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Joint Announcement from The Sweet Oblivion and The Order of the Paradox

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Apparently TOP will be IRON's new master if my sources are correct. The answer is obvious. TOP is intentionally causing sectionalism, and you and your buddies in Citadel are blind to it.

Hear hear, exactly what I thought after reading the Iron surrender thread.

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What he said is what I interperated from your posts as well. :/

Seeing as I never mentioned ZI nor that TOP would be dealing it out - I only mentioned that I couldn't help but ponder what fate held in the future of several posters on this forum - there must be an epidimic going around that makes people read too much into things. I hope they find a cure for it in the near future.

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TOP is against harsh terms now? Well, that's a change. You sure seemed to enjoy imposing those terms on Polaris. But wait, this time its against your good old buddies in the the Hegemony. Boo hoo. If you guys really cared about them you'd be dying right beside them, and frankly, TSO should. The crimes of its members have still yet to be punished.

Yes but let's ignore the likes of Sparta and VE who ran out on Polaris. Even if Polaris does say those two alliances had a valid reason to cancel on them, why does it make Echelon or MCXA any different?

They were all traitors to Polaris. I seem to remember Hoo saying he'll take no complaints from Polaris if there was a curbstomping. But we seem to forget who said what and concentrate on one foe. We'll side with a lesser evil to attack another evil. As pezstar said, isn't that still choosing evil?

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Good luck to Echelon, from reports by our members it seems that you were honorable and classy fighters. To everyone else, infer what you want from this, but I'll tell you now that this wasn't made for PR reasons and to make TOP look like some holy savior.

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He's in Kronos. I know that. However, they love TOP so much I don't feel it makes a difference if they believe themselves to be "independent." They're puppets as far as I'm concerned.

Naw, we're umbrella's puppet, get it right.

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Could you please address my points instead of attacking my character (and for the record I am known to be a very objective person, with a balanced mind)? It is a known fact that despite contributing very little to the war effort, even going so far as agreeing to non-nuclear war with their "targets" to preserve their infrastructure, TOP has committed a great deal of meddling in peace discussions. Countless negotiations have fallen apart due to TOP's involvement, resulting in light peace terms for the various hegemony alliances. That was TOP's goal, to make sure that the NPO will be able to rebuild its old allies after this war by keeping them as intact as possible. TOP even pushed for white peace for IRON, after only a few weeks of fighting. Apparently TOP will be IRON's new master if my sources are correct. The answer is obvious. TOP is intentionally causing sectionalism, and you and your buddies in Citadel are blind to it. Congratulations on helping TOP build a better future for our Pacifican friends. I'm sure you'll be rewarded for your assistance one of these days.

You made no point in your reply to my post - so I see no reason to even attempt to correct your incredibly misconstrued opinion.

He's in Kronos. I know that. However, they love TOP so much I don't feel it makes a difference if they believe themselves to be "independent." They're puppets as far as I'm concerned.

Yup - you've hit it right on the head - we're a puppet to an alliance we're not even allied to - your insight is mindboggling

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Yes but let's ignore the likes of Sparta and VE who ran out on Polaris. Even if Polaris does say those two alliances had a valid reason to cancel on them, why does it make Echelon or MCXA any different?

They were all traitors to Polaris. I seem to remember Hoo saying he'll take no complaints from Polaris if there was a curbstomping. But we seem to forget who said what and concentrate on one foe. We'll side with a lesser evil to attack another evil. As pezstar said, isn't that still choosing evil?

Except we are not talking about the noCB War, or who betrayed you. Nor are we talking about whether or not Echelon is to be receiving harsh terms for betraying Polaris. The fact is that both TSO and TOP are trying to oppose harsh terms when it is done to their friends, and for arguable much worse atrocities than anything done by Polar, yet because TOP disliked Polar, they had no qualms with harsh terms being put upon them.

Now don't try to convince me that is was Gremlins responsible for that. We all know they don't have it in them. That was all TOP's and NPO's show, with some help from MCXA's then leadership, who now form TSO. Kind of funny, eh?

You made no point in your reply to my post - so I see no reason to even attempt to correct your incredibly misconstrued opinion.

You can refute the truth can you?

Yup - you've hit it right on the head - we're a puppet to an alliance we're not even allied to - your insight is mindboggling

You're allied to Umbrella, but TOP is the stronger alliance, and allied to Umbrella, so you make sure to sing their praises. Trust me, I know how it works. Some of NPO's allies took on protectorates, but they all made sure to praise NPO. They were no less of puppets than IRON or GGA. There's no fooling me, friend.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Except we are not talking about the noCB War, or who betrayed you. Nor are we talking about whether or not Echelon is to be receiving harsh terms for betraying Polaris. The fact is that both TSO and TOP are trying to oppose harsh terms when it is done to their friends, and for arguable much worse atrocities than anything done by Polar, yet because TOP disliked Polar, they had no qualms with harsh terms being put upon them.

So now you're calling TOP/TSO hypocritical? Look I'm not a fan of TOP/TSO at the slightest and their motives may very well be of PR gain but GOD/Ragnarok who demand reps time in and time out don't exactly smell like a rose either. Look at both sides of the story. GOD and Ragnarok disliked Polaris and had they had the chance to engage with them and extract reps you can bet your bottom dollar they would've. GOD betrayed Polaris in the UJW then attacked an NpO ally in the CCC for "lulz." So why aren't they being punished? Why is it TOP and TSO's head that need to be rolled?

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

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Standard operating procedure in fighting a war is to fight your opponents along with all alliances involved on your side in a war and not to offer your enemy nuclear agreements.

Standard operating procedure in fighting a war is to respect your own principles and legislation, regardless of what various trolls will say about you. TOP is a non-nuclear first strike alliance who happened to fight against a non-nuclear first strike foe. That alone is freaking honorable. Considering the pressure they've been subjected to and the slander we all witnessed not 24 hours ago, I'd dare say TOP has some huge ones! Kudos to them.

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You can refute the truth can you?

There was no truth to refute - I can't help it that you fail to make a point and then expect me to refute that which doesn't exist

You're allied to Umbrella, but TOP is the stronger alliance, and allied to Umbrella, so you make sure to sing their praises. Trust me, I know how it works. Some of NPO's allies took on protectorates, but they all made sure to praise NPO. They were no less of puppets than IRON or GGA. There's no fooling me, friend.

We're also allied to Athens - does that make us MK's puppet? Oh wait, that doesn't benefit your stance, so I guess not...

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So now you're calling TOP/TSO hypocritical? Look I'm not a fan of TOP/TSO at the slightest and their motives may very well be of PR gain but GOD/Ragnarok who demand reps time in and time out don't exactly smell like a rose either. Look at both sides of the story. GOD and Ragnarok disliked Polaris and had they had the chance to engage with them and extract reps you can bet your bottom dollar they would've. GOD betrayed Polaris in the UJW then attacked an NpO ally in the CCC for "lulz." So why aren't they being punished? Why is it TOP and TSO's head that need to be rolled?

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

When I hear GOD and RoK speak out against harsh terms in an attempt to get the old hegemony off light, then I'll call them out. However, they haven't done anything hypocritical. As I have said, this is not about the noCB War. I am merely using TOP's actions there as an example. They are by no means against harsh terms, if GOD's terms can even be called that. TOP is merely attempting to cause division in Karma, and do whatever is in its power to ensure that the Hegemony rebuilds. I am calling them on that, my friend.

There was no truth to refute - I can't help it that you fail to make a point and then expect me to refute that which doesn't exist

I am telling you what is going on in the backrooms and channels, and what TOP is attempting to do. Either confirm or deny it. Prove me false.

We're also allied to Athens - does that make us MK's puppet? Oh wait, that doesn't benefit your stance, so I guess not...

MK is not as big as TOP, and it is by no means an NPO ally. TOP, on the other hand, is quite fond of those fellows however.

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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Could you please address my points instead of attacking my character (and for the record I am known to be a very objective person, with a balanced mind)? It is a known fact that despite contributing very little to the war effort, even going so far as agreeing to non-nuclear war with their "targets" to preserve their infrastructure, TOP has committed a great deal of meddling in peace discussions. Countless negotiations have fallen apart due to TOP's involvement, resulting in light peace terms for the various hegemony alliances. That was TOP's goal, to make sure that the NPO will be able to rebuild its old allies after this war by keeping them as intact as possible. TOP even pushed for white peace for IRON, after only a few weeks of fighting. Apparently TOP will be IRON's new master if my sources are correct. The answer is obvious. TOP is intentionally causing sectionalism, and you and your buddies in Citadel are blind to it. Congratulations on helping TOP build a better future for our Pacifican friends. I'm sure you'll be rewarded for your assistance one of these days.

He's in Kronos. I know that. However, they love TOP so much I don't feel it makes a difference if they believe themselves to be "independent." They're puppets as far as I'm concerned.

RV you've lost it, and i'll bet you whatever you want right now that TOP will not be siding with NPO again. You name it.

Perhaps they put a voice in about IRON because they are friends with IRON. Perhaps they put a voice in about the echelon terms because they were involved on that front. Yep thats 2 fronts they had an interest in and tried to get some input on. Oh noez they are taking over the world.

I've seen far more from other corners trying to egg on sectionalism, maybe ROK, GOd and Citadel should get together, talk clear the air and be united against those who obviously want us to fight for their own gain.

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So now you're calling TOP/TSO hypocritical? Look I'm not a fan of TOP/TSO at the slightest and their motives may very well be of PR gain but GOD/Ragnarok who demand reps time in and time out don't exactly smell like a rose either. Look at both sides of the story. GOD and Ragnarok disliked Polaris and had they had the chance to engage with them and extract reps you can bet your bottom dollar they would've. GOD betrayed Polaris in the UJW then attacked an NpO ally in the CCC for "lulz." So why aren't they being punished? Why is it TOP and TSO's head that need to be rolled?

Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house.

GOD paid the piper in the UJW, they were nuked without being able to retaliate and had to pay hefty reps. GOD and RoK aren't the one self-righteously strutting around the forums pretending they've never done the things they're now looking down on others for doing.

Standard operating procedure in fighting a war is to respect your own principles and legislation, regardless of what various trolls will say about you. TOP is a non-nuclear first strike alliance who happened to fight against a non-nuclear first strike foe. That alone is freaking honorable. Considering the pressure they've been subjected to and the slander we all witnessed not 24 hours ago, I'd dare say TOP has some huge ones! Kudos to them.

It seems IRON is well aware of who their new masters are.

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RV you've lost it

So I'm crazy now? I've heard this before. I was called crazy back when NPO forged evidence during the 1V-GATO War. I was called crazy when I exposed NPO for what they truly are. I was called crazy back when I said that the NPO's arrogance would be their downfall. Say what you will, but I have always been proven correct in the long run and it will continue to remain so for many years to come. There is nobody more credible than myself.

Now, as farfetched as all of this may sound, everyone knows it to be true. Everyone agrees with me in secret. Find the courage to speak it in public, to shout it from the rooftops, with me. Let the truth ring out across the land, my friends.

GOD paid the piper in the UJW, they were nuked without being able to retaliate and had to pay hefty reps. GOD and RoK aren't the one self-righteously strutting around the forums pretending they've never done the things they're now looking down on others for doing.

Exactly what I have been saying all along. Somebody gets it.

It seems IRON is well aware of who their new masters are.


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It seems IRON is well aware of who their new masters are.

Yes, stating the obvious and supporting a close friend (I don't really know whether to call them ally because of the suspended treaties) definitely means that TOP is IRON's puppet master.

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So I'm crazy now? I've heard this before. I was called crazy back when NPO forged evidence during the 1V-GATO War. I was called crazy when I exposed NPO for what they truly are. I was called crazy back when I said that the NPO's arrogance would be their downfall. Say what you will, but I have always been proven correct in the long run and it will continue to remain so for many years to come. There is nobody more credible than myself.

Now, as farfetched as all of this may sound, everyone knows it to be true. Everyone agrees with me in secret. Find the courage to speak it in public, to shout it from the rooftops, with me. Let the truth ring out across the land, my friends.

I didn't call you crazy about NPO plots, we've always known what the NPO were.

But frankly we know our brothers in Citadel better than you ever did and with NPO there was always proof, you have no proof of your accusations.

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