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Urgent message from Bohovia


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Um...Its bohovia's friend again. I printed of the responses from you fine people and showed it to him when I visted him. He told me to tell you guys thanks for the support. He is being examined right now, and the docs are going to give him his odds of survival in 2-7 buisness days. Ill keep trying to update you.

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Hi, its me again. 4 hours ago they gave me the test results, there giving him a 43% chance of survival. The gotta do an operation to clear a blood clot in his brain, doc's say its very risky, but they also told us (his folks) that it was the only way he had a chance of survival. Operation is set for tommorow morning and last till mid day, I showe him the 2 pages of comments you guys made, and for the first time since the accdent he smiled, so thanks guys, ill print a off the other new comments. Ill get back to you tommorow, by then we will now if he's gonna be okay or if he's going to not make it ;( hes my best friend and i love him like a bro, so if he doesent make it im gonna not talk for at least 2 weeks. Well...ill write tommorow.

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Hey, its me again, I have great news, are prayers were answered, despite the odd's stacked against him, the blood clot was repaired, there was some complications and well he techicly died for about 20 seconds, but they were able to revive him and from there the surgery went well. Im not sure if u guys are aware but he is nursing his broken arms, and chipped femur bone in his leg, so he will get a cast put on it, this evening. I was able to tell talk ot him after the surgery, he couldent really speak, from fatigue im guessing but wrote down that, he will be RP'ing in a few days, not sure what that means, does he mean RP'ing here? or RP'ing with his girlfriend. He also wrote down to thank you guys for your support and his family and friends. Heshould be fine, there going to keep him at the hospital for a few days then he will be back on this site. Bye :D

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