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TPF notice.

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With Slayer's history of "coming back" Sponge wanted to ensure that this "retirement" was the real thing, I suppose.

Slayer made it very clear that he would be leaving forever this time. That wasn't the case the last few times.

I'm leaving the game because my time is better spent on family =/= I don't have the time at the moment to adequately do everything being a leader entails. He never made an unequivocal statement that he was leaving the game entirely the few times he's temporarily stepped down. Good job trying to generalize his previous absences though.

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See ya slayer. Its fun to go out with a bang :P

Cut the guy some slack hes quitting the game it makes no difference to him and TPF shouldn't be punished as the site ownership and root admin is being transferred

( OMG I am defending TPF )

I agree with you and would like to add that if TLC had responded by declaring on TPF ... well, one more alliance declaring war on TPF would mean about as much as a fart in a tornado.

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Slayer made it very clear that he would be leaving forever this time. That wasn't the case the last few times.

I'm leaving the game because my time is better spent on family =/= I don't have the time at the moment to adequately do everything being a leader entails. He never made an unequivocal statement that he was leaving the game entirely the few times he's temporarily stepped down. Good job trying to generalize his previous absences though.

Then he should not (and didn't) have a problem handing over root admin to an actual TPF member to confirm he had really left this time. Your point?

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That happened because mhawk must have been worried that tLC would have hit them without making clear that progress was being made which he wasn't sure of apparently. Then people starting arguing about how it might be overkill and a pointless move against someone who's leaving Planet Bob.

Fair enough. I'll reiterate that this had been resolved as soon as it was clear an effort was being made. You need not worry about an attack from tLC over a rogue that you have dealt with in a timely fashion, whether that time is lengthier due to the unusual circumstances or not. As to those arguing over other points such as whether this was overkill, whether Sponge was/is evil, whether TPF was mean to them and deserves mean treatment in return, whether this thread was necessary, whether Slayer is really leaving this time, or anything else they think they can squeeze in here, there is little I can do about them other than say it is really not necessary. As far as I'm concerned, this thread served the purpose of getting your point across. I'm satisfied, you're satisfied, and we can each rest easy now that the issue is being resolved.

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Not at all. I'm more than satisfied that you took things seriously and made a good faith effort to remove a rogue from your alliance. Had Slayer99 not come on today, this announcement and the obvious good faith effort to deal with the issue would have sufficed. I certainly would not have authorized attacks on TPF over events out of their control nor would anyone else involved.

Well, it seems that this could have been communicated more clearly to mhawk. mhawk obviously felt the need to inform tlC/Frostbite that the deadline might not be met due to other circumstances.

It should be noted that slayer disobeyed orders to attack and stagger archon, resigned and went rogue earlier this morning. We are unable to demask him due to him holding root admin. However forum transfers and domain transfers were underway for the past few days. [ooc] We believe slayer likely to be at some baseball thing and might not meet the deadline[/ooc] We are just giving notice he is no longer a member of TPF. His access to our private channels were removed this morning upon my arrival and he will be demasked as soon as it is possible.

TO Penchuk:

You are saying this about people who have been on the receiving end of TPF's Continuum buddies attacks (Sponge, myself, and other members of tLC) since approximately the time around the No CB War. Where is this example of us proving might makes right?

The fact that tLC felt the need to give TPF a deadline by making a veiled threat when TPF is getting hit from all sides is a fine example of might makes right. You have the power advantage and used that to get TPF to comply with your demands.

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Good riddance. Slayer was simply dragging down TPF with his hypocrisy and aggressive stances towards...just about everything.

The Phoenicians are much better off without someone like Slayer.

That makes absolutely no sense. On top of it I highly doubt TPF are a bunch of merchant sailors from ancient Lebanon.

Edited by The AUT
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Well, it seems that this could have been communicated more clearly to mhawk. mhawk obviously felt the need to inform tlC/Frostbite that the deadline might not be met due to other circumstances.

I don't particularly mind that he did. I'm just responding to his post that we're satisfied on this end.

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Then he should not (and didn't) have a problem handing over root admin to an actual TPF member to confirm he had really left this time. Your point?

The fact that it has no relevance to you/STA/tLC/Frostbite makes it a pointless gesture. Who hosts/pays/runs the TPF forums has no effect on Planet Bob whatsoever besides in your own twisted little minds. Any handover should have been worked out between slayer and mhawk without pressure from tLC.

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The fact that it has no relevance to you/STA/tLC/Frostbite makes it a pointless gesture. Who hosts/pays/runs the TPF forums has no effect on Planet Bob whatsoever besides in your own twisted little minds. Any handover should have been worked out between slayer and mhawk without pressure from tLC.

I'm not sure why this is so important to you. Everyone actually involved agrees that the access should be transferred, and it is being or has been transferred, and nobody was complaining until you decided to try and turn this into an issue.

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The fact that it has no relevance to you/STA/tLC/Frostbite makes it a pointless gesture. Who hosts/pays/runs the TPF forums has no effect on Planet Bob whatsoever besides in your own twisted little minds. Any handover should have been worked out between slayer and mhawk without pressure from tLC.

Last I knew having full member access on a forum meant you were a member of the alliance. If Slayer has quit and has no intention of returning then handing over the root admin of the forum to someone actually active and a member of the alliance makes sense and also removed doubt that this is yet another short-term departure.

It is tLC's business because your recently departed member and forum admin attacked two of their members. It is Frostbite's business because tLC is a member of the Frostbite bloc and has been attacked.

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All honorable tyrants honor the sabbath.

He's not honorable, hardly counts anymore as a tyrant, more like a low level job foreman and I'll believe he'd honor any Sabbath of any faith if he can show me a signed letter to that affect from his local religious leader. Even then, I'll have to have it checked for forgery.

Other than that he's a fine...something. <_<

Fake Edit...

P.S. Someone has to fill in for Slayer. ;)

Edited by ChairmanHal
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With Slayer's history of "coming back" Sponge wanted to ensure that this "retirement" was the real thing, I suppose.

Wise move by Mr Wonderful, na,,, wise aint the word I wana use... expected move would be the one..

I remember long ago.. (if you ask me to find the thread ,wont happen) .. Sponge said if he ever found himself in a position where he in his terms lost, he would do whatever it took to vindicate it.. I think he's done that.

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Woo! What died in here?!

All that Frostbite righteous indignation.

I am probably the only one in TPF who can say this with any credibility, but let me say that these Frostbiters sure are sounding en masse like another massive alliance that once ruled this place...

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All that Frostbite righteous indignation.

I am probably the only one in TPF who can say this with any credibility, but let me say that these Frostbiters sure are sounding en masse like another massive alliance that once ruled this place...

Funnily enough, no. I have no desire to rule, nor does anyone else in Frostbite. This is a seemingly simple matter, one I am sure didn't need to be posted here at all and yet 7 pages or so later we are now accused of being the NPO. Seriously there is logic jump and there is LOGIC jump.

Edited by AlmightyGrub
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All that Frostbite righteous indignation.

I am probably the only one in TPF who can say this with any credibility, but let me say that these Frostbiters sure are sounding en masse like another massive alliance that once ruled this place...

Does it start with a T and end in PF?

Really, one of your guys went rogue, it was requested that he be removed from the alliance. Both sides dealt with it well. This argument is nonsense.

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All that Frostbite righteous indignation.

I am probably the only one in TPF who can say this with any credibility, but let me say that these Frostbiters sure are sounding en masse like another massive alliance that once ruled this place...

Yes, asking privately for a rogue to be fully removed from their alliance is outrageous. I blame Sponge for badly influencing the rest of us in Frostbite.

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Ooooo... We are not NPO! Because I said so! Threaten the helpless and downtrodden and then be indignant when you are called on it?



Must be a...

edit: forgot a not. It was kinda the main point.

Edited by OneBallMan
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Ooooo... We are NPO! Because I said so! Threaten the helpless and downtrodden and then be indignant when you are called on it?



Must be a...

Or you know, it's the same reasoning that was presented that's being given yet again to people with the effects of narrow vision and is now trying to be played by you as a propaganda spin. I'm pretty sure mhawk realized the common sense in the fact that sponge wouldn't want a rogue attacking him to still have so much leverage over an entire alliance, but please don't let even your own leader's and general logic at all get in the way of your ravings.

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Yes, asking privately for a rogue to be fully removed from their alliance is outrageous. I blame Sponge for badly influencing the rest of us in Frostbite.

I'm still unclear how who is allowed to visit an alliances forums is the business of any other alliance and more importantly, how it's anyones business where Slayer may or may not chat with his friends. I'm afraid there's a something very important about the game mechanics that I do not understand in any way, shape or form.

Again, assurance that Slayer isn't a member, sure, but dictating forum access, I'm not so sure.

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Ooooo... We are not NPO! Because I said so! Threaten the helpless and downtrodden and then be indignant when you are called on it?



Must be a...

edit: forgot a not. It was kinda the main point.

I believe last time I checked the NPO is still the NPO... might want to get up to speed on that

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I'm still unclear how who is allowed to visit an alliances forums is the business of any other alliance and more importantly, how it's anyones business where Slayer may or may not chat with his friends. I'm afraid there's a something very important about the game mechanics that I do not understand in any way, shape or form.

Again, assurance that Slayer isn't a member, sure, but dictating forum access, I'm not so sure.

Look up what root admin means, then get back to me. You aren't even trying anymore.

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