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Statement from the Greater Nordlandic Reich

Mergerberger II

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Statement from the Greater Nordlandic Reich

Regarding Italy

It has recently come to the attention of the Greater Nordlandic Reich that the nation of Alvonia has established itself as a nation ruled from the Northern Midwestern part of North America. Recently, Alvonia has purchased, or rather traded for, land in the area of the former Kingdom of Naples, plus the area of Latium. The former state of Alvonia has established for itself a colony in Europe, something that was impossible for them to govern previously.

We would now like to make an official statement regarding this incident as a whole. That is, the nation of Alvonia has come into possession of territories within Europe, which they use for economic and demographic reasons. While not a poor concept, it is a poor idea on their part to possess colonies overseas, especially in the homelands of Europe.

Remarks are often made by nations belonging to the Communist International Group, regarding their idea that nations whose territories exist within the Nordland, and are or were nations of the Nordlandic Confederacy, have been suppressing cultural values in favor of the ideas of the Nords, in fact it was one of the demands made by nations belonging to the Communist International Group that the Nordlandic Confederacy begin to incorporate more local culture into their nations. This, while impossible due to the history of the region, has been attempted.

What we now see is three nations of the Communist International Group, worst of all Alvonia, betraying those values which they did so piously impose upon the Nordland. They demanded that we promote culture. Now what is happening is that Alvonia is, and always has been, an American nation, and a nation now with a colony within the borders of the continent of Europe. The nation of Alvonia is an American nation imposing American values and American policies into a European area. The territory that the Alvonians possess in Italy is nothing more than a colony of them made to exploit the lands of Italy for their own purposes, be they economical, demographical, or militaristic in nature.

There is no logical reason that American nations should be in possession of European territory, and not territory which they are unlikely able to access very freely without high tolls from Gebiv or Tahoe, one of whom controls one of the sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. These high prices in shipping make it economically detrimental to any nation to attempt to ship through the Straits and into Italy.

There may come a day when it is appropriate for Americans to possess territory in Europe, but I swear unto you on behalf of all Nords in existence that such a day has not come yet.

We pray unto you that you remove yourselves from Italy and allow it to come under either autonomous or to establish a private Italian government unassociated with America.

.:For the Greater Nordlandic Reich:.

~His Imperial Highness Emperor Alexander I~

Reich Minister of External Affairs

Edited by Mergerberger II
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OOC: <@KaiserMartens> alvonia is gonna merge into USA so Italy shouldn't be USA >_>

<&hawk_11[gone]> what

<@VektorZero> but USA is OOC

<&hawk_11[gone]> it's not even on USA

<@VektorZero> so we're just being my idols

<@KaiserMartens> Exactly...basically once USA's merger is official

* &Maelstrom_Vortex[NPO] hrmms

<@KaiserMartens> half of italy will be labelled "USA"

<&hawk_11[gone]> well now

<@KaiserMartens> so we're like "Wtf just make it a protectorate or otherwise don't join USA lol"

Please lock.

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Legally it is a violation of the O'Deaghaidh Doctrine and thus an immoral attempt a colonialism.

Before anyone mentions it, the Strait of Gibraltar is controlled by the international Ferrous Pacific Brotherhood, not the Tahoe Republic. It was granted to that alliance by the nations of Europe following war.

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