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You're viewed by many to be naught more than an alliance dedicated to being fanboys to certain hegemony alliances. Do you feel this is merited? Are you interested in changing that perception, and if yes, how will you go about it?

I think that oppinion is very far from the truth. We went into this war to help our ally and our friend TPF nothing more nothing less. Like we would have done for MHA or LOSS who were also our treaty partners.

We ended up in the middle of a war however we value our friendships and we are very close to TPF. Mhawk is a good leader and TPF have brilliant members.

Dont think for one second we are "fanboys" when we sign treaties we mean them whichever side they land us in a war and there is nothing more powerful in CN than that bond.



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While I do thank you for addressing part of my post, I think you may have unintentionally skipped over one of them. Are you interested in changing that perception, and if so, how?

Edited for clarity.

Edited by Balder
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There were many lessons learned but what is Zenith proud of regarding the last conflict?

Also, I second qh's question...

I'm not sure "proud" is quite the right word, but for many of us, it was our first conflict, and we had a good time with it while it lasted. Also, with several of our war staff leaving immediately prior to the war (as in, a couple hours before we entered the war), I think we can be proud of those who stepped up to the plate, especially for our MoDef, Christian.

Is there a time frame in mind for Zenith to cease claiming to be the Pinnacle of alliances now that Olympus is so clearly the Pinnacle-ier now?

What have you been smoking?

While I do thank you for addressing part of my post, I think you may have unintentionally skipped over one of them. Are you interested in changing that perception, and if so, how?

First to clarify a few points from SunTzuWannabe, no, we do not consider ourselves to be "fanboys" of TPF. We're not the kind of alliance that latches itself on to what we perceive as the powers that be (otherwise we might have made more connections within Continuum, but we didn't, did we), but rather strive to make good relationships with other alliances. Say all you want about TPF, but the bottom line for us is that TPF are damn good allies, and that's what we value: people who will stick up for one another. Also, while I am aware that TPF has something of a less-than-desirable reputation for the majority of the CN community, I think they are not the same alliance they once were, and it would be wise for the CN community to recognize that.

To answer your question, I do not think we are interested in proactively changing the perception that we are fanboys of TPF. The fact of the matter is, we're not "fanboys", but those who wish to slander us will continue to think of us as fanboys regardless of whatever we say. We don't like to waste our time convincing the less intelligent of our position in the Cyberverse.

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How do you feel about the dark templar?

Are there any alliances that you plan on moving closer to or away from as a result of this war?

Are there any plans to bring white closer together post war?

Binge Drinking beer: Busch Lite/Keystone?

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How do you feel about the dark templar?

Are there any alliances that you plan on moving closer to or away from as a result of this war?

Are there any plans to bring white closer together post war?

Binge Drinking beer: Busch Lite/Keystone?

1. Neutral. We haven't really ever talked to you guys.

2. Some of this actually already happened. LoSS did some of the work for us, and we canceled treaties with TAB and MHA (not directly as a result of the war, but the fact that we were on opposite sides of the war didn't exactly help relations). Also, we recently signed a treaty with NADC who were very helpful to us during the war. There are a few other developments going on, but nothing that was caused by the war, per se. I think we'd be open to starting relations with some of our past combatants (such as Argent).

3. Yes and no. SNOW is currently undergoing some restructuring which may bring white closer together, although that's not its express purpose.

4. Saranac. I don't care how much it is, I want it to at least taste good.

Edited by Ferrous
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I'm not sure "proud" is quite the right word, but for many of us, it was our first conflict, and we had a good time with it while it lasted. Also, with several of our war staff leaving immediately prior to the war (as in, a couple hours before we entered the war), I think we can be proud of those who stepped up to the plate, especially for our MoDef, Christian.

What have you been smoking?

First to clarify a few points from SunTzuWannabe, no, we do not consider ourselves to be "fanboys" of TPF. We're not the kind of alliance that latches itself on to what we perceive as the powers that be (otherwise we might have made more connections within Continuum, but we didn't, did we), but rather strive to make good relationships with other alliances. Say all you want about TPF, but the bottom line for us is that TPF are damn good allies, and that's what we value: people who will stick up for one another. Also, while I am aware that TPF has something of a less-than-desirable reputation for the majority of the CN community, I think they are not the same alliance they once were, and it would be wise for the CN community to recognize that.

To answer your question, I do not think we are interested in proactively changing the perception that we are fanboys of TPF. The fact of the matter is, we're not "fanboys", but those who wish to slander us will continue to think of us as fanboys regardless of whatever we say. We don't like to waste our time convincing the less intelligent of our position in the Cyberverse.

Thank you for your more complete answer.

Do you believe that your alliance is a major power on the white sphere? If so, why?

Do you believe that your alliance is an influencing factor on global politics as a whole? If so, why?

If you could change one thing about yourselves or your past what would it be?

If you could change one thing about Cybernations as a whole, be it the community, the game itself, or anything within that scope, what would it be?

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Excellent questions, Balder.

Do you believe that your alliance is a major power on the white sphere? If so, why?

We are a major factor on the white sphere. With such giants as TPF, TOOL, FEAR, STA, and others, in terms of size, we are small fries in comparison. However, what we lack in the size department, we make up for with better than average group cohesion & activity, excellent diplomacy, and experienced leadership. Plus, we are well connected to most major white alliances. Anyone looking at the white sphere will definitely have to consider us as important factors.

Do you believe that your alliance is an influencing factor on global politics as a whole? If so, why?

I think the previous answer applies here as well. Do we exert influence on global politics? I'd say yes, to a reasonable degree.

If you could change one thing about yourselves or your past what would it be?

Well, every organization is on-going learning experience. So I'd say that the only changes we wish for are ones created by continued growth and by applying the lessons learned.

If you could change one thing about Cybernations as a whole, be it the community, the game itself, or anything within that scope, what would it be?

I could spend all day ruminating on all the possibilities, but for a short answer, I'd say we're quite happy with the way things are and that we tend to deal with with what we have now, rather than a lot of what-ifs.

Balder, thank you for your interest. I hope I've managed to answer your questions sufficiently but feel free to ask what ever you'd like to know. Also, stop by our IRC sometime. We'd love to have you.

IRC, coldfront: #Zenith

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Coke or Pepsi?

Pepsi. Especially Pepsi Throwback. But my true love is Dr. Pepper.

Can I have chocolate?

Sure, there's some in my office.

You're viewed by many to be naught more than an alliance dedicated to being fanboys to certain hegemony alliances. Do you feel this is merited? Are you interested in changing that perception, and if yes, how will you go about it?

No, I don't believe it is merited, but I frankly don't care. The fact of the matter is that where people sit determines where they stand. Rok and TPF had issues leading up to the war, resulting in the cancellation of that treaty. Since Zenith is an ally of TPF and Rok canceled a treaty with them, it makes sense that Rok and Rok's friends wouldn't like Zenith very much and vice versa. Now that a war is actually going on, Zenith friends are actually at war with Rok's friends. It's perfectly understandable for us not to be totally civil in public because it's our job to wave the flag of our side. If people on "your side" were rooting for Zenith, that would mean that I, as one of the public faces of Zenith, probably wasn't doing my job correctly because I was backing the "enemy" more than our allies. This goes for any of Zenith's other allies who are often forgotten by the TPF haters (Old Guard, TFD, NADC, TORN, FEAR, TOOL, GUN, HA). The job of an ally is to support it's allies in public. Your question is frankly horse manure because it's insinuating that there is something wrong with supporting one's allies.

However, once the war ends, I would hope that alliances from the Karma side would realize the difference between war related posturing and actual malice. The fact of the matter is that Zenith sees itself as having many friends and very few actual enemies. We made a conscious effort before the war to make it obvious whose side we were on so there would be no question from the time came. Sure, it made some people mad at us, but at least we weren't pretending to be neutral while secretly finding the right time to strike.

Your views on Athens and C&G?

Athens has some good people in it, but I really haven't had that much contact with them or any Aqua alliances other than GUN. C & G are good people as I personally admire MK and Vanguard quite a bit and am developing quite a lot of respect for Greenland Republic.

Is there a time frame in mind for Zenith to cease claiming to be the Pinnacle of alliances now that Olympus is so clearly the Pinnacle-ier now? :P

Dream on.

There were many lessons learned but what is Zenith proud of regarding the last conflict?

Also, I second qh's question...

I'm proud of how members of Zenith stepped up to help us compensate for the members of our government and military that left at the eleventh hour.

How do you feel about the dark templar?

Are there any alliances that you plan on moving closer to or away from as a result of this war?

Are there any plans to bring white closer together post war?

Binge Drinking beer: Busch Lite/Keystone?

The name is cool, but I haven't really had any contact with DT.

As Ferrous said, the war helped us a lot in the treaty streamlining department. It cemented the fact that we no longer had enough in common with TAB and MHA to support relations with them.

In terms of moving closer to alliances, I personally gained a lot of respect for Argent, Poison Clan, and RAD. The first two, I feel we have too many ideological differences to ever really be close, but they made worthy and respectful opponents. RAD turned out to be great guys, and I'd love to normalize relations with them. Other alliances that impressed me were NADC (for backing us in the war), TSO (for being class acts), Valhalla (for offering us help when they weren't obligated to do it), and SSSW18, NEW, and the rest of the TPF family (for going to the mat for TPF).

I don't really drink, so neither. I like Corona.

Thank you for your more complete answer.

1. Do you believe that your alliance is a major power on the white sphere? If so, why?

2. Do you believe that your alliance is an influencing factor on global politics as a whole? If so, why?

3. If you could change one thing about yourselves or your past what would it be?

4. If you could change one thing about Cybernations as a whole, be it the community, the game itself, or anything within that scope, what would it be?

1. In terms of numbers, no. But we have a lot of talent and experience, so we could definitely do a lot for white. Right now, we're helping to revitalize SNOW.

2. No, I personally don't think so, but that's not really our goal. We're content with not being a mover or a shaker, we just want to be.

3. I would have liked to have had the members of our government and deputy corps that deserted us stay in the alliance. We were basically dead before we even got going.

4. I hate the rule that automatically recalls your soldiers when your opponent gets a defeat alert on you. It's neutered me a couple times.

Edited by Duncan King
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Are you planning to revive the podcast anytime soon? Perhaps with Mr. Otingocni as a co-host to DK?

More pod casts would be cool. But they'd be cooler without me. (I have a funny voice. Shhhh) Maybe if I could get James Earl Jones to read for me.

But the last pod casts were pretty good, I hope to see more.

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Balder, thank you for your interest. I hope I've managed to answer your questions sufficiently but feel free to ask what ever you'd like to know. Also, stop by our IRC sometime. We'd love to have you.

IRC, coldfront: #Zenith

You have answered them quite sufficiently, thank you for that and I do appreciate the offer for me to come down but I'm not sure I'd exactly be very welcome by some of your leaders do to some past events that we did not... see eye to eye on.

Thank you for the offer again though.

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I read that one government is open to relations with us and the other thinks there are too many idealogical differences, so I guess my question is what is Zenith's "official" opinion of Argent?

Frankly, we were impressed with you guys from the war. You guys fought well, and we got along with a number of our combatants, who were rather charming for the most part. However, we haven't really talked about Argent a whole lot since the war since we've had other issues on our plate. If Argent approached us about establishing a concrete relationship, I think we would seriously consider it, despite our differing allied partners. However, given our different political positions, it is not a relationship that we would proactively pursue.

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