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TPF notice.

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miss the part where i said?

(emphasis added)

This thread obviously was action that was able to be taken, and could have been taken by any government member in TPF that acknoledged that he was no longer a member and that you were taking actions as quickly as could be done....

hence, appropriate action was taken within the deadline.

You missed the part where had he demanded a public statement we would easily have obliged, that is not what was stated. Instead it was required he be demasked, which was impossible without his cooperation and for us to remove member privilages, which was also impossible had I left early this morning (ooc there was thunderstorm so i didn't go on my trip).

I made this thread in full anticipation for sponge attacking assuming we would not be able to meet his deadline.

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I suppose giving a deadline like that might seem malicious, mhawk, but at the same time not everyone takes into account the unexpected variables that you brought up.

As straightforward as sponge was, knowing the members of Frostbite, I'm certain if something like that had been brought to their attention they would have been understanding.

You guys are handling your business, they're handling theirs. Done and done.

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You missed the part where had he demanded a public statement we would easily have obliged, that is not what was stated.

well if it wasn't stated of course i missed it :P

Instead it was required he be demasked, which was impossible without his cooperation and for us to remove member privilages, which was also impossible had I left early this morning (ooc there was thunderstorm so i didn't go on my trip).

just reread the logs again. says if he's not truely a member then his access needs to be removed, otherwise we'd declare war.

I pretty much see that as you need to prove he's not a member by removing his membership privilges, otherwise how do we know he's not still actually a member?

Publicly stating he's not a member and that you are planning to remove those when it is timely possible accomplishes the same thing as the request, even though it wasn't stated as such.

I made this thread in full anticipation for sponge attacking assuming we would not be able to meet his deadline.

I kinda figured you made this thread to publicly state that slayer wasn't a member in an effort to resolve a situation inside a deadline that you at the time felt you may not be able to reach.

I didn't figure you for a man that would waste his time posting something if he fully anticipated that it wouldn't suffice.

I could nit pick this to death with you all day long, but it still comes down to the situation was resolved. TPF did what any good alliance does and resolved the situation. tLC did what every alliance in the past has done, except ES was very blunt about it. Well, ES is blunt. thats who he is, and he's not likely to change. You dont like his attitude, fine, thats your right, and i respect it, but please don't act like any other alliance on bob would be a-ok if a rogue still appeared to have all the privileges that are granted only to membership, especially one that was a founder/gov/exgov/whateverslayerwas.

EDIT: also, love to continue this, but i gotta get some sleep before work.

Edited by Kung Fu Geeks
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well if it wasn't stated of course i missed it :P

just reread the logs again. says if he's not truely a member then his access needs to be removed, otherwise we'd declare war.

I pretty much see that as you need to prove he's not a member by removing his membership privilges, otherwise how do we know he's not still actually a member?

Publicly stating he's not a member and that you are planning to remove those when it is timely possible accomplishes the same thing as the request, even though it wasn't stated as such.

I kinda figured you made this thread to publicly state that slayer wasn't a member in an effort to resolve a situation inside a deadline that you at the time felt you may not be able to reach.

I didn't figure you for a man that would waste his time posting something if he fully anticipated that it wouldn't suffice.

I could nit pick this to death with you all day long, but it still comes down to the situation was resolved. TPF did what any good alliance does and resolved the situation. tLC did what every alliance in the past has done, except ES was very blunt about it. Well, ES is blunt. thats who he is, and he's not likely to change. You dont like his attitude, fine, thats your right, and i respect it, but please don't act like any other alliance on bob would be a-ok if a rogue still appeared to have all the privileges that are granted only to membership, especially one that was a founder/gov/exgov/whateverslayerwas.

EDIT: also, love to continue this, but i gotta get some sleep before work.

I didn't state any alliance would be ok. Slayer was out of the alliance when he posted his resignation and when he switched AA. My point to make was in regards to your post's attitude which was quite demeaning towards us. You and I were allies for nearly two years. Good luck to you guys.

Edited by mhawk
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You missed the part where had he demanded a public statement we would easily have obliged, that is not what was stated. Instead it was required he be demasked, which was impossible without his cooperation and for us to remove member privilages, which was also impossible had I left early this morning (ooc there was thunderstorm so i didn't go on my trip).

I made this thread in full anticipation for sponge attacking assuming we would not be able to meet his deadline.

You really can't be faulted for taking every precaution in regards to your alliance's safety. Given Sponge's blunt manner of speaking, I can see why you'd be worried. While it seems silly to tell you this again, you're not in any danger of being attacked by my alliance and you weren't in any danger after measures were taken to remove the rogue. I wasn't offended by your desire to make absolutely certain of that fact by posting this thread, though perhaps some people were? Honestly, I would probably have done the exact same thing in your situation. I don't understand why either side needs to pick at the points further.

Edited by Penguin
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Hopefully all the processes to change domain go well and without incident. It always takes time to remove a root admin and/or change domain control

If need any help, don't hesitate to call us

o/ TPF, our brothers

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Slayer leaves the game (shocking!). He goes rogue on Sponge, who then very bluntly (again, shocking!) makes sure that Slayer is actually a rogue and not just attacking him while retaining his position in TPF. The situation is resolved.

Why is this controversial? Or are we just looking for excuses to attack Frosbite because it's zomg evil Sponge?

Delta is right again !

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Dear TPF,

Save your self righteous whining for another thread. As much as I dislike Sponge (and I really really dislike Sponge) this is an entirely legitimate grievance. It's no fault of Sponge's or Frostbite's that a long time, outspoken member of your alliance decided to go rogue and cause you all this trouble. That is entirely on Slayer's shoulders. Deal with it. All you are accomplishing by keeping this thread going is making yourselves look like oblivious asses. Leave that to AUT.



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Dear TPF,

Save your self righteous whining for another thread. As much as I dislike Sponge (and I really really dislike Sponge) this is an entirely legitimate grievance. It's no fault of Sponge's or Frostbite's that a long time, outspoken member of your alliance decided to go rogue and cause you all this trouble. That is entirely on Slayer's shoulders. Deal with it. All you are accomplishing by keeping this thread going is making yourselves look like oblivious asses. Leave that to AUT.



Dear Daikos,

Thank you for informing us of what we stated in the op and several times in this thread.

Your Favorite Antagonist,


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I've declined to read this thread to avoid the Slayer-bashing, as I'm sure many of you have done.

Slayer was my mentor when I first began Veritas Aequitas and he and TBB took us under their wing. I owe a lot to Slayer for how VA has turned out.

Aside from his current actions, I'll always be in debt to Slayer.


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This thread is retarded, it's basicaly

Mhawk - This is what happened, so we did this, public notice as we cant actually get it done fully at the moment

Frostbite - Ok that is fine, thanks for the help etc


Frostbite/TPF - I see bait from a clear windup merchant, nom nom nom on the bait

Good work to TPF for resolving this issue, and frostbite for showing there unity early on. Also good job MK, the might of our war machine meant slayer wouldn't even consider hitting our king. o/

Edited by MagicalTrevor
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This thread is retarded, it's basicaly

Mhawk - This is what happened, so we did this, public notice as we cant actually get it done fully at the moment

Frostbite - Ok that is fine, thanks for the help etc


Frostbite/TPF - I see bait from a clear windup merchant, nom nom nom on the bait

Good work to TPF for resolving this issue, and frostbite for showing there unity early on. Also good job MK, the might of our war machine meant slayer wouldn't even consider hitting our king. o/

This post is a great summary. Should be moved to the OP as a tl;dr

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Good work to TPF for resolving this issue, and frostbite for showing there unity early on. Also good job MK, the might of our war machine meant slayer wouldn't even consider hitting our king. o/

I already hit Archon once at the beginning of the war. Besides, I like Archon....my nukes are aimed at those I don't like (and I'm not nuking any Farkers unless nuked first...besides, if they nuke me they won't be able to take my remaining tech).

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I already hit Archon once at the beginning of the war. Besides, I like Archon....my nukes are aimed at those I don't like (and I'm not nuking any Farkers unless nuked first...besides, if they nuke me they won't be able to take my remaining tech).

I consider it highly probable that Fark would rather nuke you.

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That calmer heads in FB prevailed, I am not the slightest bit surprised, you have good leaders. That some of us took umbrage with the Old School fist in your face diplomatic approach directed at us and looked into our history books mirrors and found parallels? You can't be the slightest bit surprised.

Fixed that for you, OBM. ;)

This thread has gone beyond stupid. Almost makes me long for the 'Request Lock' days.

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