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The Heart of Echelon

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This whole notion of EVERYONE getting white peace is a joke. It's up to individual alliances if they want to give white peace. When you have only half of the alliances you are fighting wanting reps you should be satisfied that they weren't ALL asking for reps. And this is regardless of whether or not an alliance was "just honouring treaties". As an alliance YOU decided who you would ally yourself with, and as an alliance YOU must face the consequence of defeat with YOUR allies.

Edit: typos

Edited by TailsK
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If Echelon is so honorable perhaps their opponents could help them retain that "honor". Has not Echelon gov said multiple times that they are in until Pacifica has peace? We wouldn't want to make liars out of them would we?

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If Echelon is so honorable perhaps their opponents could help them retain that "honor". Has not Echelon gov said multiple times that they are in until Pacifica has peace? We wouldn't want to make liars out of them would we?
It wouldn't be the first time Echelon did something in bad faith :P
No comment. Haha. Carry on. ;)


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Congratulations! It gives me great displeasure to advise you all that you've missed the point (some of you multiple times!), however, just because it looks like you made an effort, I'm willing to let it slide. :)

And I have never paid too much attention to you Karma guys before, but having experienced such a warm welcome, I feel I should reciprocate -

Only now has your potential impact on the game become apparent; whereas I have never before been welcomed with such vigour by the NPO, IRON, or that underhanded hegemony-mob, you fill me with hope and promise. Your interest, faith and acceptance in the words I speak are indicative of a bright new era where tolerance and happiness, propagated by the likes of NSO, MK, Nemesis & all the rest, will consume Bob.

You people are a credit to and asset to this world, I commend you on your actions. Thank you. :)

I encourage you to seek me out in #wutwar if I've left you feeling unsatisfied.

Unable to comprehend the scope of your failed effort, you try to go for another vein I see.

How many ways can you say backpedaling?

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Whats the problem with these terms? Your lucky Top and select others are being generous and letting you off lightly. Why they want to do this when the terms are okay, I don't know. God on the other hand have a back bone and dont seek or need approval of TOP to decide whats right and wrong, and you disslike this? So you make this poor thread about how hard done by you are.

Maybe you need to relable your alliance as Oliver, then ask for some more........... please sir.

I say you keep on fighting, not for the fact you dont agree with the terms, just for the fact it makes you take more punishment :)

Thanks for mentioning Nemesis in the plot to destroy planet Bob. You know it makes sense, a small alliance of 30-40 people have such an impact on planet Bob.

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You sold your heart and honor for a seat in IV, turned out you went to the wrong movie theater.

Enjoy the show.

OOC: Made sense in my head. Meh, drunkeded

Are they like the people that yell at the screen during the movie? Or the ones that won't stop talking? Maybe they could be like MCXA and just walk out of the 1V theatre. No refunds of course.

/failed attempt to rescue the metaphor

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Thanks for mentioning Nemesis in the plot to destroy planet Bob. You know it makes sense, a small alliance of 30-40 people have such an impact on planet Bob.

What? You don't know the plan? All of SF is going to merge into Nemesis and Hoo will become Emperor again.

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Are they like the people that yell at the screen during the movie? Or the ones that won't stop talking? Maybe they could be like MCXA and just walk out of the 1V theatre. No refunds of course.

/failed attempt to rescue the metaphor

Very nice try, I enjoyed it. :)

Thanks anyway.

Edited by mykep
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Congratulations! It gives me great displeasure to advise you all that you've missed the point (some of you multiple times!), however, just because it looks like you made an effort, I'm willing to let it slide. :)

It's easy to miss something that doesn't exist.

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Matthew117 bows his head and begins to chuckle

To address a common misconception:

Echelon is under no false pretenses - We aren't holding out for white peace, nor do we expect it. From out initial involvement in the war, we haven't expected anything different.

We did object to the terms offered to us, but that is not the topic of discussion.

...However it remains relevant, because all of our nations who did not appear to be government were messaged within 3 hours of those talks concluding, after GOD had quite bluntly stated they would not make concessions and had no sympathy for us (and why should they? We're at war).

The issue is that after ~40 days of war, where Echelon has lost two dozen members, those who remain stand united in their fight - our combatants realise this. Echelon will leave this war when it is appropriate... yet some are trying to get too clever, outraged because their demands aren't met.

There is no love lost between our two alliances, they do not care for the welfare of our nations - by hand-picking nations for government-issued individual surrender terms they seek to undermine the same talks they were responsible for organising.

That is the reality of the situation. Those who have stated a case otherwise, you've made your intent clear, I doubt there's much more that can be said to appease you.

Those messages were deliberate in the most malicious way - war does not provide an excuse for, nor absolve one of, all sins.

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Matthew117 bows his head and begins to chuckle

To address a common misconception:

Echelon is under no false pretenses - We aren't holding out for white peace, nor do we expect it. From out initial involvement in the war, we haven't expected anything different.

We did object to the terms offered to us, but that is not the topic of discussion.

...However it remains relevant, because all of our nations who did not appear to be government were messaged within 3 hours of those talks concluding, after GOD had quite bluntly stated they would not make concessions and had no sympathy for us (and why should they? We're at war).

The issue is that after ~40 days of war, where Echelon has lost two dozen members, those who remain stand united in their fight - our combatants realise this. Echelon will leave this war when it is appropriate... yet some are trying to get too clever, outraged because their demands aren't met.

There is no love lost between our two alliances, they do not care for the welfare of our nations - by hand-picking nations for government-issued individual surrender terms they seek to undermine the same talks they were responsible for organising.

That is the reality of the situation. Those who have stated a case otherwise, you've made your intent clear, I doubt there's much more that can be said to appease you.

Those messages were deliberate in the most malicious way - war does not provide an excuse for, nor absolve one of, all sins.

Seriously, hang up this crap. There is no issue with you guys, the terms will only get worse. The people fighting you probably don't even want you to surrender since you're a bucket of fail, as this topic does nothing but prove. Who cares if they sent individual terms in a "malicious" way, it's war. Man up and take it or surrender, don't come on the OWF looking for sympathy because there's none to be found. Insulting people from a losing position doesn't really help your case either. But whatever, here's to another 40 days of you guys getting your teeth kicked in! :awesome:

Edited by o ya baby
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Matthew117 bows his head and begins to chuckle

To address a common misconception:

Echelon is under no false pretenses - We aren't holding out for white peace, nor do we expect it. From out initial involvement in the war, we haven't expected anything different.

We did object to the terms offered to us, but that is not the topic of discussion.

...However it remains relevant, because all of our nations who did not appear to be government were messaged within 3 hours of those talks concluding, after GOD had quite bluntly stated they would not make concessions and had no sympathy for us (and why should they? We're at war).

The issue is that after ~40 days of war, where Echelon has lost two dozen members, those who remain stand united in their fight - our combatants realise this. Echelon will leave this war when it is appropriate... yet some are trying to get too clever, outraged because their demands aren't met.

There is no love lost between our two alliances, they do not care for the welfare of our nations - by hand-picking nations for government-issued individual surrender terms they seek to undermine the same talks they were responsible for organising.

That is the reality of the situation. Those who have stated a case otherwise, you've made your intent clear, I doubt there's much more that can be said to appease you.

Those messages were deliberate in the most malicious way - war does not provide an excuse for, nor absolve one of, all sins.

Why do they need to make concessions?

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Matthew117 bows his head and begins to chuckle

-blah blah blah-

Maybe it's because it's getting late, but this reads to me like nonsense draped in bravado. What exactly is the point you're trying to make? And don't dress it up with a persecution complex.

The issue is that after ~40 days of war,

Has it really been that long? My how time flies. Here's to another forty Echelon o/

Edited by Sal Paradise
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Matthew117, you are obviously quite confused as to why people are not giving you a warm applause. You supplement this by changing your stance and pretending others are ignorant. Fret not, I will certainly enlighten you for no charge!

First, you keep changing your point in the light of the fact that you really never had one except for trying to gain some PR. GOD is a terrible bunch of rascals, dare I say, for offering your members a choice to avoid their government's terrible decisions.

Second, you managed to one up the old GGA announcements in lack of foresight or any apparent understanding of what you should and should not post. This is an example of why you have few allies right now. No one likes an ally with incompetent leadership.

Third, you are currently a hot potato in this wonderful game we call politics. You have shown little restraint in attempting to demonize your opponent and have done a rather piss poor job while at it. Few of your members can restrain themselves from making embarrassing statements in lieu of the reality of the situation. If you're going to insult your enemy, there are far better ways to accomplish this.

Well, this certainly sums up my current thoughts. If you would like for me to go more in depth, feel free to ask.

EDIT: misspelled a word

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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I agree with Matt and support this message 100%.

Echelon has never acted uncivil or without honor. We expected the same from all our opponents, however its clear that we expected too much of GOD.

I guess memoryproblems is a great name for you then. Might want to get hold of some medication so that you won't make a fool of yourself again.

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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