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Statement from the Greater Nordlandic Reich

Mergerberger II

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Statement from the Greater Nordlandic Reich

Regarding Italy

It has recently come to the attention of the Greater Nordlandic Reich that the nation of Alvonia has established itself as a nation ruled from the Northern Midwestern part of North America. Recently, Alvonia has purchased, or rather traded for, land in the area of the former Kingdom of Naples, plus the area of Latium. The former state of Alvonia has established for itself a colony in Europe, something that was impossible for them to govern previously.

We would now like to make an official statement regarding this incident as a whole. That is, the nation of Alvonia has agreed to become a part of the larger entity, the United States of America, a coalition of North and South American states which have come together int he spirit of mutual defense and free trade. While not a poor concept, it is a poor idea on their part to possess colonies overseas, especially in the homelands of Europe.

Remarks are often made by nations belonging to the Communist International Group, some of which have now merged into the much larger United States of America, regarding their idea that nations whose territories exist within the Nordland, and are or were nations of the Nordlandic Confederacy, have been suppressing cultural values in favor of the ideas of the Nords, in fact it was one of the demands made by nations belonging to the Communist International Group that the Nordlandic Confederacy begin to incorporate more local culture into their nations. This, while impossible due to the history of the region, has been attempted.

What we now see is three nations of the Communist International Group, worst of all Alvonia, betraying those values which they did so piously impose upon the Nordland. They demanded that we promote culture. Now what is happening is that Alvonia is, and always has been, an American nation, and a nation now with a colony within the borders of the continent of Europe. The nation of Alvonia, which has now given up a major portion of its sovereignty to join the United States of America, is an American nation imposing American values and American policies into a European area. The territory that the United States of America possesses in Italy is nothing more than a colony of them made to exploit the lands of Italy for their own purposes, be they economical, demographical, or militaristic in nature.

There is no logical reason that American nations should be in possession of European territory, and not territory which they are unlikely able to access very freely without high tolls from Gebiv or Tahoe, one of whom controls one of the sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. These high prices in shipping make it economically detrimental to any nation to attempt to ship through the Straits and into Italy.

There may come a day when it is appropriate for Americans to possess territory in Europe, but I swear unto you on behalf of all Nords in existence that such a day has not come yet.

We pray unto you that you remove yourselves from Italy and allow it to come under either autonomous or to establish a private Italian government unassociated with the United States.

.:For the Greater Nordlandic Reich:.

~His Imperial Highness Emperor Alexander I~

Reich Minister of External Affairs

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"Italy is not a part of America, and the Italians of Italy are not Americans nor from USA...rather the Italian Situation is more of a colonialist nature. Italy must be a free nation, a free, Italian, European nation, not an acccessory colony to the United States of America. We hope that the Italians will be able to be granted freedom and sovereignty as I'm sure they want to, perhaps we can. It is the respectful thing to do for the Italians - especially them, who suffered nuclear war and countless struggles for their soil and fatherland. USA controlling the territory is like them being attacked and invaded all over again, only by a different nation. Please let us find a means to rectify this situation." Kaiserin Magnhild

OOC: Also really, it doesn't make sense for Italians to be forced to be USA...people criticized Nordland's merger...at least we all are on the same continent and speak the same language...I think a mod should prevent this situation

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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OOC: Colonies are bad, but not against the rules.


It is Alvonian land. It was Alvonian land BEFORE the NC kicked them out of Europe.

Time for logic:

It is Alvonian land.

Alvonia is a part of the United States.

Therefore, it is a part of the United States. Not Nordland.

If Alvonia joins the USA, I think ALL their land joins.

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OOC: Colonies are bad, but not against the rules.

OOC: Seriously it doesn't make sense IC...it's like americans randomly came to my nation and decided I forcibly have to be in their nation now, it just is impossible, imagine that in modern italy...heh


"You're missing the point here. We don't want that land. We simply do not find it acceptable for an American Nation to force an European Nation to join 'em like that. We do not WANT that land."

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1: For the last bloody, flipping time, ADI owns the southern half of the straits of Gibraltar.

2: In an infinitely rare move, ADI agrees that the USA should butt out of Europe. We give you the respect of not colonizing your continent (With one exception that we would support the removal of), so please give us the same courtesy. We may have different reasons to keep the USA out, but we, in this case only, fully support your ousting.

(Note that this will never happen again, baring the ridicule of something stupid, like tube that shoots lemons. That is all.)

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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OOC: Seriously it doesn't make sense IC...it's like americans randomly came to my nation and decided I forcibly have to be in their nation now, it just is impossible, imagine that in modern italy...heh


"You're missing the point here. We don't want that land. We simply do not find it acceptable for an American Nation to force an European Nation to join 'em like that. We do not WANT that land."

Alvonia is both EUROPEAN and AMERICAN. So there. Snd, we echo the statement of Cainette.

Edited by Arkantos
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"That land is Italian land. Italian Land, Italian Business. This is Europe, not America, the USA has no room here just like we wouldn't have anything to do in America ourselves."


"See, even a nation that does not normally see eye to eye with Nordland for once agrees on this common issue."

Edited by Kaiser Martens
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"That land is Italian land. Italian Land, Italian Business. This is Europe, not America, the USA has no room here just like we wouldn't have anything to do in America ourselves."

When was this country called "Italy" formed? The maps all say it is a part of Alvonia.

OOC: USA hasn't officially merged yet.

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Mad Dog Bob Denard suggests, "Perhaps this can be worked out over a tennis match? Winner takes all.." He is busy fending off a teleporting goat that has been stalking him of late.

That is, perhaps, the worst idea ever.

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"Why in gods name would making a statement like this help the current situation? You are just begging to fight arent you?"

"Who are these Italians? Last I heard they were Alvonians"

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We would well remind the naysayers that per the O'Deaghaidh Doctrine, colonies by non-American nations in the Northa and South American continents are illegal. If a significant part of Alvonia is on the European continent, it may consider itself a European nation and thus its possession of North American land illegal. If it wishes to rectify this mistake, we strongly suggest Alvonia's government comply with the request to remove itself from Europe by the Greater Nordlandic Reich.

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Speaking for the Reich as a whole, I do not believe that the Americans who are in favor of keeping this colony have an understanding of what, exactly, happened in Italy when the Alvonian successor state was arranged in North Dakota. In Italy there existed Alvonia, until they began to mobilize in favor of Slavorussia during the Slavorussian War, which involved the Nordlandic Confederacy, consistent of Germany, Norvsea, Prussia, CSSR, Nordheim, and myself at the time. The WNSR invaded Alvonia preemptively to ensure that no Nordic land was taken or damaged in the war effort. In reality, very little land was damaged at all, as the Alvonian troops surrendered like Frenchmen to the WNSR troops.

The leader of Alvonia was allowed to leave the area, and he went to the American Midwest, where he claimed to create a 'successor state' to the old Alvonian Italy. In reality, there were no ethnic Alvonians from Italy in that territory, rather it was made up of Americans, with a leader from Italy. Why Americans would ever want someone not even from their hemisphere declaring himself leader of their lands I still have yet to figure out, but I am most certain that there are few Alvonians in the Dakotas. Emigration was essentially illegal in the WNSR, meaning that no Alvonians would have left Northern Italy, and few would have left Artemis to go to North Dakota. People do not simply pack up and go to a new corner of the world because their leader went there, it does not happen, and I do not expect you to claim that it ever did.

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We would well remind the naysayers that per the O'Deaghaidh Doctrine, colonies by non-American nations in the Northa and South American continents are illegal. If a significant part of Alvonia is on the European continent, it may consider itself a European nation and thus its possession of North American land illegal. If it wishes to rectify this mistake, we strongly suggest Alvonia's government comply with the request to remove itself from Europe by the Greater Nordlandic Reich.

OOC: Facepalm

IC: And if it is both?

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