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News from the Greater Nordland Reich


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You only provoked Nordland while foolishly attempting to decapitate the Kyokujitsu Teikoku leadership.

- Monika Speer

How else would I have have been able to convince the IWI agents to go on such a suicidal mission?

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There are volumes of evidence backing the theory of Natural Unemployment Rate. If any of the leaders on this planet took an Introduction to Macroeconomics course, they would realize the awful damage they are doing to their economies.

OOC: Seriously, just type Natural Rate of Unemployment into google... You guys sound like you have no idea about economics, and if these steps were taken into the real world the economy would stagnate instantly. You need frictional unemployment (basic search for jobs), if you don't your labor force is immobile and the application of your workers will be done so in an ineffective manner. This is planet Bob though, so everyone can just fulfill their unbelievably false fantasies about national economics.

OOC: From the way vektor described there program it drafted in people who either couldn't find work, or decided they didn't feel like working. It didn't prevent people from changing jobs or temporarily not holding a job. What you described makes sense, but I don't think it would apply in so far as exceptions within the system were capable of being made.

EDIT: Also this is more of a national service program and less of a unemployed worker program, the post states that workers will only have a mandatory 8 months after which they may find work in the civilian sector. So not only would people still be able to move around, those that were forced to join would be able to move around and would be in a better position to benefit the economy once they finished their work with the group.

Edited by iamthey
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How else would I have have been able to convince the IWI agents to go on such a suicidal mission?

You needed no convincing, for the brainwashing was enough. Also, the mission was only suicidal because your high technology filled you with vanity.

All that you are trying to do is cover up your own cowardiance. A true leader would sacrifice oneself to change the wrongs of one's nation.

OOC: What Nordland seems to be trying to do is fix the free-riding problem that comes out of a welfare society. Take RL Germany for example; quite a bit of their unemployed are slacking around because of Father State giving too much benefits.

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You needed no convincing, for the brainwashing was enough. Also, the mission was only suicidal because your high technology filled you with vanity.

All that you are trying to do is cover up your own cowardiance. A true leader would sacrifice oneself to change the wrongs of one's nation.

They did, they knew that the mission, if failed was likely to result in aggression, and they also know that the state required aggression to be on our terms. I had to present them a target high enough that the benefits outweighed the risks. I deliberately set it up to be botched, and made sure it could be traced, that was in my power.

I had no cowardice, I simply went about changing the state of what was in the easiest way. Oh, and your true leader remark? It would not been a worthy sacrifice, I would have died, and nothing changed. Indeed, I doubt anyone would have even heard of my death. If you want to try actions which result in your death for no gain, feel free, but I have the opinion that I am able to accomplish more by planning longer term goals, something which requires me to be not 6 feet under.

And look where the plan left me, back in control, stronger than before, and my enemies eliminated and my people free. None of that would have happened if I had foolishly decided to 'free their minds' because my security detail would have executed me. It was absolute power to perpetuate the status quo, not a single grain in other directions.

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OOC: Now, try some real CNRP IC examples, as remember, RL does not exist, and so neither do any of your examples!

IC: We are still waiting a explanation of why you think that you can force someone into slavery simply because they are unemployed?

OOC: Actually a different precedent has been set, remember most nations rp themselves being successors to RL Nations.

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Perhaps you should rethink that part of your defense. I shall leave you to your delusion.

Maybe you can show me who is my enemy? I am at peace, and content to live out my days while you young people race around, thinking you can handle office, run a nation and rule the world. I am free from your petty wars, far from your deluded grandeur, and happy. You would call an old man your enemy? An old man that wants nothing more than to live in the sun he enjoys so much?

I wish no enemies, and shall not make any of my own. You can hate if you shall, but shall not consider you my enemy.

OOC: Actually a different precedent has been set, remember most nations rp themselves being successors to RL Nations.

OOC: Yes, but all examples were from after the semi defined break from the Rl timeline occurred, and before that I do not think there would have been any.

Edited by LeVentNoir
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Does the Greater Nord Reich utilize some sort of unemployment insurance scheme? These are quite useful as the worker pays into their unemployment fund and in times of not having work they are given benefits. Overall the cost to the government can be quite low as the funds are worker financed. I'd suggest forming up one of these and giving workers a four to six month period of benefits that are dependent upon their prior payments into the fund. Once these benefits expire they could be given the choice of receiving the bare minimum of government monies or reporting to the Organization Bohm for a compensated position (nothing massive in compensation, but certainly far better than the absolute basic minimum which is just that, the basic minimum).

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"Forced Labor as everyone calls it, is something even in Osea is practiced and as such see no wrong in doing it as it helps to get things done faster and helps people earn more money, but we give them breaks to search for other jobs then the Osean community jobs."

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Ministry of Interior announces tighter and more regulated Reich entry

Minister Aussicht has just announced that entry into the Reich will require a much more thorough check of a person. Quick background checks, ID checks, and constant security will be monitored on all temporary peoples within Nordland.

- Kristoffer Michaelson Aussicht

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A pragmatist. Why should I die, for no change when I can engineer a result which achieves my end by indirectly influencing powers greater than my own to achieve my ends? You saw this, I left the country at the right crux time, after ordering a team of spies to provoke the nords, a move designed to let the country fall. A shattering of the system, allowing me to return to rebuild in a new image, one with freedom. I do not care for what you think of me, due to my actions, these people have a better, free life, and the tyranny that was present here was removed. Refusing to take the blame for my actions? The worst you accuse me of was inaction, and that would reveal your simple surface view of history, where a deeper view would reveal my actions to have resulting in the fall of Imperial Wellington. You saw this, I left the country at the right crux time, after ordering a team of spies to provoke the nords, a move designed to let the country fall. A shattering of the system, allowing me to return to rebuild in a new image, one with freedom. I do not care for what you think of me, due to my actions, these people have a better, free life, and the tyranny that was present here was removed.

You are a coward who is hiding between lies and delusions. Are you going senile old man, can you not remember your past? Are you senile or have you just told yourself the same lie long enough that you now believe it. An absolute dictator such as you can never claim actions of your nation as those of another. You truly are acting like a child. And in Tahoe, misbehaving children get spanked so they may remember that misbehavior results in pain and they never repeat their offenses. Is a four year old Tahoan child more capable of rational thought than you?

The tyranny you claim to have removed was your fault. It is like liberating slaves you bought yourself and kept for decades. You are a monster and no amount of painting yourself the hero will change that.

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You are a coward who is hiding between lies and delusions. Are you going senile old man, can you not remember your past? Are you senile or have you just told yourself the same lie long enough that you now believe it. An absolute dictator such as you can never claim actions of your nation as those of another. You truly are acting like a child. And in Tahoe, misbehaving children get spanked so they may remember that misbehavior results in pain and they never repeat their offenses. Is a four year old Tahoan child more capable of rational thought than you?

The tyranny you claim to have removed was your fault. It is like liberating slaves you bought yourself and kept for decades. You are a monster and no amount of painting yourself the hero will change that.

Your words hold no weight, and are said in utter ignorance of the truth. We shall leave you with whatever opinions you have, for they shall no effect history nor me.

Cry more, for you can have no effect.

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Your words hold no weight, and are said in utter ignorance of the truth. We shall leave you with whatever opinions you have, for they shall no effect history nor me.

Cry more, for you can have no effect.

Miri: They apparently do have an effect upon you, or else you would have no reason to be responding to him.

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They likely have no effect on him; rather the public image he puts out. Why let a liar spread falsities and half-truths when a few words will prevent that?

Miri: Why should he have to fear falsities and half-truths, if there is more to it or if it is not true at all? His reputation as a leader should speak for itself.

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Maybe you can show me who is my enemy? I am at peace, and content to live out my days while you young people race around, thinking you can handle office, run a nation and rule the world. I am free from your petty wars, far from your deluded grandeur, and happy. You would call an old man your enemy? An old man that wants nothing more than to live in the sun he enjoys so much?

I wish no enemies, and shall not make any of my own. You can hate if you shall, but shall not consider you my enemy.

Neither I nor my superiers consider you an enemy. However, perhaps others may think so.

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Miri: Why should he have to fear falsities and half-truths, if there is more to it or if it is not true at all? His reputation as a leader should speak for itself.

It is necessary because said falsities and half-truths could easily sway other nations to form opinions which are far from the truth. As such he has a vested interest in propagating the truth.

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It is necessary because said falsities and half-truths could easily sway other nations to form opinions which are far from the truth. As such he has a vested interest in propagating the truth.

Miri: If the nation's leaders were intelligent, I am sure they will know the truth or seek it by speaking to the person that is being spoken of themself.

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Miri: If the nation's leaders were intelligent, I am sure they will know the truth or seek it by speaking to the person that is being spoken of themself.

The problem being that some nation's leaders are NOT intelligent and accept the lies on the basis of whom they come from; often a charismatic figure in their bloc.

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Your words hold no weight, and are said in utter ignorance of the truth. We shall leave you with whatever opinions you have, for they shall no effect history nor me.

And no you show your true cowardice, running from the truth. Bury your head in the sand and put your evil onto others, the whole world see's through your facade. A coward, a despot, a tyrant and a murderer.

The whole world will celebrate your downfall like it did the first time you turned tail and ran. Will that be your fate the next time your nation calls upon you to defend it? We don't doubt it, you who are more concerned about your survival than the truty, your duty and honor.

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And no you show your true cowardice, running from the truth. Bury your head in the sand and put your evil onto others, the whole world see's through your facade. A coward, a despot, a tyrant and a murderer.

The whole world will celebrate your downfall like it did the first time you turned tail and ran. Will that be your fate the next time your nation calls upon you to defend it? We don't doubt it, you who are more concerned about your survival than the truty, your duty and honor.

I have had enough of your lies. I wash my hand of your false accusations, and I would think that anyone this rabid would be rightly ignored by world leaders. You obviously have some hidden agenda to push here, your slander is of such zeal.

Miri: If the nation's leaders were intelligent, I am sure they will know the truth or seek it by speaking to the person that is being spoken of themself.

I can only hope there are better examples out there and the one I have been conversing with lately.

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You are a coward who is hiding between lies and delusions. Are you going senile old man, can you not remember your past? Are you senile or have you just told yourself the same lie long enough that you now believe it. An absolute dictator such as you can never claim actions of your nation as those of another. You truly are acting like a child. And in Tahoe, misbehaving children get spanked so they may remember that misbehavior results in pain and they never repeat their offenses. Is a four year old Tahoan child more capable of rational thought than you?

The tyranny you claim to have removed was your fault. It is like liberating slaves you bought yourself and kept for decades. You are a monster and no amount of painting yourself the hero will change that.

Luis De Luit, Keeper Of The Free Marchar: "One would like to note that the "tyranny" he removed was a peaceful, Libertarian/Monarchal government that was under siege by a brand of revolutionaries. He would have done better to restore the original government, and it should be noted that there are rumors that the former Margravine Liselle was linked to the fall of the native State."

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