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In What Was Once Known as Xaristan

Michael McBride

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Not long after the formation of the new nation of Xaristan, the country was gripped by a civil war. Prominent military members claimed that the government was merely a front for the terrorist group Green Flag, and proceeded to attempt a coup. As government forces were fighting this coup, others rose up to fight each other as well. The country collapsed into turmoil, and is now being fought over by warlords and old military officers. There is no actual military, no central government, and the only thing that the warlords have been able to agree on is the fact that any foreign entity involving themselves in Xaristani issues will be met with swiftly and savagely.

Much of Xaristan's former infrastructure and technology have been destroyed. No matter who wins, there will still be a long time of economic and structural recovery afterwards.

The different factions and the areas they control are listed below:

Louis Egon - Probably the most unexpected rise to power in the country, Egon was the owner of what had been the largest oil producing entity in Xaristan, along the nation's western coast. When the main fighting started, his security forces were able to hold off the attacks to the surprise of the other warlords. Egon then began paying off other militants, growing his own army through oil profits. A master craftsman regarding public relations, Egon has crafted an image as one of the people, even though he was once one of the wealthiest men in Xaristan. He is often seen in a dress shirt, dress pants and a loosely tied tie, and video has been released of him in actual fighting, an Uzi or dual pistols in his hands. He controls all of the oil producing area along the west coast of the country, along with the panhandle along the United States of America's border.

Simon Wahler - The man who started the conflict. He originally rose up against the government of Xaristan, saying they were merely a front for the terrorist group Green Flag, renouncing his post as Colonel and taking his entire tank battalion with him. Despite early gains, defections and superior firepower have whittled his forces down. They currently have their backs to the wall at the southern tip of the nation, packed densely into the city of Imaim (RL Miami) and the surrounding areas.

Kenneth Persons - Leader of the former government forces of Xaristan. The actual government has been dissolved for some time now, their leaders assassinated one by one. Persons is now in charge. His singular goal at the moment is eliminating the separatist forces under the command of Simon Wahler from the peninsula. Former government forces control the old capital of Odnalro (RL Orlando) and down the east coast of the nation.

Vincent Zallo - Leader of a group of religious extremists who rose up against the government as well. The hold very little area, only the city of Ellivnoskcaj (RL Jacksonville). They generally keep to themselves, though they have been known to conduct raids and bombings of other warlord's troops and facilities elsewhere on the peninsula.

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Response from Louis Egon

Due to the current conflict within the territory, the banking system is in obvious shambles. Please send the money to my offshore account. The details are attached after this message.

Will do

-Vorian Atreides, Triumvir of Andonia.

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In a sweeping and stunning victory, Louis Egon's forces have blown through the former government's stranglehold of the capitol region, effectively splitting their forces in half. This is the first time that Egon's capitalist forces have gone on a major offensive, and it wasn't known that they possessed the technology that they did. Tanks and paratroopers spearheaded the assault for Egon. It was rumored that he only had a few tanks, mostly in key defensive positions near important docks, and no air force. The attack obviously caught the governmental forces off guard, who fled both north and south and are now fighting two front battles in both areas.

Though our analysts had predicted any move by Egon would be followed by a swift offensive through the rest of the country, since other areas do not have the heavy defensive capabilities that his main area in the west does, Egon's forces have stayed strangely still after their blitz, occupying the capitol region, almost as if they are waiting for something. We will keep the world updated.

It is not known where Egon and his forces suddenly acquired the necessary material to pull of this type of offensive. While the Andonian deposit certainly boosted morale, it would not have been enough, nor gotten to his accounts fast enough, to explain for such a massive build up in heavy weaponry. All of the armor and planes were painted with old Xaristani colors, though tail and tank numbers were not available to us, so we were not able to determine where they came from.

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Message to Louis Egon from TUO (The United Organizations):

We will send you a steady supply of money under one condition, train our field operatives on how to aim correctly, and other important fighting/sabotaging tactics. Please be warned that some of our members are horrible at using guns and fighting. Several of them are even confused on which end of a rocket launcher they should fire at.

Each day we will send you $700k as long as the instructors are helping to improve our field operatives. $900k daily if the instructors do an excellent job.


OOC: If you are wondering how did the TUO find out, they have some loyal members in the Great Lakes State government after years of planning, bribing, assassinating, rigging election results, and other trouble. If you don''t want any outside influence, then consider my RP null.

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*An anonymous message sent to the forces of Simon Wahler*

100 Million has been deposited into a blind account under the number 17734890; password Siva, money has been transferred through the royal swiss bank; use our funds wisely. Please take extra care to eradicate the religious extremists, of the groups involved they are the only ones our organization has an inherent dislike of.

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Message to Louis Egon from TUO (The United Organizations):

We will send you a steady supply of money under one condition, train our field operatives on how to aim correctly, and other important fighting/sabotaging tactics. Please be warned that some of our members are horrible at using guns and fighting. Several of them are even confused on which end of a rocket launcher they should fire at.

Each day we will send you $700k as long as the instructors are helping to improve our field operatives. $900k daily if the instructors do an excellent job.

Response from Louis Egon

You are welcome to send some operatives down, however I must warn you that our training mostly consists of defensive tactics, not offensive ones. Aiming, yes, we can help you with that. Regular tactics such as flanking and defending an area, yes, we can help with that. As far as sabotage, that is something that we cannot help you with. Let us know.

*An anonymous message sent to the forces of Simon Wahler*

100 Million has been deposited into a blind account under the number 17734890; password Siva, money has been transferred through the royal swiss bank; use our funds wisely. Please take extra care to eradicate the religious extremists, of the groups involved they are the only ones our organization has an inherent dislike of.

Response from Simon Wahler

We thank you for your support. The money will be used for much needed food, fuel, weapons, and supplies for my men. As for the extremists, we will have to take care since they are so close to the United States of America's border, but I am sure that we can work out something that will eliminate them to your satisfaction. Once again, thank you for your donation to our cause.

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Response from Louis Egon

You are welcome to send some operatives down, however I must warn you that our training mostly consists of defensive tactics, not offensive ones. Aiming, yes, we can help you with that. Regular tactics such as flanking and defending an area, yes, we can help with that. As far as sabotage, that is something that we cannot help you with. Let us know.

Reply from TUO:

We have just recently purchased three Tupolev Tu-160 and three F-22 Raptor jets. 12 of our members need to be trained on how to pilot those air crafts correctly.

What our field operatives need in the training:

1. Hit-and-run tactic training

2. Aiming

3. Sniping

4. Driving vehicles correctly while moving at high speed in crowded streets/highways.

5. Flanking and defending an area.

6. Building bombs and where to hide them.

We will send in 500 operatives which will arrive in 24 hours. Along with that is an upfront payment of $2 million.

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In another stunning move today, Simon Wahler's forces, using three converted civilian cruise ships, shipped more than half of his tank force up to Jacksonville in a surprise nighttime raid on the religious extremists camped there. In what could only be described as a slaughter, the Revolutionary forces steamed through the city. Reports are sketchy at this time, but indications are that casualties among the extremists were over ninety percent and that Vincent Zallo was killed near the group's city headquarters during an intense firefight.

Meanwhile, down in Miami, even though Wahler's forces were weakened due to the assault, the Governmental forces decided not to attack, as Louis Egon's Capitalist forces expanded their reach, forcing the remaining government troops to focus on them rather than Wahler's too weakened parties. Egon's forces now control more than half of the country, with the rest roughly split between the Revolutionaries and the Government forces.

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**Private, Presidential Residence**

"Alright, give me a short intro as to what's happening," President Briar stated.

"Sir, it seems that there are 4 different factions fighting for power. One group is led by Louis Egon, you probably know him from the oil company he operates. He holds most of the western portions of Xaristan, including areas along our border. Another faction is led by Simon Wahler. We believe that he was one of the people who started the fighting and they're bunched up near the southern tip. The former government of Xaristan is now led by a man named Kenneth Persons. We have reason to believe he is one of "the Generals" from when after the PI-RV War. They're holding out near Odnarlo and a small portion of the east coast. Finally, we have a group of extremists who, with this report, have apparently been wiped out by Wahler. So we are now dealing with 3 groups, all vying for control of the nation," his Minister of Defense Darryl Bradford concluded.

"And what's your suggested plan of action?"

"At this point in time, it seems that Egon is the most powerful of the warlords. We may consider siding with him later. For the immediate future, I recommend we close the border and airspace blocks immediately along the southern border to everyone but us. As for the navy, the Biloxi is stuck down in Antarctica thanks to Top Gear and Lubeck. I would pull the Georgia out of Bermuda and station it 50 miles off Ellivnoskcaj, that's where Wahler crushed the extremists. I would move all of TF 21 except the Pinto Island to a position 200 miles northwest of Key West and have the Birmingham prepped for a possible amphibious assault. Finally, move TF 11 50 miles off the coast of Xaristan between Imaim and Odnarlo also prepped for an amphibious assault. I would also move TF 13 down to where the Georgia will be and have them patrol that area."

"Alright, sounds good. Get it done."


The Ardorian Military is now at DefCon 2. The Army is moving to shut own the border and Ardorian airspace bordering Xaristan is closed, being enforced by the Air Force. The Navy is taking up positions along Xaristan's coast for possible intervention.

*An Announcement From the Ardorian Foreign Ministry*

Citing the conflict in Xaristan, the following restrictions are imposed effective immediately:

The Ardoria-Xaristan border is closed to all traffic, no exceptions.

Ardorian airspace bordering Xaristan is closed to all traffic except the Ardorian Military

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Message from the Great Lakes State government to Kenneth Persons:

$150 million has been sent to you, including 50 tons of bullets, 20 .40mm artillery guns, 500 artillery shells, 1000 grenades, 1000 land mines, 200 rapid firing automatic shotguns, 50 sniper rifles, 40 mini guns, 100 .50 caliber semi armor piercing rifles, 40 rocket launchers, 400 armor piercing rockets, one B-2 Spirit jet, medical supplies, and food supplies. All supplies, weapons, and equipments should arrive within two-three days via shipping and airplane.

Take out Louis Egon ASAP. Why? The TUO has recently contacted and paid Louis Egon to help them train their field operatives. TUO's field operatives will arrive in Louis Egon's training camps within 48 hours. Our goal is to damage TUO and their allies as much as possible, and to punish Louis Egon for helping the TUO.

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Andonia would like to send half of the Skywolf Brigade (400 men) to assist Louis Egon in his fight and gain valuable field experience.. They will bring a few tanks and some heavy weaponry, if you accept.

OOC: They wear the first set of armor in my factbook.

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*An Announcement From the Ardorian Foreign Ministry*

Citing the conflict in Xaristan, the following restrictions are imposed effective immediately:

The Ardoria-Xaristan border is closed to all traffic, no exceptions.

Ardorian airspace bordering Xaristan is closed to all traffic except the Ardorian Military


Maybe the United States as a whole should intervene?

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Reply from TUO:

We have just recently purchased three Tupolev Tu-160 and three F-22 Raptor jets. 12 of our members need to be trained on how to pilot those air crafts correctly.

What our field operatives need in the training:

1. Hit-and-run tactic training

2. Aiming

3. Sniping

4. Driving vehicles correctly while moving at high speed in crowded streets/highways.

5. Flanking and defending an area.

6. Building bombs and where to hide them.

We will send in 500 operatives which will arrive in 24 hours. Along with that is an upfront payment of $2 million.

Response from Louis Egon:

We do not have many trainers or much time to spare, obviously, as we are in a war ourselves. However, we do have some flight simulators that can be uploaded with training modules for those aircraft. Other basic tactics can be learned through our training programs for new recruits... we will plug your operatives into those classes for the time being.

Message from the Great Lakes State government to Kenneth Persons:

$300 million has been sent to you, including 200 barrels of oil, 200 tons of bullets, 100 .40mm artillery guns, 3000 artillery shells, 1000 grenades, 1000 land mines, 500 rapid firing automatic shotguns, 50 sniper rifles, 40 mini guns, 100 .50 caliber semi armor piercing rifles, 40 rocket launchers, 600 armor piercing rockets, one B-2 Spirit jet, medical supplies, and food supplies. All supplies, weapons, and equipments should arrive within two-three days via shipping and airplane.

Take out Louis Egon ASAP. Why? The TUO has recently contacted and paid Louis Egon to help them train their field operatives. TUO's field operatives will arrive in Louis Egon's training camps within 48 hours. Our goal is to damage TUO and their allies as much as possible, and to punish Louis Egon for helping the TUO.

Response from Kenneth Persons:

We thank you for your donation, though not everything can be accepted. The oil, bullets artillery guns and ammunition, grenades, shotguns, sniper rifles, mini guns, rifles, rocket launchers, rockets, food and medical supplies will all be accepted gratefully. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept the land mines or the B-2 Spirit bomber. We know the high upkeep expenses of the B-2 and feel that it would not be a useful asset to us, especially given the small space we are working with. As for the land mines, much of the soil is sandy, and only a few inches separate the sand from the water blow ground. Because the this, the mines might either be flooded or worse. We also do not wish to use land mines to minimize civilian casualties. Thank you for your other donations... we will do our best to hold out until supplies come.

Andonia would like to send half of the Skywolf Brigade (400 men) to assist Louis Egon in his fight and gain valuable field experience.. They will bring a few tanks and some heavy weaponry, if you accept.

OOC: They wear the first set of armor in my factbook.

Response from Louis Egon:

While we are humbled by your gracious offer of help, we must decline. No foreign troops shall fight for Xaristan's future, only Xaristanis. We will gladly accept the help of material, but we cannot accept actual foreign fighting forces on our soil. We hope you understand.

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Response from Louis Egon:

While we are humbled by your gracious offer of help, we must decline. No foreign troops shall fight for Xaristan's future, only Xaristanis. We will gladly accept the help of material, but we cannot accept actual foreign fighting forces on our soil. We hope you understand.

We understand. We will send you one hundred tanks and five hundred of our modular rifles. We can send you a continuous supply of as much ammunition as you need until the conclusion of your civil war.

OOC: the rifle is the second one in the factbook.

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Response from Kenneth Persons:

We thank you for your donation, though not everything can be accepted. The oil, bullets artillery guns and ammunition, grenades, shotguns, sniper rifles, mini guns, rifles, rocket launchers, rockets, food and medical supplies will all be accepted gratefully. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept the land mines or the B-2 Spirit bomber. We know the high upkeep expenses of the B-2 and feel that it would not be a useful asset to us, especially given the small space we are working with. As for the land mines, much of the soil is sandy, and only a few inches separate the sand from the water blow ground. Because the this, the mines might either be flooded or worse. We also do not wish to use land mines to minimize civilian casualties. Thank you for your other donations... we will do our best to hold out until supplies come.


We forgot to mention that if you are running low on supplies, just give us a call. We will continue to send supplies until you are blockaded. If you can show that you can make efficient use of our supplies, we will give you some of our underwater body armors, guns, net launchers, and steel nets (meant for dragging enemy soldiers into the water, tangling them, and drowning them to death). Highly efficient because most of the time, people don't expect their enemies to attack them from under the water.

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***Classified communication to Simon Wahler***

We can ship you a rather... Large and continuous (throughout the war) of various Kalashnikov family weaponry. We have also deposited a few million dollars into a bank account for you, details are enclosed in this message.

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We understand. We will send you one hundred tanks and five hundred of our modular rifles. We can send you a continuous supply of as much ammunition as you need until the conclusion of your civil war.

OOC: the rifle is the second one in the factbook.

Reply from Louis Egon:

Thank you for your generosity. We hope that, with the help from your material, we will be able to bring peace to our ravaged land once more.


We forgot to mention that if you are running low on supplies, just give us a call. We will continue to send supplies until you are blockaded. If you can show that you can make efficient use of our supplies, we will give you some of our underwater body armors, guns, net launchers, and steel nets (meant for dragging enemy soldiers into the water, tangling them, and drowning them to death). Highly efficient because most of the time, people don't expect their enemies to attack them from under the water.

Reply from Kenneth Persons:

Supplies are not so much the problem as material right now. We're not sure where Egon got the forces he did to make the sweep through the capitol region. I did not even have access to that much material. Now with my forces cut in half, it is hard to mount an effective defense and offense, especially when be compressed from both sides as we are. However, we will continue to fight and attempt to take down Mr. Egon and his forces.

***Classified communication to Simon Wahler***

We can ship you a rather... Large and continuous (throughout the war) of various Kalashnikov family weaponry. We have also deposited a few million dollars into a bank account for you, details are enclosed in this message.

Reply from Simon Wahler:

We thank you for your generosity. The Revolution will not forget it. Kalashnikovs are legendary for their durability, and that is something that will be needed in our swamps and sand.

OOC: Lol, looks like simon is going to win now :v:.

OOC: Actually, things are working out very much according to plan... as long as the USA doesn't intervene, lol

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*Private to Kenneth *

We can offer you 500 Scar-H Battle Rifles, it is light a 3.58 KG's and can shoot almost 600 bullets a minute (OOC: I think) and 1 Billion Osean Marks to help you defend yourselves against these usurpers. We can also offer you a Tuploev Strike Team for bombing runs on your enemies postions and of course some Anti-Aircraft guns as well. Bofors make the best Anti-Aircraft weapons in Osea.

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Reply from Kenneth Persons:

Supplies are not so much the problem as material right now. We're not sure where Egon got the forces he did to make the sweep through the capitol region. I did not even have access to that much material. Now with my forces cut in half, it is hard to mount an effective defense and offense, especially when be compressed from both sides as we are. However, we will continue to fight and attempt to take down Mr. Egon and his forces.


One question, do you need any body armors, and if so, how much?

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