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Antarctican Expansion

Franz Ferdinand

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Dranagg hopes that the Helzan never wish to see the Nordland protection removed from their borders. It might prove harder to cast off than put on.

"Coming from a war mongering nation such as yourself we will politly ignore your comment and ask that you keep all further comments to yourself".


Due to the obvious threat that Helzan is still under from nations around the globe, it has been decided to build upon our defensive armaments and fortifications. Whilst large scale fortifications would not be beneficial a number of radar and watch stations will be constructed to watch the surronding territory. Also being built is a new missile silo system for our current amount of cruise missiles whilst all data that can be delivered on the nearby nation of Dranagg is being viewed and put in as the prime targets for our cruise missiles. If you choose to attack us again it will cost you.

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Due to the movement of a large portion of the reported remaining Helzan military, that being no less than 20% of all known forces, into a track of land no less than ~2500 kilometers long and ~1000 kilometers wide Dranagg felt it clear that the Helzan had breached the of terms for keeping a exclusively defensive military force. Knowing their recent history of rouge moves and pre-emptive strikes against other Dragon Bloc members we were not about to take this breach of terms lightly. The rapidity of their re-armament after the ultimatum to cease and desist only shows just how prepared for war they really were.

Dranagg did send out word to other Dragon Bloc nations to assist in this situation before military force was invoked, and no word, from the Dragon Bloc members, for or against was recieved in time before the escalation of events.

I did not receive any notification, and if you can show me some evidence of it I will stand corrected.

I do not believe that MDP's allow for pre-emptive strikes, and I know that the Helzan are not stupid enough to begin another war after the brief conflict Dragon Bloc had with the nation recently. Reports from the area showed that civilians in the occupied zone far outnumbered military forces. I seriously doubt that these unarmed citizens were preparing an assault.

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"Coming from a war mongering nation such as yourself we will politly ignore your comment and ask that you keep all further comments to yourself".


Due to the obvious threat that Helzan is still under from nations around the globe, it has been decided to build upon our defensive armaments and fortifications. Whilst large scale fortifications would not be beneficial a number of radar and watch stations will be constructed to watch the surronding territory. Also being built is a new missile silo system for our current amount of cruise missiles whilst all data that can be delivered on the nearby nation of Dranagg is being viewed and put in as the prime targets for our cruise missiles. If you choose to attack us again it will cost you.

"Dranagg has never pretended to be anything less than ready for war at all times. One must always be prepared for war in times of peace lest war find you lacking when it comes."

Edward Re

Prime Minister under the monarch

*classified Ministry of War Report to Paga Gwerra*

**Paper report as follows. Burn after reading**

Estimates put that only three military value targets is at threat from any long range attack. That being the new Port Kurast, exposed ground forces, and Samoth. All other possible vulnerable targets deemed as civilian only, and therefore not likely to be targeted. However the emergency evacuation tests are being stepped up this month just in case of the possibility. Other targets are highly unlikely to be known by non-Dranaggan or outside the high officials. Should their locations be compromised they still remain invulnerable to most long range attack options.

*end report*


I did not receive any notification, and if you can show me some evidence of it I will stand corrected.

I do not believe that MDP's allow for pre-emptive strikes, and I know that the Helzan are not stupid enough to begin another war after the brief conflict Dragon Bloc had with the nation recently. Reports from the area showed that civilians in the occupied zone far outnumbered military forces. I seriously doubt that these unarmed citizens were preparing an assault.

The notification was thusly

OOC: well if he wont back down from the claims its IC action time.

IC: At this time Dranagg feels that the Helzan military movement is a direct breach of their recent terms to the Dragon Empire. Considering their movements put themselves closer to Dranagg we are activating the MDP for all dragon bloc members in protection for a second possible preemptive attack. Current forces still on the Dranagg/Helzan border are to be set to Readiness 1 to prepare for forced removal of enemy presence near the territories of Dranagg.

*classified to the Melvin Republic*

As for the possibility of civilians there was no identification that is all they were. However no attacks were made against the unknown civilian group or the military forces sent by the Helzan. When our ultimatum to desist was met with a re-armament by the Helzan, and our terms for simple observation of forces ignored, we sought to end potential continued strife on our border. All Dranaggan forces were given the priority to capture and detain Helzan high command.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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"As you mentioned it is our homeland, ours not someone elses and therefore we can invite who we want to visit or help us rebuild it. Now I understand I have other allies nearer however, at the time and at this current time I still wish to be under the Greater Nordlandic Reich's protection".


"Yes, it is your homeland--but you must realize this is doing nothing but uhurting your image in the eyes of other nations. In other words--lots and lorts of bad PR. On the heels of the rogue incident with Colonel Radec, we feel obligated to mention that this is a major blunder, inviting in the Nordlandic forces.

Due to the movement of a large portion of the reported remaining Helzan military, that being no less than 20% of all known forces, into a track of land no less than ~2500 kilometers long and ~1000 kilometers wide Dranagg felt it clear that the Helzan had breached the of terms for keeping a exclusively defensive military force. Knowing their recent history of rouge moves and pre-emptive strikes against other Dragon Bloc members we were not about to take this breach of terms lightly. The rapidity of their re-armament after the ultimatum to cease and desist only shows just how prepared for war they really were.

Correction. A history of ONE rogue move, ONE pre-emptive attack. You are jumping at shadows. Why did you not simply let it be when they retreated from the area as you asked? You had accomplished your stated goals, and there was no need for bloodshed.

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"Dranagg has never pretended to be anything less than ready for war at all times. One must always be prepared for war in times of peace lest war find you lacking when it comes."

Edward Re

Prime Minister under the monarch

*classified Ministry of War Report to Paga Gwerra*

**Paper report as follows. Burn after reading**

Estimates put that only three military value targets is at threat from any long range attack. That being the new Port Kurast, exposed ground forces, and Samoth. All other possible vulnerable targets deemed as civilian only, and therefore not likely to be targeted. However the emergency evacuation tests are being stepped up this month just in case of the possibility. Other targets are highly unlikely to be known by non-Dranaggan or outside the high officials. Should their locations be compromised they still remain invulnerable to most long range attack options.

*end report*


The notification was thusly

*classified to the Melvin Republic*

As for the possibility of civilians there was no identification that is all they were. However no attacks were made against the unknown civilian group or the military forces sent by the Helzan. When our ultimatum to desist was met with a re-armament by the Helzan, and our terms for simple observation of forces ignored, we sought to end potential continued strife on our border. All Dranaggan forces were given the priority to capture and detain Helzan high command.

"Towards your nation? If you actually care to look at the claims we made the majority of them was away from your nation. In fact non of them would have interfered with your nation at all. So it seems you lied to the community to attack us?"


"Yes, it is your homeland--but you must realize this is doing nothing but uhurting your image in the eyes of other nations. In other words--lots and lorts of bad PR. On the heels of the rogue incident with Colonel Radec, we feel obligated to mention that this is a major blunder, inviting in the Nordlandic forces.

"They our friends and we hold them as allies so regardless of the world's views we will invite them if we wish. If that means a number of nations now fear us then they may do so".


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Why does there need to be peacekeeping forces at all? I think that Helzan should just be left alone in peace. Let them take care of their own country. You are fighting like children over a chunk of land that has very little use to anyone.

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"Towards your nation? If you actually care to look at the claims we made the majority of them was away from your nation. In fact non of them would have interfered with your nation at all. So it seems you lied to the community to attack us?"


It would seem the Helzan want to try and confuse the rest of the world of the fact that their claims were in fact very near to ours. Most of the land taken had prime invasion directions into our main resource areas, and to our capital city. Dranagg is the center of the Antarctic. All nations that expand here are technically moving closer to us, in any direction. The Helzan expansion however was putting soldiers directly on our flanks.

(OOC: I own the south pole. If I owned more of the land around it I'd have a teal strip all along the bottom of the map where it cuts off the pole :P)

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OOC: Ah my bad.

IC: "Hmm it seems that one of my minister's aides relayed mis information and after being placed under interrorgation it was found out that she was in fact a spy placed in our ranks by the Dranagg. Now whilst we could see this as an act to bring down my government and thus an act of war, we shall be diplomatic and instead request that you hand over a small sum of two million of your currency to pay for this crime".

Valerie. High General of the Helzan.

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OOC: Ah my bad.

IC: "Hmm it seems that one of my minister's aides relayed mis information and after being placed under interrorgation it was found out that she was in fact a spy placed in our ranks by the Dranagg. Now whilst we could see this as an act to bring down my government and thus an act of war, we shall be diplomatic and instead request that you hand over a small sum of two million of your currency to pay for this crime".

Valerie. High General of the Helzan.

"We never knew of any spies in your government. How unfortunate that one of your own thought to rebel against your government. Again."

Sophia Patt

Foreign minister

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OOC: Ah my bad.

IC: "Hmm it seems that one of my minister's aides relayed mis information and after being placed under interrorgation it was found out that she was in fact a spy placed in our ranks by the Dranagg. Now whilst we could see this as an act to bring down my government and thus an act of war, we shall be diplomatic and instead request that you hand over a small sum of two million of your currency to pay for this crime".

Valerie. High General of the Helzan.

Valerie, again your government is riddled with spies and traitors, these are the reasons that I asked in the first place that you must take responsibility for your government, which is not being done. Renegades must be put down, or the Helzan is doomed to be destroyed. There is no proof of Dranaggian espionage except for your word and that is not good enough anymore. How do I even know if I am speaking to the high general? There will be no war against Dranagg and there will be no war against Helzan. As the Hansa has claims in Antarctica, these policies of expansion and bloodshed are getting annoying.

This conflict ends now. A Nordic protectorate has been established, and you will withdraw any troops near the border of Dranagg if they exist. Likewise I would like to explain to Dranagg that this should be made likewise. I would advise a de-militarized zone of sorts. But no, this is getting ridiculous. We do not need another war.

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"We never knew of any spies in your government. How unfortunate that one of your own thought to rebel against your government. Again."

Sophia Patt

Foreign minister

"A useful lie to cover your own actions however, as much as I wish to make you pay for your continued transgressions I shall let this slide as I don't wish to create any problems for my new allies. However, you have been warned one more aggressive move against us and I will have to respond".


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Valerie, again your government is riddled with spies and traitors, these are the reasons that I asked in the first place that you must take responsibility for your government, which is not being done. Renegades must be put down, or the Helzan is doomed to be destroyed. There is no proof of Dranaggian espionage except for your word and that is not good enough anymore. How do I even know if I am speaking to the high general? There will be no war against Dranagg and there will be no war against Helzan. As the Hansa has claims in Antarctica, these policies of expansion and bloodshed are getting annoying.

This conflict ends now. A Nordic protectorate has been established, and you will withdraw any troops near the border of Dranagg if they exist. Likewise I would like to explain to Dranagg that this should be made likewise. I would advise a de-militarized zone of sorts. But no, this is getting ridiculous. We do not need another war.

Dranagg has already made terms for a completely void space to be left in Helzan lands. Nothing is to exist or pass through there. The Helzan have previously agreed to what we proposed. If there is any problems it is on the Helzan side.

(ooc: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1561546 see :P)

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Whether the attack was via Dragon Bloc or ComIntern, it is still unnecessary. An MDP is a Mutual Defense Pact. This means that war can only be declared if one signatory comes directly under attack. Had Helzan sent military forces directly against a member of Dragon Bloc, it would be a valid cause to activate the MDP. However, Helzan simply sent troops and civilians into an unoccupied strip of land between their two halves, and therefore was not raising arms against a sovereign nation, lest you consider the penguins that reside there a nation and member of the Bloc.

Furthermore, the accusation of imperialism is a hypocrisy due to the establishment of the Dranagg 'buffer zone.' Unless we are mistaken (OOC: I have no idea what Dranagg's SoI is), that is out of Dranagg's influence, as it would most likely require influence over all or most of Antarctica.

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"Arghh enough of this useless talk and banter. Get me my commanders on the line now!!!" ordered Valerie, blind anger backing every word and one of her aides rushed to contact the neccessary people. Within minutes all of her commanders were assembled in the room with her. "Commanders I will tell you this only once, we are placing ourselves at Defcon 1 immediatly. Pull the tanks out of their bays and have them ready for action, I want the aircraft on standby and get those cruise missiles ready for launch" she commanded and the officers saluted before heading off to follow her orders. They quickly had the soldiers assembled and the tanks were pulling out of the hangers they were kept in. Tornado aircraft were taxing into positions on the runways whilst the silo doors opened and the cruise missiles were ready to fire at any second.

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Whether the attack was via Dragon Bloc or ComIntern, it is still unnecessary. An MDP is a Mutual Defense Pact. This means that war can only be declared if one signatory comes directly under attack. Had Helzan sent military forces directly against a member of Dragon Bloc, it would be a valid cause to activate the MDP. However, Helzan simply sent troops and civilians into an unoccupied strip of land between their two halves, and therefore was not raising arms against a sovereign nation, lest you consider the penguins that reside there a nation and member of the Bloc.

Furthermore, the accusation of imperialism is a hypocrisy due to the establishment of the Dranagg 'buffer zone.' Unless we are mistaken (OOC: I have no idea what Dranagg's SoI is), that is out of Dranagg's influence, as it would most likely require influence over all or most of Antarctica.

The Helzan have a history of military rebellion, Terrorist attacks, and pre-emptive strikes at nations with little or no warning. They were under terms of the Dragon bloc after their recent war with us.

As for the buffer zone. There is No influence over the area. It is a buffer in case of possible invasion. Invasions take time to move. That is the purpose of a buffer zone.

(OOC: i'm actually under my SOI even if I owned the buffer zone. The whole issue everyone else had was that kevz wanted 4x his SOI and would only accept IC action against it. I'm not one to turn down a fun RP like this if they ask for it <3)

Edited by Tahsir Re
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The Helzan have a history of military rebellion, Terrorist attacks, and pre-emptive strikes at nations with little or no warning. They were under terms of the Dragon bloc after their recent war with us.

As for the buffer zone. There is No influence over the area. It is a buffer in case of possible invasion. Invasions take time to move. That is the purpose of a buffer zone.

(OOC: i'm actually under my SOI even if I owned the buffer zone. The whole issue everyone else had was that kevz wanted 4x his SOI and would only accept IC action against it. I'm not one to turn down a fun RP like this if they ask for it <3)

Whatever the issue, Drakoria will take no side, but we are displeased at the aggression used by the Bloc.

OOC: Point taken. :P

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"Arghh enough of this useless talk and banter. Get me my commanders on the line now!!!" ordered Valerie, blind anger backing every word and one of her aides rushed to contact the neccessary people. Within minutes all of her commanders were assembled in the room with her. "Commanders I will tell you this only once, we are placing ourselves at Defcon 1 immediatly. Pull the tanks out of their bays and have them ready for action, I want the aircraft on standby and get those cruise missiles ready for launch" she commanded and the officers saluted before heading off to follow her orders. They quickly had the soldiers assembled and the tanks were pulling out of the hangers they were kept in. Tornado aircraft were taxing into positions on the runways whilst the silo doors opened and the cruise missiles were ready to fire at any second.

OOC: you know if you want to one post CMs and tanks being made I can do that too :P

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OOC: you know if you want to one post CMs and tanks being made I can do that too :P

OOC: I bought CM's ages ago IG and in the last war we had I even posted them being ready to fire on you. As for my tanks as I said they were held in storage.

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With the building tensions in the seas and lands to the south, as well as the possibility of an ally becoming involved the southern fleet is being moved to a higher readiness, as well as being moved to a slightly more southerly position.

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The armed forces have now moved out of the Helzan cities and into the surronding territories with three armies being formed. All three are swinging out in a wide hook pointed towards Dranagg and are moving at full speed towards the buffer zone that Dranagg established. Aircraft are now providing combat air patrols to protect the three armies.

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"The Kingdom Of Serca is disgusted at the nations of Dranagg and The Northeast People's Republic. Your attacks were unwarranted and unprovoked and really really idiotic. The Helzan has only wish to expand and have more room for thier people. They also have The Kingdom's full support if they so wish to do it again. The two mention nations are of disgust to The Kingdom and we wish no kind of interaction with these so called nations. They violate a nations sovereignty and place an unneeded occupation of thier capital. I spit at the sound of the nations of Dranagg and The Northeast People's Republic and will have no type of repesct of these nations.

An as for the dragon bloc, I suggest having a little more responsibility for what your fellow memebrs do in the bloc. they have activated a MDP to help in an OFFENSIVE war. Mutual DEFENSE Pacts are not to be activated unless a nation was attacked. No one was attacked except for Helzan and I recommend that they see some reparations soon."

Emperor Sergio

High Commander of The Kingdom of Serca

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Small Dranaggan recon aircraft quickly picked up movement towards the buffer zone. Military readiness has been set to level 1. No movements have been made to stop Helzan forces on their approaching the Buffer zone.

OOC: pretend the plane is in snow and ice!



*Classified to Andonia*

Landing at Port Kurast is authorized when you arrive. Skywolf brigade is accepted.

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