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We're looking for a protectorate deal


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Interesting. You might try getting onto IRC and get to know some of the larger alliances that are around and once you do...then ask for a protectorate; or get to know them and they may, or may not, offer one when you are having difficulties.

You're currently in the grey area numbers wise where you may...or may not, need one.

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Try getting onto IRC, and in order to get a protectorate that won't bolt for the exit door when trouble comes, try talking to some of the alliances personally. No one likes blank point begging.

Last of all, avoid having an alliance who is being targeted by Karma being your protectorate, they won't do a very good job of defending your alliance when they are being mass curb stomped. :awesome:

EDIT: Based on how many members your alliance has and the average strength, a protectorate isn't really necessary.

Edited by HHAYD
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