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White Cross Conference


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(OOC: Just show up and sit down.)

All members of the International Organization known as the White Cross are formally invited to a conference to be held at hangar 12 at the M'Bossa International Airport. Drinks, dinner, and a tour of M'Bossa will be provided. On the agenda for discussion is addressing poverty and practical approaches to addressing poverty without disempowering the people. Dress accordingly in suitable field clothing for an extended tour of what could be rough conditions.

Mad Dog Bob Denard

Bob watches the plane with the Mancurian delegation take to the air. He hands his shotgun to Danwi and says, "Damn it! Get me a pad of paper and write down this message." A few hours later Bob's message is sent out to governments across the world. Bob spends the time venting his annoyance with the insult afforded to him by the Manscarcurians by shooting up an abandoned car with a variety of weapons stemming from an AK-47, PKM, RPG, .50 caliber machine gun, and .22 pistol. Once his anger has been suitably released he turns to face his bodyguards.

He looks them over and says, "We might get some high level guests. I want you fellows to actually take a shower and get some clean BDUs on. Scramble a company or two of the African Legion for security, but keep them at a distance. I don't want these people thinking they are arriving in an armed camp. Have a few AXEs ready as transportation. I want each of them to have a driver and a gunner armed with a pistol and a shotgun. Let's not over do the heavy weapons as we don't need these people thinking we are a bunch of mindless goons running around with assault rifles."

Jorge smiles and says, "Better keep Farouq out of sight then."

Bob chuckles and replies, "Indeed we better," as he motions his men to get cleaned up. After taking a shower, putting on a pair of freshly cleaned BDUs, strapping on his .357 pistol, and putting on his favorite hat Bob feels he is ready to face the world. He returns to the hangar that has turned into the ad hoc diplomatic center of Somal and grunts his approval at the careful work put into cleaning the building and making it ready.

Walking along the tables he inspects the fresh beverages, food, and piles of documents. He looks over to Danwi who has just returned from his own shower and asks, "Are the Legion companies in place?"

"They are ready and waiting," replies Danwi.

"The AXEs are fueled up and ready?"

"Of course."

"Have I forgotten anything?"

"Your pants are unzipped."

Bob looks down to inspect his pants and immediately realizes he is the butt of a joke. He laughs and replies, "One day Danwi, one day," as he motions the his bodyguard to take up a post at a distant corner as he takes his place at the conference table.

Edited by Firestorm
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Aso Taro, Foreign Minister of Yamato, arrive. Although not a member, Yamato had an interest in participating, for its Chuka Protectorate was a nightmare to maintain. Perhaps they could enhance their political position and solve a fiscal blackhole......

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Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia will attend your White Cross Conference on international poverty because Generalissimo (Generalissimo of Procinctia) is already in your hanger eating your food.

Having survived so long in the inhospitable Saint Paul City Wasteland I’ll probably have to dispute your claims of ‘rough’ conditions.


From the office of Generalissimo, Generalissimo of Procinctia

Edited by Generalissimo
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The letter of course was a god send when it had arrived in Brisbane. In all honesty, the White Cross had not done a great deal of major work since the end of the Slavorussian War and that was nearing two years ago at this point. For Sarah, who regarded the organization as her very own child it was truly saddening that not enough could be done with the vast amount of resources they had accumulated. It was a sheer fact of request though, countries never seemed extremely ready to jump on the aid that was being offered. Perhaps it was because the world was ever so slightly turning into a more peaceful place, though she doubted that to an extreme degree. After reading Mad Dog's request she wasted no time getting her things together and boarding a plane bounder for Somal.

The meeting had been arranged in the hangar of the airport where the other representatives were landing at, however this put the Lady Protector a little off guard. More than anything she wanted the chance to tour the country, the White Cross had seen nations that had tried to pose for aid before and while they had earned a portion the rumors she had heard about Somal trumped anything her imagination could build so indeed it would be an eye-opening experience.

Walking into the hangar, escorted by one Lillian guard she took a seat and waited for the meeting to begin.

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Great Lakes State wishes to sent a representative, but can not attend due to the growing threat of the terrorist group called TUO (The United Organizations).

In all honesty, the White Cross had not done a great deal of major work since the end of the Slavorussian War and that was nearing two years ago at this point.

OOC: Do you know where is that White Cross thread where people ask for aid packages?

Edited by HHAYD
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Seamus Muldoon, still head of the Order of St. Patrick, arrived and entered the hanger. He spotted the large cigar chomper at the buffet table and gave him a wide berth lest he lose a hand or a leg. He found a seat and placed his briefcase on the floor beside him. Looking around he spotted Lady Tintagyl and nodded respectfully to her, then glanced around the room and took in the other people there.

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Mad Dog Bob Denard takes the time to personally greet every participant as they enter the hangar. The building probably isn't what they are used to, but it is in a central location and set up for large meetings. He moves amongst the guests quietly speaking to each one with more or less the same message of greetings. He doesn't really know any of them so he keeps it simple and to the point with an informal, "Hello, I'm Bob, welcome to the Republic of Free Somal."

He takes note of the Generalissmo who is already working his way through a plate of Somal cuisine with great gusto and nods his head in appreciation. There was something he could respect in a man who eats his food with enthusiasm. He smiles at him and moves on after he silently motions to one of his bodyguards to keep the Generalissmo's glass full. He silently passes the order for comfortable chairs to be provided for all the guards should they want to use them and he makes his way to the front of the conference table.

As he ponders the effectiveness of shooting his pistol in the air to gain the crowds attention he is reminded of the aftershocks of the last time he used the same technique in a crowded bar full of drunken mercenaries in Central Africa. It had not ended well and the lesson he took away had impressed upon him the need for common sense even when heavily intoxicated. Rather then start a small scale fire fight he elects to say in a loud voice, "Hello, if you'll all take a seat we'll begin."

He clears his throat and says, "Poverty has no simple solutions. This conference is aimed at shedding light at the possible outcomes of the typical methods of alleviating poverty. It is hope that by sharing our experiences with combating poverty in our own locales we can take away some ideas for future use."

Farouq, one of Bob's bodyguards, is motioned to uncover a large map of Africa fastened to the wall. Bob walks to the map and stabs his finger into the center of Africa and says, "Never has so much promise for fulfilling the dreams of the men and women gone to such horrible waste. An entire continent consumed by war, disease, and hunger that also has served the colonies of various European powers. Even more crippling has been the past poorly applied techniques of charitable giving from private and government organizations."

Bob motions to Farouq who uncovers a picture of a starving Somal child. He walks up to the large picture and says, "No one wants to see something like this. The generosity of humanity is to be commended for the giving of the Western world to help solve hunger. However, this boy that you see didn't achieve this state during a famine. He achieved this state due to the instability brought about by the Warlords that grew rich of the crumbs of Western aid."

"Western nations, in the past, have given billion to fight poverty. For the most part this money is dispersed with very little oversight. One more than one occasion during my wanderings in Africa I personally stumbled upon European aid workers residing in lavish villas with walls surrounding them. These compounds all paid for by the money provided by government and private donors. My personal experience witnessing the corruption of charitable organizations must have reached its all time highest point during my stay in the Congo region," remarks Bob as he moves back to the head of the table.

"I do believe I was acting in the employee of one of the various resistance movements that existed at the time. During this time frame I was repeatedly approached by various European Aid Workers for the expressed purpose of me kidnapping young girls for them. One doesn't have to stretch their imaginations to much to realize they were having these girls kidnapped for the purposes of sexual explotation. My response was to have two of these Aid Workers shot," Bob concludes solemnly.

"The crux of the issue here is to address the mechanics of providing aid in such a manner that accountability is injected back into the system to ensure the monies are not spent inappropriately. More importantly is that we all ensure that by our giving to others that we are not creating a nation of beggars," Bob says.

"Again the generousity of the human spirit can't be complimented enough. However, when is enough aid, enough? Far to often I've seen the wreckage of a culture that has become overly dependent on foreign aid. With this aid they no longer bother to attempt to grow their own crops and nor do they see fit to clothe themselves. It is obvious to me that limits need to be put into place regarding the actual amount of Aid given out and the type of aid given," observes Bob.

"Rather than clothing it would be better to give out cloth. Rather than food it might be better to give out seed, when possible. Rather than money it would be better to give out the materials needed to rebuild. The solutions tend to sound simple, but I assure you in practice they are not," Bob concludes as he sits down to open up the floor for discussion.

Edited by Firestorm
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It was hard, it was hard seeing the pictures, hearing the stories trying to understand that her life had been so incredibly sheltered and indeed there was so little that she had experienced, experienced at least the hardships in her life. For all the terrors that had befallen the Hansa, Sarah herself had never starved, she had never searched for food, and she had never struggled just to stay alive. Perhaps in parts, but never to the extent that these people had suffered. Taking a deep breath she cleared the small tears that were forming in her eyes and looked around first at the table and then to Mad Dog himself.

"For a long time both the signatories of the White Cross and myself in planning various independent Hanseatic aid programs can understand that money is definitely not always the best course. Now Mad Dog, I am not saying that your country could not support an extensive building program just maintained by Somal, however by what you have said it would be extremely difficult. Therefore I agree with you that the capital invested into Somal should be redistributed into other fashions. Mind you I do not now the region as well as you do Excellency, however I would assume that most countries going through these type of problems have distinct similarities. Poor technology in agriculture and in the industrial sector, poor or non-existent education system, and normally abysmal living conditions for the people."

"Mad Dog, I am truly impressed that a leader can stand before us and ask for help for such a great task. It is because of leaders like you that Africa has hope of being rebuilt into a glimmering jewel of culture. My proposal is simply this. Somal will receive the same amount of aid that is normally given to nations that request, however it will transferred into rebuilding the Somalian infrastructure. First off the educational system must be improved right away along with the agricultural resources. If both of these sectors improve around the same time then the new engineers and manufacturers can leave universities set up in the country to begin working in the new industrial and agricultural sectors. Following this, hopes would be that the quality of life will begin to rise and then we can look to begin strengthening the actual economy. Building docks, finding markets for Somalian goods, expand the workforce and do whatever is necessary to make Somal into a modern nation. I think we have a lot of hope for this. Gentlemen your thoughts?"

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"Ma'am I think you misunderstand my intentions. I will not request or accept one cent in foreign aid for my country. Right now though we live by incredibly modest means we none the less support ourselves. This is in part due to our massively reduced population stemming from war and famine. Our current building programs are all tailored around revitalizing our existing infrastructure to support our current population. Thus far the project has proceeded as planned. With our supplies of oil and aluminum we've been able to finance our rebuilding efforts. While I do consider Somal incredibly lucky, I recognize the price the Somal people have paid for their progress has been a horrendously steep one. They are a resilient people and a durable one and it is for this reason they'll thrive," Mad Dog Bob Denard replies politely.

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"Give a man a fish and his hunger will be sated for one day.

Teach him how to fish and his hunger will be sated for the rest of his life. Canada agrees with Miss Tintagyl's proposal and will participate in sending materials, seedlings and the like instead of money.

We should also consider the construction of schools to teach the children the basics of life - nothing like our kids learn, with math and whatnot. No the children here have to learn how to farm well, keep the fields alive et cetera."

Edited by Lynneth
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Dr. Fahad Abdul Majeed was thinking deeply about these words. As a young physician new in his practice Dr. Fahad had come to East Africa as part of a medical relief mission and the two years he spent in the land gave him much resonance with the words spoken by Mr. Bob. He too had seen that charity and altruism is not the help that these people wanted. Rather they had to be empowered. The two years that he spent as a physician in Africa was fruitful in that he gained satisfaction of giving medical care to many people but he was dissatisfied on seeing the altruistic nature of charity. It was partly this dissatisfaction that led to his joining Cochin's Foreign Service.

Now the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cochin to the Republic of Free Somal, leaned back to listen to the words of the world leaders who had greater experience in matters of international aid.

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"I suggest that we also consider a very practical form of accounting be instituted requiring some sort of verification that all goods delivered be duly signed for by the appropriate receiving party. Failure to utilized the delivered goods will result in a suspension or reduction of aid in the future. Likewise, it is important to keep in mind that the people of Africa are experts in African farming techniques. Most of the techniques used for farming in the Western world don't do as well here in Africa due to the damage wrought on the African ecosystem. For example, Northern American tractors do so much damage in terms of erosion when plowing that it has been known to clog entire rivers with soil run off during the rainy season. Seedlings and materials are a great start, education is a good way to go, but further I think we need to accept a serious point," Bob says in a clear voice.

"This being that culturally speaking the standard of living for less developed countries need not be as advanced as modern countries. For Canada the standard of living in the Republic of Free Somal would be seen as destitution. Likewise, for a Somal man or woman to step into modern day Canada they'd be utterly lost. It is imperative that less developed cultures be allowed the privilege to develop at their own pace in order for them to experience a healthy social evolution," Bob remarks.

"There are many here with their own personal experiences. Let us take the time to hear some of these to broaden the discussion," concludes Bob.

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Reaching for another plate of exquisite Somal cuisine Generalissimo interjected, “Any plan for foreign aid requires oversight, otherwise it’s about effective as throwing money into the air. Verification is helpful, but Mr. Mad Dog Denard's suggestion doesn’t go far enough. We need more direct oversight, people on the ground to ensure international assistance is not squandered."

Edited by Generalissimo
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General Sergei Gogol arrived, not in a dress uniform, as that was contrary to the wishes of their host, but a full field fatigues--minus any face-paint, of course, as it was not necessary to wear that much camoflage. He wasn't going into combat, after all.

He smiled and bowed his head slightly when Mad Dog introduced himself. "I'm glad to be here," he said.

he would have perferred to remain standing, but that might have been considered rude, and the newly made cief diplomat had to consider such things in every one of his actions.

he listened silently as Mad Dog said his peice, considering it thoughtfully even as others voiced their thoughts.

Reaching for another plate of exquisite Somal cuisine Generalissimo interjected, "Any plan for foreign aid requires oversight, otherwise it's about effective as throwing money into the air. Verification is helpful, but Mr. Mad Dog Denard's suggestion doesn't go far enough. We need more direct oversight, people on the ground to ensure international assistance is not squandered."

"That is, of course, the crux of the issue. How much oversight is necessary to avoid misappropriation of funds and resources? At what point does oversight become overly redundant? Yes, oversight is needed, from what we've seen this is all too obvious. Perhaps a half-dozen men and women, overseers, at the sight, personally overlooking such re-construction? And occasional inspections, from the offices approving such aid, unscheduled as often as not."

He turned to the rest of the delegates. "Would this be sufficient? Of course, local techniques would need to be observed, as our host has pointed out. What works in one place does not always work everywhere. We would need to keep this in mind when educating them on how to feed and clothe themselves."

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Ragnar Ruriksson arrived from Andonia.

" Sorry I could not arrive sooner, transportation is rather slow at the moment. We are a bit disorganized.

I agree with the Generalissmos statement. We need to have direct oversight. Documents are easily falsified."

Edited by freakwars
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"This part of the conversation is something I hoped to put off till later, but it seems we are getting around to it now. The actual mechanics of reconstruction generally tends to take on four distinct phases," Mad Bob Bob Denard elaborates as he walks back to his easel, removes the starving Somal picture and replaces it with a new panel.

"As you can see this first panel details Phase I. These operations tend to be the result of a large event. Men, women, and supplies are rushed to the area to stabilize the situation and to provide housing, food, and medical care. I think we all know that such operations are vital to providing immediate relief to those who need it. The inherent flaws in this phase of the Operation include a response by the interational community that often is poorly coordinated. This can be seen by food supplies being religiously inappropriate or textbooks being in the wrong language," states Bob.

"Part of the solution I believe is for the White Cross to create a unified crisis management center. By putting together a trained team of disaster relief experts beforehand I believe we can better manage the international response. It certainly isn't a perfect solution, but it does seem better than the current system of hurling millions of dollars, tonnes of food, and thousands of troops at situations where such a response isn't warranted. This brings us to Phase II operations," says Bob as he changes to a new panel.

"Phase II is the very beginning of the reconstruction effort. I think we all have experienced or seen these sorts of operations showing a mass of men and equipment roaring about the countryside. To some extent this does has to happen in order to transition the refugees back to their homes. However, we all need to consider the expense of such operations and the overall effectiveness," notes Bob as he walks back to his seat, picks up his glass of water, and takes a sip to wet his dry throat.

"Typical of Phase II operations are the repeated examples of blunders in the deployment of men and materials. We often see culturally inappropriate foodstuffs delivered and little understanding of the cultural values. I'm sure we all feel that it ought to be enough that we are helping the afflicted population, but we also need to put ourselves in their shoes," requests Bob.

"Imagine your world being turned upside down. Imagine having to relocate to a refugee tent city that is run by foreigners. Imagine having a great deal of gratitude at the outset. However, after spending weeks being forced to eat pork when you are Muslim or a similar situation you begin to get angry. You want to return home, but you can't as the countryside is in a hell of a state. When you finally do return home you find a beer bellied western construction worker drinking a beer in your local mosque whilst reading a porno magazine on his contractually obligated lunch break," expounds Bob.

"This sounds hard to believe but it does happen on a regular basis. I do suggest that while it is difficult to satisfy cultural values we can and should do a bit more. When at all possible local companies should be contracted to do the reconstruction work under our fiscal oversight. Phase II operations should begin with the goal of returning people to their homes with the materials and foods for them to resume occupation of their homes. Phase I to stabalize the disaster area, Phase II to begin returning people to their homes, and of course that brings us to Phase III," observes Bob as he walks back to the easel and replaces the panel with a third one.

"Phase III is the part that probably causes the most problems. People in disasters tend to be profoundly grateful up to a point. Once they've returned to their homes and they are rebuilding their own lives they begin to notice their country is over-run with thousands of foreigners all looking incompetent and unguided. Phase III intensive period of rebuilding that seeks to address the damage done to the local infrastructure. I feel both Phase II and Phase III need their own focused team of Engineers who begin surveying the damage almost the same day Phase I operations begin. Once this survey has been completed these Engineers can meet with their supervisors to create a detailed plan for repair and rebuilding the homes and public works of the devastated community or country," comments Bob.

"It is vital that quality controls be put into place during the implementation of both Phase II and Phase III operations to ensure oversight and to minimize corruption. I think some of us have probably been ripped off by a contractor or two at one point in our lives. Imagine throwing them millions of dollars with no one making sure they are actually using it properly? I can't find the words to adequately describe what is probably their near orgasmic response," says Bob as he replaces panel three with panel four.

"As you can see here we have Phase IV operations being the long term support of the devastated region. It is my belief that we need to begin transitioning foreign aid workers out of the disaster zone as quickly as possible. Likewise, once the ability to harvest or procure their own food is restored we need to begin cutting back our aid shipments. The simplistic example of sending in seeds applies at this time, but should only come about when the ability to farm is restored. Proper management comes from our oversight and quick transition out of the country allows the local population to retain more control over their day to day lives. Long term support comes in the form of micro-loans, education centers, and security support operations designed to enhance the police operations to promote public safety," concludes Bob.

Having finished explaining the four phases Bob walks back to his chair and sits down. He is happy that he he gotten that bit out of the way as he isn't what he'd describe as a fan of public speaking. He does it when he needs to do it, but he certain doesn't enjoy it.

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General Gogol nodded, impressed with Mad Dog's speech. "I don't know if speeches are your forte, but I can see observation, organization and planning certainly are. To be perfectly honest, I'd never considered the culteral ramifications of many aid projects, and I don't think my predecessors did either, which probably goes to show why a large number of such projects were ineffective."

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"My background actually began as a volunteer with an aid group in Central Africa about seventeen years ago. After two years of futility and time wasted I somehow got involved in a Marxist resistance front. Call it the folly of an impressionable youth if you want, but I went from Aid Worker to mercenary rather quickly. This is also well after I graduated from Columbia University in New York City with a Master's Degree in International Relations. All of these things put together have given me a bit of perspective. However, my perspective alone is no more important than yours. Would anyone care to share their own personal experiences," asks Bob?

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"Would anyone care to share their own personal experiences..." asks Bob?
"I am currently working with an elite team of Promised Land volunteers operating with Canadian equipment under White Cross sanction to make Saint Paul Island habitable. In my experience White Cross personnel have been immaculate professionals, I have nothing but praise for the White Cross and their affiliates." Edited by Generalissimo
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"I am currently working with an elite team of Promised Land volunteers operating with Canadian equipment under White Cross sanction to make Saint Paul Island habitable. In my experience White Cross personnel have been immaculate professionals, I have nothing but praise for the White Cross and their affiliates."

"Of course, yours is a more...extreme case, requiring the most direct and aggressive intervention of all. How much progress have we made in clearing the island of traps, anyway? My superiors haven't kept me up-to-date on that particular operation."

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"A broken clock is still right two times a day. I do suggest we consider expanding upon the regional capabilities of the White Cross in order to increase the overall effectiveness of an organization that has seen little in the way of practical field experience under its own mantle," comments Mad Dog Bob Denard.

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