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Announcement of the Formation of the United States of America

Sargun II

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"Firstly please accept by congratulations on this merger and I personally wish all of its states the best of luck. However, I must say that I am confused by your comment seeing as how you have all merged into one then clearly all treaties affect everyone of its stated of course if this is not the case then this is at best a merger of convience rather than a true merger"

Valerie, High General of Helzan.

Our various governments and still working to consolidate ourselves and the treaty question will be addressed when the time comes. However, for the time being, they only affect the states which originally signed them.

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"Thank you.. We have no further questions."

OOC: Thanks. :D Here, have two cookies.

OOC: Mmmm...delicious. Thanks! :wub:

"Firstly please accept by congratulations on this merger and I personally wish all of its states the best of luck. However, I must say that I am confused by your comment seeing as how you have all merged into one then clearly all treaties affect everyone of its stated of course if this is not the case then this is at best a merger of convience rather than a true merger"

Valerie, High General of Helzan.

IC: "I accept, thank you. Besides, this is only my interpretation on this particular point. We are still working on this at the time, for the treaty question is yet to be addressed. But thank you for the question."

Edited by JEDCJT
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Our various governments and still working to consolidate ourselves and the treaty question will be addressed when the time comes. However, for the time being, they only affect the states which originally signed them.

"Therefore the statement by New England was said too soon?"

Valerie, High General of Helzan

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IC: "I accept, thank you. Besides, this is only my interpretation on this particular point. We are still working on this at the time, for the treaty question is yet to be addressed. But thank you for the question."

"If it is still being worked out, why have you announced this at all, yet?"

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At this point in time the United States will be meeting and voting on several key issues, and after we conclude these discussions we will be most definitely answering any and all questions, queries or quandaries.
"If it is still being worked out, why have you announced this at all, yet?"

"Uh, we didn't announce this, at least not New England. You'll have to ask Louisiana on that one. Besides, we are working out key issues at this point as a means of creating and fostering a more "perfect Union", at least in the figurative if not literal sense."

Edited by JEDCJT
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"The merger will affect treaty obligations on a more local level. For instance, several States are a part of the ComIntern, so if the treaty for that bloc get activated, it will affect only these states, not the nation as a whole. That's what my interpretion is, anyways.

Then it may be up for debate whether if the USA is in fact a country or rather a bloc in which everyone decides to fly the exact same banner, then again I may be biased due to how centralized Nordland is becoming.

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"If it is still being worked out, why have you announced this at all, yet?"

"We do not appoints kings. All government positions and other issues are being voted on and they will be changed when the need comes - we cannot let our citizens vote for their representatives if they do not know about it."

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The American Union State does not recognize the United States of America. The natural continuation of the United States of America is the American Union State and its Government, the Enclave.

The Republic of Drakoria hereby recognizes the United States of America as a sovereign nation and wishes good luck to the States.

On another note, the government of Drakoria does not recognize the American Union State as the successor to the Former United States.

President Drake made a statement on the matter.


President Jason R. Drake

"Most Drakorians who read or watch the news know of the American Union State and the United States of America. Some of you have asked what the government of Drakoria's stance on the matter is. Due to unnecessary violations of civil rights, including arrests without warrants, Drakoria will not recognize the AUS as the successor to the old USA. From our knowledge, we believe that the new United States is indeed the successor to the United States, should it so make the claim. A nation such as the AUS, who treats its citizens like resources and pawns, cannot be the successor state."

OOC: (Edit is cause I quoted the wrong post)

Edited by Drakedeath
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Good luck, and where is the merger federal government is going to get their funding? Donations? New taxes?

Undoubtedly one of the issues they will vote on. An inneficient process, some would call it, but others say it is a necessary thing if the people wish for freedom.

In any case, we recognize the USA and wish them peace and prosperity.

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Molakia is very interested with this situation. With the AUS stomping out natural rights and Tahoe being excluded/not wishing to join this new United States, we are getting our popcorn ready for the political situation in this area.

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The Jersey Republic wishes this new organization the best of luck.

Also, to clarify in case someone somehow thought this: The Jersey Republic is still a sovereign nation and not a member of the USA.

Fortunately, this is true. We pity whoever winds up having New Jersey.

OOC: :awesome:

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Fortunately, this is true. We pity whoever winds up having New Jersey.

OOC: :awesome:

OOC: :mellow:

IC: The USA's opinion of the Republic is noted.

The Republic therefore suspends the ODP between the Jersey Republic and what was New England until we feel that we can be treated respectfully again.

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OOC: Derp.

IC: If you are dumb enough to believe that one state's opinion is the opinion of seven others, you don't deserve to own an ODP with anybody. We congratulate New England on having their ODP suspended.

Sadly, you seem to be the spoksperson for the "USA" thus how we came to our decision.

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IC: The USA's opinion of the Republic is noted.

The Republic therefore suspends the ODP between the Jersey Republic and what was New England until we feel that we can be treated respectfully again.

Don't worry, I can assure you that the USA will treat the Jersey Republic with respect. After all, New England still exists, albeit in a larger Union, and we (if not the USA, then New England) will continue to maintain the same position, opinion, and respect we had of you. ^_^

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The Elective Dictatorship of Palintine is starting to notice a trend in the formation of larger entities that it saw some time ago when it was a member of the Ferrous Pacific Brotherhood.

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Annihilation congratulates the United States on their successful merger. We are interested in visiting member states and making our presense known to your group.


"Constance, could you please send the United States a basket of the finest chocolate chip cookies, and 12 bottles of wine."

"Right away, Madame. What would you like me to write on the card?"

"Hm. Make it '<3'. They will know who it is."

OOC: Lulz.

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