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Helzan Military Moves

King Kevz

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The situation is resolved? And no consequences for the invader?

President Landry:

"I do not wish to send a message to future belligerents that they are allowed to attack on a whim, and when they start losing can just withdraw. I have activated my country's entire military in order to defend my ally against an imperial enemy who wages war when they can barely afford to run their government. If I call off this war, the economic reverberations will be too harsh in the Melvin Republic. You probably don't know much about my country, but negative GDP growth is usually the last thing a President runs before being voted out of office.

I do not recognize this state of peace, unless my nation is compensated for economic loss it will surely suffer from such economic turbulence. Other nations will not violate the sovereignty of my allies, wreak economic devastation in the Melvin Republic, and cause my political death without consequences."

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Andonia does not wish very much in reparations. All we want is a small sum for the families of those who were killed. We will send money to those who died on the Helzan side as well.

Buildings can be replaced, but people cannot.

"How much do you require from us?"

Valerie, High General of Helzan.

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"The only problem is that I don't believe they have much to give, President Landry.. and even less for us to want to take. I might have to send you some aid to straighten your ship. How about we call for the surrender of their military command that started this conflict and assigning them to house arrest?"

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Just $500 for each family. Andonia will match this offer to the families of your dead soldiers as well. However, realize this. If you ever attack us like this again, We will not be so lenient.

"Very well if you can inform us how many of your people died we can send across the neccessary funds".

Valerie, High General of Helzan.

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About one hundred civillians died in the initial assault, then during the guerrilla strikes five hundred soldiers died. About seven hundred soldiers died during the retreat and holding action.

How many of your soldiers died?

"Do not concern yourselves with our soldiers we were the aggressors we will not have you pay for our mistakes. $650000 shall be wired to an account of your choice".

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"There is no price on life. There is no sufficient compensation that will alleviate the suffering of the family that has lost these seven hundred. This is an example of the abuse of power on an unprecedented scale. We demand that after compensation is paid, there be a regime change in Helzan via elections by the population there. Existing government members will be forbidden from running in this contest. The winners of the election would take power immediately, and the leaders currently presiding over that state are to be put under lifelong house-arrest for the murder of 700 innocent Andonian civillians. If the terms are refused, the war will continue."

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"There is no price on life. There is no sufficient compensation that will alleviate the suffering of the family that has lost these seven hundred. This is an example of the abuse of power on an unprecedented scale. We demand that after compensation is paid, there be a regime change in Helzan via elections by the population there. Existing government members will be forbidden from running in this contest. The winners of the election would take power immediately, and the leaders currently presiding over that state are to be put under lifelong house-arrest for the murder of 700 innocent Andonian civillians. If the terms are refused, the war will continue."

"Your terms are unachieveble I am afraid the people only support me the High General and no one else it is how it has always been and how it will always be. Is there not an alternative we can agree to?".

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

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"Do not concern yourselves with our soldiers we were the aggressors we will not have you pay for our mistakes. $650000 shall be wired to an account of your choice".

"That price is less than the cost of the fuel in just one of the ships to get to Sri Lanka and back."

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"That price is less than the cost of the fuel in just one of the ships to get to Sri Lanka and back."

Andonia chose that amount. We will stand by our decision.

I believe that the Helzan leader should stay in power as long as they swear an oath to not make war upon any nation without good reason.

Edited by freakwars
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I must insist on helping the families of your soldiers.

OOC: Mael, you got the numbers wrong.

"Please you must understand my people are a proud people and they would see it as an insult to take any money from you, but your comment is appreciated"

"That price is less than the cost of the fuel in just one of the ships to get to Sri Lanka and back."

"It is the amount that the Andonians have chosen"

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"No there is not. If the General will not resign, then we will oust the general."
Andonia chose that amount. We will stand by our decision.

I believe that the Helzan leader should stay in power as long as they swear an oath to not make war upon any nation without good reason.

"Andonia says I should be allowed to stay in office and I would gladly swear the above oath. My policy was suppossed to prevent this however, it failed".

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"Your terms are unachieveble I am afraid the people only support me the High General and no one else it is how it has always been and how it will always be. Is there not an alternative we can agree to?".

Valerie, High General of the Helzan.

President Landry:

Possibly you could rethink your answer? These are very lenient terms here. I support my Chairman's decision, but I felt even those terms were too easy. The damage you've caused to my nation economically will be the death of my political career and positive leadership over the Melvin Republic.. Basically, you have forced a regime change within my nation, yet the Helzan are unable to do the same?

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President Landry:

Possibly you could rethink your answer? These are very lenient terms here. I support my Chairman's decision, but I felt even those terms were too easy. The damage you've caused to my nation economically will be the death of my political career and positive leadership over the Melvin Republic.. Basically, you have forced a regime change within my nation, yet the Helzan are unable to do the same?

"You don't understand if I stood down then the people would just have placed back in power immediatly or would refuse to accept my resignation. Im sorry but there must be an alternative".

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"You don't understand if I stood down then the people would just have placed back in power immediatly or would refuse to accept my resignation. Im sorry but there must be an alternative".

What if you are simply placed in exile, forcing your people to choose someone else as leader?

Edited by Lynneth
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"Landry, I think I can accomodate your costs of war from the old nuclear recovery reserves.. they're down to 750 billion, but that's no small sum. That should quiet your people's concerns. I hate footing the cost for peace, but additional bloodshed just seems ignorant at this point. Perhaps you can spin your people's view on this as having avoided an utterly pointless war that would have cost thousands of lives on sheets of ice miles away from home. High General Valerie, your patent for bad decisions has left me disgusted with your ability to lead a nation and to address true threats, but we will stand down. Your nation is to be put under embargo by the Dragon Bloc for no less than 10 years, and your ships will not be allowed to enter our waters during that time without being fired upon. Your embassies in our states, if any, will be closed.. the land sold.. and the money given to an Andonian Charity to support the families of those who have lost lives. Your assets in our states will be frozen and any trades pending canceled and the items confiscated for said charity. If you even breathe a word of hostility against any nation upon this world, except for very justifiable reasons, we will stand with your opponents and aid them. After 10 years, pending your behavior, we will review this punishment to see if it merits being relieved. This is the final decision of the Dragon Bloc. Given you will not have access to most of the resources in Asia.. we're going to find it entertaining to see how you manage to survive in Antarctica."

ooc: 10 years is 10 months ic time.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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