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Dispatch From Yamato


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There comes a time when a government must take action for the welfare of people uder its true. After much consideration, the Chinese Territories of Yamato will be made into the Protectorate of Chuka. The people there shall have self-rule under the administration of a Protector from Yamato.

In connection with this, Yamato will be providing ¥ 24 billion for various projects within Chuka, from basic welfare to infra and industry construction. Other nations are welcome to provide investments.

OOC: In short, I'm half-pulling myself from China. Now my insular territories are the Home Islands.

Edited by Sumeragi
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"We applaud the Yamato government for its wise decision on the handling of their Chinese provinces in light of no better alternatives. Self-Governance, I'm sure will not hurt these people in the slightest. It will give them a chance to determine their own destinies. If they need any help at all, they may contact us at their leisure." The Chairman would wave to the press after making this statement and head back to his office.

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