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Somal Expedition


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The boat sailed out of the small harbour town in the north portion of Andonia. Aboard were fifteen men besides the crew. They were the advance group to establish the base camp, before the other twenty would arrive. Einar Lokisson led them. They checked their equipment to ensure it would stay functioning. The boat arrived in bustling Somal port, and the fifteen men disembarked. They moved out and headed into the wilderness, setting up the base camp in an area just about in central Somal. Then they unpacked the trowels and set to looking for artifacts. The SSCA had arrived.

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A Somal farmer scratches the ear of one of his goats as he watches. He has absolutely no idea what is going on, but it looks suspicious. He fishes out his cell phone and makes a call.

"Hello, Jamal," asks the farmer?

"Yes my brother, how can I help you?"

"A strange group of foreigners has arrived by ship and they are digging holes in the ground with small shovels."

"I'll call the capital and see if they know anything."

3 minutes later..

"Hello, Maroub," asks Jamal?

"Yes my brother, how can I help you?"

"My cousin in the north says he is watching a group of foreigners who arrived by ship dig holes with small shovels."

"Ahh Jamal worry yourself not. I believe that is the archaelongical expedition we've been expecting."

"What are they looking for," asks Jamal?

"Old things," replies Maroub.

"Well they are bound to find something old somewhere in this country."

"Ahh Jamal this is Somal. Everything is old and getting older. I'll contact the local Legion Headquarters and have them send a patrol out to check on them to see if they need anything. Pass my best of wishes to your beloved mother."

"And mine to yours my oldest friend."

Local Legion Headquarters..

"They are doing what?"

"I said they came by ship and are digging holes with small shovels."

"Oh... umm.. well we'll send out a patrol later to see if they need anything. Thanks for the call," replies the overworked Legion Commander as he sighs and the strange way of all foreigners.

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Einar Lokisson gave a whoop. He had found a ruin dating back to the Adal Sultanate. The ruin was quickly excavated, revealing that it had been occupied long after the fall of that country. There was porcelain from China, gold from Kilwa, evidence of textiles from India. The gold artifacts were found hidden in a hollow under the floor, which had crumbled after the ruins were covered up. There probably had been more gold many years ago, but it was probably looted after the ruin was abandoned or taken when the occupants left.

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Captain Jamal Adwin, African Legion, hops out of his AXE All Terrain Vehicle and quickly adjusts his pistol belt. He turns to the machine gunner who is getting ready to deploy his PKM from the pintle mount on the vehicle and says, "No need for that, we are just paying them a friendly visit."

"Yes sir," replies the gunner as he sits back down.

Captain Adwin walks around the bend of the road and comes into sight of the Archaeological dig. He keeps his hands in sight and away from the butt of his pistol as he asks in a loud voice, "Hello is anyone there?" (OOC: he's speaking Geez)

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Einar Lokisson looked up from the piece of pottery from the Mogadishu Sultanate that he was examining to see a soldier approaching, speaking a language he was not familiar with.

"Karl, could you come over here?" Einar asked, bringing their langugage expert over to the soldier.

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