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Joint Announcement from The Sweet Oblivion and The Order of the Paradox

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I didn't call you crazy about NPO plots, we've always known what the NPO were.

But frankly we know our brothers in Citadel better than you ever did and with NPO there was always proof, you have no proof of your accusations.

I don't need proof. I never have. My word is enough. I can see TOP for what it is. I know the character of these people better than you, for you have been blinded by your loyalty to them. I on the other hand, I see clearly. More clear than I ever have before. If you wish for proof, ask someone for logs of the various peace negotiations. Then you will see what I already know.

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I don't need proof. I never have. My word is enough. I can see TOP for what it is. I know the character of these people better than you, for you have been blinded by your loyalty to them. I on the other hand, I see clearly. More clear than I ever have before. If you wish for proof, ask someone for logs of the various peace negotiations. Then you will see what I already know.

LMAO, I'm blinded?

Hey Citadel, who has always been TOP's biggest critic? Rommel what is it you call me or say i'm on?

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I don't need proof. I never have. My word is enough. I can see TOP for what it is. I know the character of these people better than you, for you have been blinded by your loyalty to them. I on the other hand, I see clearly. More clear than I ever have before. If you wish for proof, ask someone for logs of the various peace negotiations. Then you will see what I already know.

In that case, let the world bow to it's new master... RV - So cool, he doesn't need proof, his word is enough...

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LMAO, I'm blinded?

Hey Citadel, who has always been TOP's biggest critic? Rommel what is it you call me or say i'm on?

You are just a puppet. TOP is your puppet master so go sit on your corner until they call.


Edited by terveis
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*sigh* TOP has and always has been working as hard as possible, by calling in as many favors, pulling as many strings, etc to get all the Hegemony alliances off with little to no punishment. This is just another example of that. After all that, Sox, can you REALLY say that they have no intention of aligning themselves with the Hegemony again?

All they did was use Citadel as a shield to dodge the war. The side they'd prefer to be on has been made abundantly clear from their policy all the way down to the OWF posts of its members.

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*sigh* TOP has and always has been working as hard as possible, by calling in as many favors, pulling as many strings, etc to get all the Hegemony alliances off with little to no punishment. This is just another example of that. After all that, Sox, can you REALLY say that they have no intention of aligning themselves with the Hegemony again?

All they did was use Citadel as a shield to dodge the war. The side they'd prefer to be on has been made abundantly clear from their policy all the way down to the OWF posts of its members.

You clearly have NO idea on what TOP has been doing for the l...


Well. I was going to reply to that. But its obvious that you have more information considering Citadel future then i have, so i better just quit now.


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*sigh* TOP has and always has been working as hard as possible, by calling in as many favors, pulling as many strings, etc to get all the Hegemony alliances off with little to no punishment. This is just another example of that. After all that, Sox, can you REALLY say that they have no intention of aligning themselves with the Hegemony again?

All they did was use Citadel as a shield to dodge the war. The side they'd prefer to be on has been made abundantly clear from their policy all the way down to the OWF posts of its members.

FCC and Gramlins have been doing the same thing in regards to IRON and OG. Do you believe we are trying to align ourselves with the Hegemony?

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Well. I was going to reply to that. But its obvious that you have more information considering Citadel future then i have, so i better just quit now.

Let me know if this sounds like what you're saying.

Because you're in the Citadel anything you say has more authority on the subject of TOP than what anybody else does, because frankly they're not in the Citadel. So if we say for instance, TOP has shown that not only did they want very little to do with Karma, but also supported the Hegemony and it's methods except when they apply directly to the Hegemony. You can just say "Nah, you don't know the inner workings of TOP because you're not in the Citadel and we are". And if we say, TOP has been using their otherwise mediocre involvement in the war on multiple fronts as a way of influencing what terms they receive. You can with authority reply "We have had these discussions! We are close buddies. Man you are so wrong. Infact you don't even know what you're talking about" and because of that all our suspicions and better judgement can be discarded, because well, you're in the Citadel and know TOP and we don't.

Well there comes a point when our suspicions are warranted. They've shown us very little signs that their involvement in this war wasn't an act of sabbotage directed at our war efforts against the Hegemony. And so we will investigate these supicions fully.

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The idea that TOP is somehow hypocritical for supporting harsh reps against an alliance that it had had terrible relations with for a long time and that it knew would be an enemy in the future and then supporting white peace for alliances it had no real beef against/saw as friends is amusing.

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FCC and Gramlins have been doing the same thing in regards to IRON and OG. Do you believe we are trying to align ourselves with the Hegemony?

Of course you're trying to align yourselves with the Hegemony because TOP is your puppet master and it wants you to align yourselves with the Hegemony, even though you've been the golden warriors Karma has all its bets on against said Hegemony... oh, wait wut?!? :psyduck:

Damn Logic, get out of here!!!! This thread has nothing to do with you!

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The idea that TOP is somehow hypocritical for supporting harsh reps against an alliance that it had had terrible relations with for a long time and that it knew would be an enemy in the future and then supporting white peace for alliances it had no real beef against/saw as friends is amusing.

You'd be right except that's not what TOP's claiming to be doing. TOP has accepted hefty reps in the past with no problems, but now that their friends are on the losing side they're trying to claim that reps are immoral across the board and that we are evil from trying to get them. And that is hypocritical.

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You'd be right except that's not what TOP's claiming to be doing. TOP has accepted hefty reps in the past with no problems, but now that their friends are on the losing side they're trying to claim that reps are immoral across the board and that we are evil from trying to get them. And that is hypocritical.



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Hey now, you're not in Citadel! You wouldn't know whether they're right or wrong because you don't know them!!!!

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Hey now, you're not in Citadel! You wouldn't know whether they're right or wrong because you don't know them!!!!

Well, maybe members of alliances that they consider to be their closest friends would have more knowledge about their actions than members of alliances they either don't care about or dislike. Radical proposition.

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The idea that TOP is somehow hypocritical for supporting harsh reps against an alliance that it had had terrible relations with for a long time and that it knew would be an enemy in the future and then supporting white peace for alliances it had no real beef against/saw as friends is amusing.

Maybe because that's not the idea at all? No one expected TOP to give anything other than white peace after their performance in this war. What we have issues with is them feigning moral outrage over reps that aren't nearly as bad as the ones they enforced.

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Let me know if this sounds like what you're saying.

Because you're in the Citadel anything you say has more authority on the subject of TOP than what anybody else does, because frankly they're not in the Citadel. So if we say for instance, TOP has shown that not only did they want very little to do with Karma, but also supported the Hegemony and it's methods except when they apply directly to the Hegemony. You can just say "Nah, you don't know the inner workings of TOP because you're not in the Citadel and we are". And if we say, TOP has been using their otherwise mediocre involvement in the war on multiple fronts as a way of influencing what terms they receive. You can with authority reply "We have had these discussions! We are close buddies. Man you are so wrong. Infact you don't even know what you're talking about" and because of that all our suspicions and better judgement can be discarded, because well, you're in the Citadel and know TOP and we don't.

Well there comes a point when our suspicions are warranted. They've shown us very little signs that their involvement in this war wasn't an act of sabbotage directed at our war efforts against the Hegemony. And so we will investigate these supicions fully.

Well no.

Its more that if someone says:

This is just another example of that. After all that, Sox, can you REALLY say that they have no intention of aligning themselves with the Hegemony again?

And if that is complete !@#$%^&*, i can say that. Because honestly, that it is.

Why is it so hard to crasp, that they had FRIENDS on both sides, they chose to be with other friends, while trying to make sure other friends made if off alive. Exactly the same thing we did for OG, but there is no one here yelling that FCC is just wanting to make friends with hegemony. :P

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I believe it is worth mentioning---for the sake of proper information being present in this thread---that pre-war relations between TOP and Echelon were at best frosty, and at worst hostile. For that matter, none of the alliances against whom we fought were friends of ours in any regard; with the exception of Echelon---with whom, as noted, our relations were negative---pre-war relations between we and the alliances whom we fought in this war were either effectively or completely nonexistent.

Those who are suddenly claiming that some pre-existing friendship between we and any of our opponents in this war is behind any our actions are inventing information for their own devices.

Edit: by 'our opponents', I refer to those with whom TOP was directly militarily engaged.

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Well there comes a point when our suspicions are warranted. They've shown us very little signs that their involvement in this war wasn't an act of sabbotage directed at our war efforts against the Hegemony. And so we will investigate these supicions fully.

Oh you've GOT to be kidding me. Now not going nuclear first strike is "sabotaging"?

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Why is it so hard to grasp, that they had FRIENDS on both sides, they chose to be with other friends, while trying to make sure other friends made if off alive.

Because their leadership is saying that isn't the case.

Those who are suddenly claiming that some pre-existing friendship between we and any of our opponents in this war is behind any our actions are inventing information for their own devices

I guess being in the Citadel doesn't make you especially privy to their inner workings or being the ultimate authority in regards to all things TOP.

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Those who are suddenly claiming that some pre-existing friendship between we and any of our opponents in this war is behind any our actions are inventing information for their own devices.

Worked for Chill for a while, but I guess that wasn't TOP's fault then.

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It is a known fact that despite contributing very little to the war effort, even going so far as agreeing to non-nuclear war with their "targets" to preserve their infrastructure,

Then why the trouble with the white peace?

TOP has committed a great deal of meddling in peace discussions. Countless negotiations have fallen apart due to TOP's involvement, resulting in light peace terms for the various hegemony alliances.

Well, I thought that alliances involved in wars get a say in peace terms? Or do they have to tow the line? What various hegemony alliances have received white peace due to TOP?

TOP is intentionally causing sectionalism, and you and your buddies in Citadel are blind to it.

No, good sir, and this is where I get annoyed. You and your ilk started tearing Karma apart. Your people started attacking Karma alliances in public, despite a private location to do so. Your friends are marching around as though they are Hegemony incarnate, dare any alliance or member challenge their desire. You, and the rest like you, cannot simply "forget" when you have thrown the first stones. There is a distinct different between attacking "coalition mates" for little reason and declaring a lack of cooperation as a cause for exiting war. Various members of CnG, SF, Chestnut, and others hold the SOLE responsibility for initiating the hate fest that has taken place on these boards. You cannot sit here and plead for unity when you are causing the disunity. You cannot state a war is ongoing and demand cooperation when you do the opposite.

Most of all, good sir, you cannot dare interpret what Heracles said as a threat of ZI when your OWN foreign affairs leader stated that opinions being voiced will "do no good for your alliances in the future". Not once, no sir, multiple times. I am absolutely tired of the double standard here. You folks threw the first stones, and continue to throw them in public for little reason. You cannot complain and cry "foul" when those stones are thrown back with good cause and in retaliation.

I fear for this new world, as it appears we've installed the blood thirsty, power hungry trolls into a position of power.

So I'm crazy now? I've heard this before. I was called crazy back when NPO forged evidence during the 1V-GATO War. I was called crazy when I exposed NPO for what they truly are. I was called crazy back when I said that the NPO's arrogance would be their downfall. Say what you will, but I have always been proven correct in the long run and it will continue to remain so for many years to come. There is nobody more credible than myself.

Except the other dozens of people who claimed what you also claimed. :rolleyes:

Please, do not embarass yourself by trying to paint me as a puppet of TOP either. There is more than enough evidence, and most likely personal testimonies, to state otherwise. I'm saving you the trouble of further making yourself look foolish.

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