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In What Was Once Known as Xaristan

Michael McBride

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Response from Louis Egon:

We do not have many trainers or much time to spare, obviously, as we are in a war ourselves. However, we do have some flight simulators that can be uploaded with training modules for those aircraft. Other basic tactics can be learned through our training programs for new recruits... we will plug your operatives into those classes for the time being.

Reply from TUO:

300 of our operatives have boarded on a cargo ship which is heading toward your nation. Make sure the water is clear of any enemies.

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OOC: :awesome:

(in b4 smiley spam, means moar than you think)

OOC: I'll have to make sure to check out the USA thread, lol

Reply from TUO:

300 of our operatives have boarded on a cargo ship which is heading toward your nation. Make sure the water is clear of any enemies.

Response from Louis Egon:

We have only a small navy, made mostly of converted civilian vessels for defense of our oil platforms. There are no enemy vessels currently in sight, but we cannot guarantee your operatives' safety should anyone attack with overwhelming force.

*Private to Kenneth *

We can offer you 500 Scar-H Battle Rifles, it is light a 3.58 KG's and can shoot almost 600 bullets a minute (OOC: I think) and 1 Billion Osean Marks to help you defend yourselves against these usurpers. We can also offer you a Tuploev Strike Team for bombing runs on your enemies postions and of course some Anti-Aircraft guns as well. Bofors make the best Anti-Aircraft weapons in Osea.


One question, do you need any body armors, and if so, how much?

Response from Kenneth Persons:

We reiterate that this conflict is between Xaristanis and Xaristanis alone. No foreign power shall intervene beyond offering supplies and monetary funds. Bombing runs by a foreign power on enemy positions are not acceptable. We will however, gratefully accept the weapons and **transmission ends abruptly**

All communications entering or leaving the war torn region of Xaristan have abruptly ceased. More information once it becomes available to us.

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**Private, Presidential Residence**

"Sir, we have a report for you, it's urgent."

"Go ahead."

"We just lost everything going into and out of Xaristan communication-wise. Nothing in or out. The intelligence community thinks that the conflict may have just escalated some more."

"Close everything off, that means a naval blockade. We already have air and land covered. Anything that seems to be heading toward Xaristan is to be stopped and searched. Lethal force is authorized, up to and including sinking the vessels."

"Yes, sir."

"Also, don't make any announcements. This does not get released until I say so."

**On the USS Georgia**

"Sir, this just cam in on the FLASH circuit."

"Let me see it."

The captain reads over the message and sets it down.

"Alright, report everything on the scope that seems to or may be headed to Xaristan. A partial naval blockade has been ordered and we will search everything headed there. If they do not comply, we have, repeat, have the authority to shoot, so stay on your toes."

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In GLS Executive building:

"Sir, some of our ships reported there is a blockade going on in that region, they are searching any ships that enters or leave the region."

"Good thing we sent in the weapons, supplies, and equipments first. Lets see if they will allow us to finish shipping the food and medical supplies..."

"Also, our scientists want to continue the research on how to turn liquid explosives into harmless insect repellent chemicals, and then reverse it so the explosives can be used."

"Let them continue it then..."


Meanwhile, in the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean:

10 ships loaded with food and medical supplies were heading toward Kenneth Persons' land...

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OOC: We should probably agree on a timescale first. I was thinking that the 4 days for you to ship the weapons had not yet passed, since the Georgia would've been on station within 24 hours of my original fleet movements, therefore would've caught your weapons shipment (which is why I posted the scene on the Georgia, setting up a confrontation).

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OOC: With this next post, the confrontation might not even be needed.


Across all Xaristani Radio Frequencies and on all Xaristani Television Stations, sound suddenly crackles through them again. After a few moments of tinkering, a silence, different than before is heard on radio sets and a scene of a desk, bare, with a wall behind it emerges onto the screens of televisions. After a few moments, Louis Egon steps around behind the desk and sits, still wearing his trademark shirt, tie, and pants.

"Good evening, Xaristan, and, eventually, Planet Bob. My name is Louis Egon. I apologize for any inconvenience caused during our all-out communications blackout. During the communications blackout, the pro-government forces of Kenneth Persons were crushed in a sweeping sandwich maneuver performed by my forces and those of Simon Wahler. Wahler and I have signed a peace treaty bringing the country under our joint rule, and ending this bloody civil war. Kenneth Persons will stand trial for his actions, as he was captured alive. This message is to serve two purposes. One, to let everyone know that the civil war in Xaristan is officially over, and the my forces and Simon Wahler's forces have emerged victorious and signed a peace treaty, and two, and probably more pressing, that all foreigners should stay out of Xaristan for the time being... no matter who you are. Ships should turn around, planes should turn around... and foreigner setting foot on the nation right now will be treated as a hostile invader and shot. Xaristan is only just now emerging from months and months of bloody civil war. Let us have our country to ourselves for a little while before coming in. Also, for the time being, as it has been for months, Xaristan will not be exporting any oil. We will need it to get ourselves back on our feet. Thank you."

The transmission ends.

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In TUO's HQ, private:

"(Insert cuss word)! If they kill our operatives that are there for training, I am going to extend the terrorist activities there and blow their rear ends to (insert cuss word)!"


TUO message to Louis Egon:

"We realized you don't want any non-citizens in your nation. If you do not want to train our operatives, at least let them leave the nation safely and return the money that we paid you to train them. If you hurt even one hair on them, you will regret it.

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In TUO's HQ, private:

"(Insert cuss word)! If they kill our operatives that are there for training, I am going to extend the terrorist activities there and blow their rear ends to (insert cuss word)!"


TUO message to Louis Egon:

"We realized you don't want any non-citizens in your nation. If you do not want to train our operatives, at least let them leave the nation safely and return the money that we paid you to train them. If you hurt even one hair on them, you will regret it.

Response from Louis Egon:

You have 24 hours. Any left after that time will be considered enemy combatants. Have fun with the blockades.

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**Private, Presidential Residence**

"I don't like the look of this. Joint rule by two warlords? That's never turned out too well in the past. Keep an eye on them."

"Mr. President, what are we going to do about the blockade?"

"They've basically done the job for us, since they're not letting anyone in or out. Keep the air space blocks and border closed indefinitely. We keep the naval blockade for another week. We'll slowly phase it out starting in 3 days, just to make sure that announcement wasn't propaganda meant to mislead us into relaxing our guard."

"Yes, sir."

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Response from Louis Egon:

You have 24 hours. Any left after that time will be considered enemy combatants. Have fun with the blockades.

Five ships left the harbor and begin to steam toward the location to pick up the operatives...


OOC: Raritan, its up to you if you want to keep the ships from entering the area, but if you do, you might have the TUO breathing on your nation's neck.

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OOC: I hope you don't mind me jumping ahead to when they run into my navy.


**USS Georgia**

"Captain, new radar contacts, running at high speed southward, they appear to be heading straight towards Xaristan!"

"How many and can you identify their origin or their identities?"

"Five contacts and no sir, nothing."

"Alright, I'll alert the rest of the crew. Navigator, plot us a course to intercept at 30 knots. Engine room, make turns for 30 knots."

"Aye, Captain."

The captain picks up the PA system mike and begins speaking.

"Attention all crew, all hands to battle stations, repeat, all hands to battle stations."

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Message to Louis Egon

Would you allow food and medical supply drops from Andonain aid organisations?

Response from Louis Egon:

If you can get them in. It is my understanding that the airspace in and out of Xaristan is locked down for the current time being. You'd have to contact those parties directly.

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OOC: I hope you don't mind me jumping ahead to when they run into my navy.


**USS Georgia**

"Captain, new radar contacts, running at high speed southward, they appear to be heading straight towards Xaristan!"

"How many and can you identify their origin or their identities?"

"Five contacts and no sir, nothing."

"Alright, I'll alert the rest of the crew. Navigator, plot us a course to intercept at 30 knots. Engine room, make turns for 30 knots."

"Aye, Captain."

The captain picks up the PA system mike and begins speaking.

"Attention all crew, all hands to battle stations, repeat, all hands to battle stations."

Radio transmission:

"This is the TUO, we are here to evacuate our field operatives that were being trained by Louis Egon, and we only have 24 hours before they all get slaughtered. Attack us or delay us to the point where our under training operatives get killed and you will regret it. We are not armed and just need to evacuate our operatives, I repeat, we are not armed.

Meanwhile, four other boats armed with torpedoes also left GLS and headed for Xaristan. Their mission? Capture or sink the five TUO boats.

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Radio transmission:

"This is the TUO, we are here to evacuate our field operatives that were being trained by Louis Egon, and we only have 24 hours before they all get slaughtered. Attack us or delay us to the point where our under training operatives get killed and you will regret it. We are not armed and just need to evacuate our operatives, I repeat, we are not armed.

**USS Georgia**

"Who the hell is the TUO?"

"Sir, I think they're a terrorist group from somewhere. read it in the news a while ago."

"Hmm, interesting. Prep the boarding party. Give TF 13 a call and see what they're up to. We may need some support. Plot firing solutions for the first four ships, one turret for each ship. Bring us five miles to the nearest ship and we'll launch the boat."

*To the TUO ships*

This is the USS Georgia of the Unites States Navy. You will immediately cut your engines and come to a stop. Your ships will be boarded and searched. Failure to comply will result in being fired upon.

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**USS Georgia**

"Who the hell is the TUO?"

"Sir, I think they're a terrorist group from somewhere. read it in the news a while ago."

"Hmm, interesting. Prep the boarding party. Give TF 13 a call and see what they're up to. We may need some support. Plot firing solutions for the first four ships, one turret for each ship. Bring us five miles to the nearest ship and we'll launch the boat."

*To the TUO ships*

This is the USS Georgia of the Unites States Navy. You will immediately cut your engines and come to a stop. Your ships will be boarded and searched. Failure to comply will result in being fired upon.

Radio transmission from TUO ships:

We have stopped, make it quick.


600 miles north:

GLS counter-terrorism agency ship, private:

"Can make it in time?"

"Not sure, even if we don't, we would still have plenty of time to arrest or sink them since they also have to head back to GLS. If they get around us, good luck to them getting back into Great Lakes State."

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**USS Georgia**

"Alright crew, showtime. Where's TF 13?"

"20 nautical miles to the south, that's 1 hour."

"Close enough. Once the boarding parties are on the ships, we have them search through the cargo holds and the cabins. I want to be sure of who we're dealing with. They'll radio back their findings and remain on board until I give the command to recall them."

"Aye, captain."

**The TUO ships**

The boarding parties quickly searched through the ships and found nothing of note besides pictures of the men the TUO was trying to rescue. They secured the ships and then waited for orders to come.

*To the GLS Government*

On of our naval vessels has captured 5 ships from a group calling themselves the TUO. We believe that they are a terrorist organisation operating within your nation. Would you like us to hold them for extradition?

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**USS Georgia**

"Alright crew, showtime. Where's TF 13?"

"20 nautical miles to the south, that's 1 hour."

"Close enough. Once the boarding parties are on the ships, we have them search through the cargo holds and the cabins. I want to be sure of who we're dealing with. They'll radio back their findings and remain on board until I give the command to recall them."

"Aye, captain."

**The TUO ships**

The boarding parties quickly searched through the ships and found nothing of note besides pictures of the men the TUO was trying to rescue. They secured the ships and then waited for orders to come.

*To the GLS Government*

On of our naval vessels has captured 5 ships from a group calling themselves the TUO. We believe that they are a terrorist organisation operating within your nation. Would you like us to hold them for extradition?

Reply from the government:

"Hold them. We have already sent 4 ships to arrest them. We do have to warn you though. Even though they are horrible a fighting, they seem have a nasty habit of damaging everything around them.

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**The TUO ships**

The boarding parties tied the TUO members down so that they couldn't move. They then took anything of value to the counter-terrorism agencies (photos, chain of command lists, etc.) with them which would be handed over to the GLS once they arrived.

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**The TUO ships**

The boarding parties tied the TUO members down so that they couldn't move. They then took anything of value to the counter-terrorism agencies (photos, chain of command lists, etc.) with them which would be handed over to the GLS once they arrived.

One of the TUO crew members shouted, "You are so (insert cuss word) screwed!" as they were tied.



"Bad news sir, The United States had arrested our rescue crew at a checkpoint and are going to turn them in to the GLS authorities."

"How do you know?"

"You dumb (insert cuss word), you do know that I am the high officer of the GLSIA (Great Lakes State Intelligence Agency). That is how I found out."

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A loud boom coming from the Georgia is heard soon after the boarding parties left the ships.

**USS Georgia**

"Who the hell just fired!?!?!"

"I don't know sir, but the #2 gun on the #3 turret is the one that fired the shot."

Just then, a loud explosion is heard as the 4th TUO ship is hit with the 16 inch HE shell...

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A loud boom coming from the Georgia is heard soon after the boarding parties left the ships.

**USS Georgia**

"Who the hell just fired!?!?!"

"I don't know sir, but the #2 gun on the #3 turret is the one that fired the shot."

Just then, a loud explosion is heard as the 4th TUO ship is hit with the 16 inch HE shell...

"Don't tell me they are going to sink us..." sneered a TUO member who was in the 4th ship.



Radio transmission from the GLSIA ship:

"We are 200 miles away from your position. We should arrive around in 3 hours. Please prepare the TUO members for boarding onto our ship. Also, we are wondering if you can get the 300 TUO operatives off of the land since we have been ordered to arrest all TUO members."

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