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Helzan Military Moves

King Kevz

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"And then what about those that supported the terrorist attacks on our government who will be able to disappear and all we have left are bodies and bad memories. What then?"

"You pick up a phone and ask for a meeting if you think your evidence is strong. Will you handle it the right way or your way?"

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"You pick up a phone and ask for a meeting if you think your evidence is strong. Will you handle it the right way or your way?"

"Tell me what if we do phone them and they have conviently disappered from all exisatnce what then?"

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The Highly Elite 10,000 Strong Armored Combat Suit formation known as "Grey Knights" loaded onto transports supported by 100,000 regular soldiers in a veritable armada of ships. Two Carriers, Two Battleships, a Submarine, and Three Frigates accompanied the formation to its' ultimate goal.

Sri Lanka.

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What if you are wrongly accusing us. What then. Then we have a country with swathes of devasted land, many people dead for nothing. Nothing at all.

"We have all the evidance we need to convict you and we are not wrong in this".

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Tell that to the brave sons and daughters of Andonia who you killed. Every one of them had a family. Had dreams. A future. and you took it all away from them over what? A handful of documents you say prove that we conducted terrorist attacks against you?

In the backround music played. The Anthem of Andonia

Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care, I'm still free

You can't take the sea from me.

Take me out to the black

Tell them I ain't comin' back

Burn the sky and sink the land

You can't take the sea from me.

Leave the men where they lay

They'll never see another day

Lost my soul, lost my dream

You can't take the sea from me.

I feel the black reaching out

I hear its song without a doubt

I still hear and I still see

That you can't take the sae from me.

Lost my love, lost my land

Lost the last place I could stand

There's no place I can be

Since I've found Serenity

And you can't take the sea from me.

In the town the survivng infantrymen fixed their bayonets, waiting for the enemy to move into the town. They knew they would die. Knew they had no chance for survival. But they readied themselves to fight anyway, to take a few of the !@#$%^&* with them.

Edited by freakwars
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"Tell me what if we do phone them and they have conviently disappered from all exisatnce what then?"

"You had no problem blowing them up. I'm sure your police force can find them. Will this attack continue? I have central Africa in devastation that I like to take care of and if you are going to persist I'm bringing my solders into your country."

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Tell that to the brave sons and daughters of Andonia who you killed. Every one of them had a family. Had dreams. A future. and you took it all away from them over what? A handful of documents you say prove that we conducted terrorist attacks against you?

"Correct now just accept the darn surrender and lets get this fighting halted or if you can't stomach an unconditional surrender then send us your conditions and we will see if they are acceptable".

OOC: Noooo curse you Freakwars thats my favourite song, now I can't fight you >.>.

"Very well all military actions shall stop immediatly until this crisis is resolved".

Edited by King Kevz
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"Diplomacy!! You want us to offer them diplomacy!!! They attack our nation, kill our soldiers and almost kill our leader and not to mention almost start a war with another nation and you want us to offer them diplomacy. No we could not afford to give them an early warning. We have offered them unconditional surrender which if they accept then we will pull out and resolve this problem".

Prove that the entire nation, or barring that, the entire government, is repsonsible for these crimes. Until then, get out.

"And then what about those that supported the terrorist attacks on our government who will be able to disappear and all we have left are bodies and bad memories. What then?"

At least you won't have the blood of innocents on your hands. Get out now.

Upon receipt of the signal, and attempting to reply but getting no response, a miltary cargo jet was dispatched with a team of special forces operatives on board to investigate--until the further messages were received. It was to continue on, but it would fly high and deploy the operatives behind Helzan lines.

Immediately, a Carrier battlegroup was dispatched, including transports carrying 10,000 men. If the Helzan didn't want to talk, neither were they going to talk.

In the battlegroup were one submarine and two destroyers, a battleship, and of course the carrier itself, containing five full squadrons of fighters (OOC: a dozen to each squadron). As they were the closest in proximity to the fight other than the combatants, they would be the first on the scene.

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"Correct now just accept the darn surrender and lets get this fighting halted or if you can't stomach an unconditional surrender then send us your conditions and we will see if they are acceptable".


"Very well all military actions shall stop immediatly until this crisis is resolved".

Upon hearing this, all units in motion toward the conflict still continued, but upon arrival they were to remain in standby unless hostilities were resumed.

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Noticing the high amounts of mobilizations against Helza a public statement was made.

"It seems justified wars are reasons for retaliation now too"

"Good thing this isnt a justified war and deserves retaliation."

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"All Helzan units are to fall back to their landing craft and report back their their transport vessels as soon as possible".

OOC: NVM lets get this finished then I can snooze

Edited by King Kevz
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Noticing the high amounts of mobilizations against Helza a public statement was made.

"It seems justified wars are reasons for retaliation now too"

"Good thing this isnt a justified war and deserves retaliation."
"Terrorism in itself is an Act of War"

Yes, it is...if you know for certain that your target is behind it. No diplomacy was offered, no proof was put forward. No, they went straight to the attack.

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"Not with out proof, diplomacy and attempting to work out the problem."
Yes, it is...if you know for certain that your target is behind it. No diplomacy was offered, no proof was put forward. No, they went straight to the attack.

Difficult times ask for difficult measures.

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Below is a encrypted message we managed to pick up and decode that links the terrorists to Andonia. We also had a number of witnesses from Black Widow that stated they had been given support from Andonia.

To: Black Widow
From: Ragnar Ruriksson
Message: Black Widow the strike is a go, repeat the strike is a go. may you bring death to your oppresors.

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Difficult times ask for difficult measures.

"That has absolutely nothing to do with this conflict. If you want to attack the terrorists, attack the terrorists. Not a government that may not have anything to do with it. And certainly dont do it off the bat."

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Difficult times ask for difficult measures.
Difficult measures often meet difficult consequences.

Aye. To avoid the difficult consequences, negotiations should at least be attempted in good faith. Otherwise difficult times become even more difficult, not less.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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