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TPF notice.

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Au contraire, herr Concept. We were threatened with an alliance war and given specific instructions on what it would take to not have all of Frostbite up our Hizzy. And that fact was reiterated by the esteemed member from STA early in that thread.

They threatened someone who has 700,000 different alliances already piledriving them. Now they are indignant. I have never heard that song before.


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Yes, asking privately for a rogue to be fully removed from their alliance is outrageous. I blame Sponge for badly influencing the rest of us in Frostbite.

Asking. Hahahahahahaha.

[08:34] <electron_sponge> if he's truly not a member of TPF his access needs to be removed today

[08:34] <electron_sponge> otherwise we'll be declaring war

You may also want to make sure that you've seen the rest of the convo prior to speaking further.

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Au contraire, herr Concept. We were threatened with an alliance war and given specific instructions on what it would take to not have all of Frostbite up our Hizzy. And that fact was reiterated by the esteemed member from STA early in that thread.

They threatened someone who has 700,000 different alliances already piledriving them. Now they are indignant. I have never heard that song before.


I am trying to figure out what part of my argument you're disagreeing with at the moment. Can you explain how the common sense and logic behind the move have been changed from the beginning of this situation to now when we're "indignant."

You're really trying to grasp for straws right now and I'm sure even those above you would agree on this assessment.

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Asking. Hahahahahahaha.

[08:34] <electron_sponge> if he's truly not a member of TPF his access needs to be removed today

[08:34] <electron_sponge> otherwise we'll be declaring war

You may also want to make sure that you've seen the rest of the convo prior to speaking further.

Aren't you ignoring all the instances in this thread where I and others have stated we're satisfied that you're working out the issue and are not going to attack you because it takes a little bit longer to remove a root admin?

Edited by Penguin
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Asking. Hahahahahahaha.

[08:34] <electron_sponge> if he's truly not a member of TPF his access needs to be removed today

[08:34] <electron_sponge> otherwise we'll be declaring war

You may also want to make sure that you've seen the rest of the convo prior to speaking further.

Everyone in this thread has seen the convo, as it's present in the OP. Trying to play that card at this stage in the argument is really demeaning to any basis you may have towards how effective your propaganda is going to be taken.

Also would care to point out the part where he wasn't asking in private? If mhawk didn't want to he really didn't have to, and at this point I don't think he'd care about some more NS hitting TPF if it'd questions his morals on the issue, as he's one who will stand up for what he believes in regardless if it's a smart move or not.

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Must be a...


Honestly, I do not believe what was requested was really out of line and the issue has been resolved. Arguing about it now seems moot.

Its Moo. Its a cows opinion, it doesnt matter.

Also, you must be new to OWF...This is what we do.

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They threatened someone who has 700,000 different alliances already piledriving them. Now they are indignant. I have never heard that song before.

Ok guys, the pity card, outdated. Please stop using it. Like TPF has never curb stomped someone. Please... for the love of Admin, don't try the pity card.

Seriously, this was resolved, why are you still talking?

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It appears. Without getting into all of the side chatter and such.

That two alliance had an issue with a high-powered member of one going rogue. That member has since been dealt with by a sovereign alliance...as requested.

The only issue I would have is the thinly veiled threat; which was unneeded I believe.

Other than that.

o7 Frostbite and o7 TPF

For a fairly basic issue; There sure is a bit of hollerin' goin' around.

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Look up what root admin means, then get back to me. You aren't even trying anymore.

2 things.

A - Sponge did not say root admin, go read the begining of that conversation between Sponge and KK.

3 - Why does Root matter? Lets say I start an allaince. I know less than most soda cans about computers. (which is true, actually.) I farm out admin to another player because they know how to run these boards. Why couldn't I farm it out to a player of another alliance and why would my alliance be held to account for that players IC actions?

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With Slayer's history of "coming back" Sponge wanted to ensure that this "retirement" was the real thing, I suppose.

Just wondering exactly how many times Slayer has left TPF? Just curious, because in my book, handing over leadership and leaving an alliance are different actions entirely.

Your argument holds water like a colander.

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Aren't you ignoring all the instances in this thread where I and others have stated we're satisfied that you're working out the issue and are not going to attack you because it takes a little bit longer to remove a root admin?

No. He's not ignoring the other instances.

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I am trying to figure out what part of my argument you're disagreeing with at the moment. Can you explain how the common sense and logic behind the move have been changed from the beginning of this situation to now when we're "indignant."

You're really trying to grasp for straws right now and I'm sure even those above you would agree on this assessment.

The leader of one of your alliances came to us and lectured us on what it would take to not have us further piledrivelded. He was very technically specific on which specific actions that it would take, outside of PB, to not be jumped on. Many of the Frostbitten have commented subsequently that they would be ready to join in on said crushing under the circumstances. Many have criticized the leader of the alliance that threatened us, and the chorus of indignation has been very special.

Argument that communication was wrong? Not at all. Being threatening and completely technically specific on the terms under which that threat was made? Not so much.

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2 things.

A - Sponge did not say root admin, go read the begining of that conversation between Sponge and KK.

3 - Why does Root matter? Lets say I start an allaince. I know less than most soda cans about computers. (which is true, actually.) I farm out admin to another player because they know how to run these boards. Why couldn't I farm it out to a player of another alliance and why would my alliance be held to account for that players IC actions?


1.) Slayer isn't just a member of another alliance. He's a former leader of TPF who went rogue.

2.) The position of Root Admin can be used for influence. Sponge wants to ensure that isn't the case.

3.) Holding membership in 2 alliances is not allowed by most alliances as the visions and responsibilities can be blurred. This would be one such case.

Essentially, I believe it to be true, correct me if I'm wrong, Sponge wanted to be sure that Slayer wasn't forcing his personal agenda onto TPF by using his position of power on your forums. Is that evil?

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Essentially, I believe it to be true, correct me if I'm wrong, Sponge wanted to be sure that Slayer wasn't forcing his personal agenda onto TPF by using his position of power on your forums. Is that evil?

Oh, so now we're threatening war on them for their own good? It makes so much more sense now! <_<

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Slayer leaves the game (shocking!). He goes rogue on Sponge, who then very bluntly (again, shocking!) makes sure that Slayer is actually a rogue and not just attacking him while retaining his position in TPF. The situation is resolved.

Why is this controversial? Or are we just looking for excuses to attack Frosbite because it's zomg evil Sponge?

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The leader of one of your alliances came to us and lectured us on what it would take to not have us further piledrivelded. He was very technically specific on which specific actions that it would take, outside of PB, to not be jumped on. Many of the Frostbitten have commented subsequently that they would be ready to join in on said crushing under the circumstances. Many have criticized the leader of the alliance that threatened us, and the chorus of indignation has been very special.

Argument that communication was wrong? Not at all. Being threatening and completely technically specific on the terms under which that threat was made? Not so much.

Yes, your leader was told to take away the powers your rogue had. Yes, Frostbite would have moved together. Yes, even your leader and your fellow peers have even agreed that it was common sense that a person who did not have membership in your alliance did not have any more power or leverage in sad alliance. Do you see mhawk actually quivering in his boots over possibly losing some more infra over it? Honestly show your leader some more respect, he'll fight when he sees something that threatens how he operates or his morals and the fact that he compromised on this issue would be more ascribed to the request making complete sense and less so with losing some more NS.

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Slayer leaves the game (shocking!). He goes rogue on Sponge, who then very bluntly (again, shocking!) makes sure that Slayer is actually a rogue and not just attacking him while retaining his position in TPF. The situation is resolved.

Why is this controversial? Or are we just looking for excuses to attack Frosbite because it's zomg evil Sponge?

I think it's something to do with sponge being as bad as NPO.

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Oh, so now we're threatening war on them for their own good? It makes so much more sense now! <_<

In essence. Following Slayer down this path doesn't have a happy ending. Given if the case were he was forcing the issue onto TPF, or worse, TPF was supporting his decision, then they would have a real issue with TPF. But I was almost positive that was the obvious reason behind it. Maybe it needs spelled out...

tLC was ensuring TPF was not supporting the actions that Slayer undertook.

Furthermore, they wanted him removed from Root Admin to ensure he was not influencing members of TPF.

Good now?

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Or he was threatening war so the rogue who attacked him wouldn't have any influence over a whole alliance that he might be able to push to attack him? :rolleyes:

Because TPF, especially at this stage, is such a threat to Frostbite. And because Slayer is lying about leaving and is actually going to continue pulling all the strings from behind the curtain, right?

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1.) Slayer isn't just a member of another alliance. He's a former leader of TPF who went rogue.

2.) The position of Root Admin can be used for influence. Sponge wants to ensure that isn't the case.

3.) Holding membership in 2 alliances is not allowed by most alliances as the visions and responsibilities can be blurred. This would be one such case.

Essentially, I believe it to be true, correct me if I'm wrong, Sponge wanted to be sure that Slayer wasn't forcing his personal agenda onto TPF by using his position of power on your forums. Is that evil?

There's nothing evill at all about wanting assurance that Slayer was indeed rogue/not influential etc. I've said that several times in this thread already.

What I don't understand is how one allaince can dictate who is allowed on another alliances forums (or who has root admin for matter) or most importantly where a player can chat with their friends.

Edit: Terrible spelling

Edited by Roadie
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Because TPF, especially at this stage, is such a threat to Frostbite. And because Slayer is lying about leaving and is actually going to continue pulling all the strings from behind the curtain, right?

Kind of like they've been accusing Sponge (JABANPO) of having done for a year and a half. Man, that's good irony.

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Because TPF, especially at this stage, is such a threat to Frostbite. And because Slayer is lying about leaving and is actually going to continue pulling all the strings from behind the curtain, right?

Because no alliance has ever bounced back and taken up old grudges. And no alliance has ever appointed a former leader who rerolls to a govt position, right?

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