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The Helzan invasion of Andonia Incident, a Dragon Bloc Vote.

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ooc: Strictly closed to members of the Dragon Bloc.

"The Helzan have provided aid for the Andonians killed in the attack they waged against our ally, but we have witnessed other costs as a result of their brainless incursion.. and there is no real amount of money that will ease the pains of those who have lost family members. Additionally, the Helzan cutt off communications without responding to the sanctions we have placed against them. They never formally declared a peace. We never formally accepted a peace and Melvin Republic technically remains in a state of war with them. The question thus arises. How do we want to handle the Helzan Republic. I've heard multiple angles on this. Many of you, it has come to my understanding, still want to move forth with an invasion to oust their leader, but I don't know how wise such a war conducted in Antarctic conditions would be. I'd be more content in letting them live under constant shelling until they changed governmetns or were annihilated.. or exiled their leader. What do you want to do? I am here merely to execute your will and have not an opinion of my own."

Vote options so far voiced:

No war: 0

Maintain Sanctions: 3

Increase sanctions to marginalized disarmament while granting protectorate status: 1

Total War: 0

Sanctions already include forced reparations. Votes for sanctions + reparations will fall under maintain sanctions.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Might Dranagg be first to say that Antarctic war conditions are NOT a problem for the Dragon Bloc.

However to the problem at hand.

We feel that the Helzan military should be disarmed, and be reduced to only enough forces to act as security for the nation. The ability to invade a nation across the globe, or their neighbors, is a threat to great to leave to a people that act this rashly.

Since the Helzan have complained about being barely able to stay stable in the Antarctic they can no doubt use the extra funds and workforce this disarmament can bring.

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