


I don't.

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