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A new direction.

King Kevz

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Valerie stood before the glass window looking down upon the city below her where she could see her people scurrying from one building to another to avoid the harsh weather. Sighing softly and thinking of a nice young lady she knew who was currently off the radar probally enjoying herself in the sun she turned back around to face the advisors that had been instated into office. They were merely around for the effect of having the High General appear to be following the advice of those who were older and thus supposedly more experienced than herself. Immediatly her minister of homeland affairs opened her mouth to speak but was quickly silenced by Valerie as she raised her good hand. "Yes Asha I know what you are going to say. You don't think that the people will agree with this change to our culture as it has too many differences but I believe you are wrong. The people have always lived following the High General and they still will however, I will implement the changes slowly. What I am more bothered about is the world's reaction when they find out we will be embrassing the Nordic culture into our own after our recent actions" said Valerie silencing Asha's worries as she turned to the rest of her ministers.

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It was a cold icy wind that blew through the streets of Helzan but none of its population paid attention as most of them stood riveted to the spot watching the High General walk onto the podium that had been erected in the main square and a number of camera crews turned their cameras to follow her as she walked. She placed both hands on the podium's stand and took a deep breath, letting the cold air refresh her lungs before looking up and beginning her announcement. The camera crews broadcasted the announcement into the homes and workplaces of the Helzan citizens across the whole of the nation.

"Men and women of Helzan I come before you to inform you have a change that will be occuring through our great nation. For many months now we have seen the rise of the Nordic culture in Europe, in our homelands and whilst many nations across the globe see them with hate and fear we can not fail to recognise the similarities that exist throughout both of our cultures. I know that a fair number of you, mostly those from the germanic areas of Europe, have already been secretly following the culture in your own homes well today you will no longer need to do so in secret as from today their culture will become our culture. Now I know a number of you may disagree with this as you believe it goes against what Helzan is and if you wish to leave then I will not stop you and I wish you the best in your lives. The changes themselves will be slowly adapted into our nation over time so that anyone oppossed to them may leave peacefully. Thank you that is all" annouced Valerie before she bowed and left the podium.

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It had been quite a few hours since Valerie had made her announcement and as expected there had been a number of different reactions. From the Germanic people the expected response occured as they cheered for Valerie as she made her announcement and made their obvious approval for Nordland by showing and lfying their crudly made Nordic flags from their homes. Most of the population of Helzan accepted the High General's idea as they had done so for centuries and many of them agreed with Valerie even if they didn't voice their opinions in the open however, a minority of the youth of Helzan oppossed the High Generals idea and announcement and even staged a protest against it which left Helzan security forces stunned as they hadn't ever had to deal with a protest luckily the protest finished peacefully but it was now certain that the minority would leave Helzan to somewhere else. Now then the first step to be taken would have to be handled carefully and so Valerie made sure to contact Nordland to exchange embassies something they had never done with another nation.

*Message to the Greater Nordland Reich*

"Greetings esteemed leaders of the Greater Nordland Reich. Recently I personally have continued my interest into your culture and have found that your own and mine have a number of similarites however, I always found that the Helzan culture itself was outdated and past its time and after much craeful thoughts and communications with a number of my Germanic people I wish to allow my nation became part of the Nordic culture. To ensure that this occurs without causing any offence to yourselves and to help for a bond and possible alliance I would like to commence an exchange of embassies with yourselves".

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

OOC: By the way other than the message to Nordland this isn't calssified as any tourists visiting Helzan or any spies would find this out as its public knowledge so if anyone wnats to comment they can.

Edited by King Kevz
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OOC: Wanted to put this in a new post.

IC: With the reduction of ground forces and equipment and with a new higher budget the Helzan airforce has been reorganised from the ground up. With newer equipment installed and ready for use and more time spent on training and planning the Helzan airforce has taken a great leap forward in ability and with the new budget the H-16 aircraft have been updated to the new Tornado class ground attack aircraft along with the new markings we will be using for our armed forces. Along with the new Tornado's four prototype aircraft have also been designed and produced and are currently undergoing trials before full production begins. These prototypes have been classed as Typhoons.

A number of anti-aircraft missile mobile missile platforms have also been placed across Helzan's airfield and across the territory itself. These patriot missile batteries should prove useful against any enemy air attack.


Patriot system


A Tornado


The prototype Typhoon.

Edited by King Kevz
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*Message to the Greater Nordland Reich*

"Greetings esteemed leaders of the Greater Nordland Reich. Recently I personally have continued my interest into your culture and have found that your own and mine have a number of similarites however, I always found that the Helzan culture itself was outdated and past its time and after much craeful thoughts and communications with a number of my Germanic people I wish to allow my nation became part of the Nordic culture. To ensure that this occurs without causing any offence to yourselves and to help for a bond and possible alliance I would like to commence an exchange of embassies with yourselves".

Länder Kaiser Tanzband replied to her inquiry:

"Your Excellency,

It is always a pleasure to educate foreign leaders and their populace on the glory of Nordland's culture. We will instantly set up consulates throughout your nation, and begin opening government-level immigration. In addition to embassies, I will send a cultural adviser to help work with your cabinet and your culture department to introduce Nordland's ideals to your nation."

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Länder Kaiser Tanzband replied to her inquiry:

"Your Excellency,

It is always a pleasure to educate foreign leaders and their populace on the glory of Nordland's culture. We will instantly set up consulates throughout your nation, and begin opening government-level immigration. In addition to embassies, I will send a cultural adviser to help work with your cabinet and your culture department to introduce Nordland's ideals to your nation."

"Thank you sir,

I am most honoured to accept such an offering of assistance from yourself and will gladly place my full staff at your cultural adviser's disposal. I am currently having one of our main meeting halls renovated into a suitable embassy for your people and I hope they will find it suitable enough as for my own ambassador and staff they should be sent along shortly."

Valerie, High General of Helzan.

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They were a bit surprised at first, but in the end having more Brothers and Comrades was always better. A secretary contacted the Helzans providing Martens' number, as he is the culture minister. Soon after the proposal was accepted a temple would be built, which would be not simply a cultural center but in fact also provide free Nordlandic lessons.

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They were a bit surprised at first, but in the end having more Brothers and Comrades was always better. A secretary contacted the Helzans providing Martens' number, as he is the culture minister. Soon after the proposal was accepted a temple would be built, which would be not simply a cultural center but in fact also provide free Nordlandic lessons.

With the number provided Valerie had her best intelligance people set up a secure line to the number at the best of their ability as she didn't wish to place Martens at risk. Whilst she waited for the connection to get through she made sure that Helzan would be able to supply funding and materials for the temple which was to be built. Also at this time with the message from Promised Land recieved the minority that oppossed the High General left Helzan for Promised Land.

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...Also at this time with the message from Promised Land recieved the minority that oppossed the High General left Helzan for Promised Land.

When they arrived, they wold be welcomed as they said, though they, like anyone else, had to go through the security checkpoints like anyone else. they were reassured that yes, they were not being singled out in this treatment as any luggage they had was throughly examined, and cursory searches were performed on their persons. But once in, they would find a few more freedoms than Helzan had originally had.

For one, though the military was in charge here, they did not make it blatant, and no citizen was forced to do anything except serve in the armed forces in one capacity or another for one year. Even then, being immigrants, they had a certain amount of time after becoming citizens to fulfil this obligation.

After that, the only things they were required to do would be to pay taxes and obey the laws that ensured the people's basic rights (no murdering, stealing, etc).

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