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Jump isnt Over


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Last time i hit the 3k Infra jump it did this aswell. It seems it is doing it again. Its like i havent gotten out of the jump, My bill are higher at 3,209 Infra, then at 3,159 Infra. I thought after jump its supposed to come down, But it did this last time. I just lived with it and expected it to go down, I was at 3,500 infra before Karma war and my bills were never cut down like they should after a jump.

Edited by Rotavele
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What i always understood is after 2,999 Infra your infra upkeep is going to be alot higher, Then at 3,200 it should drop and go back to Normal.

If thats not the case whats the point in Infra Jumps?

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Your understanding is incorrect. Infrastructure upkeep is always increasing the greater the amount you have. Always. Jumps are points in which the upkeep and/or the purchase cost increase over what those costs were under the jump (we're talking about the rate of increase, not just that the upkeep is higher as in if you were paying $1 a unit for something and the price jumped to $1.50 a unit). So if you have say 2999.999 infrastructure and you buy .001 infrastructure, because you crossed the jump, your overall income drops because the citizens gained by the purchase do not overcome the increase in upkeep that crossing the jump caused. The idea behind getting to 3200 or some other number over the jump isn't that upkeep drops, it's that the increase in citizens is now large enough to overcome the jump in upkeep costs. Generally 200 infrastructure over a jump is seen as a safe point at which the increase in citizens is enough to start increasing your net income. But that number is going to depend on your resource build and what improvements you have. If you have no population modifiers in your resource build, it may take more than what the conventional wisdom calls for.

So you're focusing on the wrong thing in looking at the upkeep cost. That's going to keep increasing as you buy infrastructure. The focus on jumps is about net income.

Edited by Count Rupert
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