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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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Actually, what I was trying to say was that accusing others of hypocrisy is something we could all do with a lot less of. Quite frankly, get your own house in order, don't worry about what others think of you.

But of course, to get that message you'd have to actually read my post.

Maybe you wanna start by being a good example for the rest of us.


Alterego, I thought you'd stop your ranting when you guys surrendered. I'm guessing you're aiming at keeping grudges though.

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Did this post have a point besides praising karma? Cause I could swear that you were arguing for the hegemony side a few posts ago.

I'd say this thread would be doing exactly what NPO has done in the past, last I checked that'd be stooping to your enemies level, but yeah, whatever you say.

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This turned into ANOTHER 10-page NO U-fest about peace mode? Come on. Has this horse not already been beaten to death by both sides?


EDIT: 11 pages before most of America even wakes up? Holy crap...

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Perhaps you should start looking at the ever growing list of incidents. Its not a bad haul considering Karma is only one month old and still have a lot of time to catch up on with the "Hegemony".

Perhaps you can provide a list with evidence of each accusation? For the less perceptive of us in the Cyberverse.

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I'd say this thread would be doing exactly what NPO has done in the past, last I checked that'd be stooping to your enemies level, but yeah, whatever you say.

By claiming we have the ability to 'stoop to our enemies level' you realise that you're praising karma right?

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By claiming we have the ability to 'stoop to our enemies level' you realise that you're praising karma right?

I don't recall ever stating I liked NPO, but since everyone on the hegemony side = NPO, I've stopped bothering trying to explain to you all that there were multiple alliances on the hegemony side. I'm saying you're stooping to NPO's level, and I don't consider that praising Karma, since, you know, if you're stooping to their level that makes you no better than they are.

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Calling opposing views rants is a weak but expected response.

Making a point of posting anti-karma stuff in every thread you see could be seen as ranting. When you make a valid point you can actually back up somewhere I'll belive you that you actually have any opinions at all.

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I don't recall ever stating I liked NPO, but since everyone on the hegemony side = NPO, I've stopped bothering trying to explain to you all that there were multiple alliances on the hegemony side. I'm saying you're stooping to NPO's level, and I don't consider that praising Karma, since, you know, if you're stooping to their level that makes you no better than they are.

Silly me. I thought this thread was about TPF. My bad.

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Actually, what I was trying to say was that accusing others of hypocrisy is something we could all do with a lot less of. Quite frankly, get your own house in order, don't worry about what others think of you.

But of course, to get that message you'd have to actually read my post.


I don't find anything wrong with people pointing out the hypocrisy of the "hegemony" about peace mode. Although maybe one or two threads may have sufficed.

Still it is funny to see those who abused and punished people for using peace mode as a tactic resort to using the exact same tactic (which is now apparently tactical genius as opposed the cowardice it was back in August) then cry about being called out on it.

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Silly me. I thought this thread was about TPF. My bad.

It is, but TPF wasn't the one who was the main source of the get out of peace mode taunts towards FAN, NPO was, and that's the root of my problem with this thread, is someone acting exactly like NPO members acted in the past, and then half of Karma cheering him on for it.

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lulz @ the ending, I really don't care what happens to NPO, and am perfectly fine with them being called out, it's TPF who has fought alot harder than NPO has I have a problem with being accused of being cowards, since by now I had hoped Karma, and esspecially MK in particular had realized that TPF is a military minded alliance and will fight hard for themselves, and yes TPF was part of the Hegemony, I just find it hilarious everyone automatically says "well you supported it!" when is Karma going to crush Sparta, TOP, Grämlins, and the rest of the alliances who helped support the hegemony as well? oh wait, they jumped ship before the war happened, so they get a free pass, yes NPO decided that GATO would be PZI'd if they went into peace mode, last I checked that wasn't TPF.

You shouldn't be offering terms to alliances who are already absolutely devastated by losing a war, I've never been a fan of reps considering I've had to pay them most of the time, and off the top of my head, TOP and NSO made it clear they weren't part of your ragtag gang, not to mention Karma has made it clear most of them don't get along. :v:

I have to agree with everything you've said here, especially the bolded part.

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Actually, what I was trying to say was that accusing others of hypocrisy is something we could all do with a lot less of. Quite frankly, get your own house in order, don't worry about what others think of you.

But of course, to get that message you'd have to actually read my post.

Considering you've been one of the main culprits when it comes to crying hypocrisy at every corner you'll have to excuse me for reading your post in a different light. My bad.

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Perhaps you can provide a list with evidence of each accusation? For the less perceptive of us in the Cyberverse.

Fetching evidence would require Alterego getting down off that cross he's pinned himself to.

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Speaking as a leader whose alliance lost over 80% of its NS last war and was asked to pay more reps than anyone from the Hegemony side so far as well as crippling military restrictions, treaty cancellations, destruction of wonders and improvements, I find this post quite funny. Moreso as IRAN happily took reps from us as did the rest of OPP despite our huge loss of NS.

If only you could offer the mercy you now demand when you were in a position to offer it.

Was I in leadership at that time? No. so What does Batallion's stupidity(which you referred to in another post that was about OPP taunting you guys, the only person I remember being disrespectful was Batallion, and he obviously isn't around anymore) have to do with me and the current IRAN? Also, since I've been in IRAN I can recall a time where Batallion got out of line and disrespectful with Ivan Moldavi in an NSO thread, and made sure he was not going to do it again. I'm not going to defend his actions, but do not mistake his actions with my own.

edit: I'd also like to point out I've never been in any position where I had the chance to offer mercy, I've lost all but 3 wars I've fought in.(NoV, GPA, and the Coalition War which was after I resigned as MoFA.

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Was I in leadership at that time? No. so What does Batallion's stupidity(which you referred to in another post that was about OPP taunting you guys, the only person I remember being disrespectful was Batallion, and he obviously isn't around anymore) have to do with me and the current IRAN? Also, since I've been in IRAN I can recall a time where Batallion got out of line and disrespectful with Ivan Moldavi in an NSO thread, and made sure he was not going to do it again. I'm not going to defend his actions, but do not mistake his actions with my own.


So, you say TPF, who protects OPP, should get white peace because they lost a lot of NS yet no one was ever afforded such mercy by TPF or their OPP minions? The fact your alliance (and a number of others) happily picked the bones of defeated alliances who lost a lot of NS means I'm really struggling to feel sorry for TPF at this point in time. I guess Batallion is going to be IRAN's NoWedge.

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So, you say TPF, who protects OPP, should get white peace because they lost a lot of NS yet no one was ever afforded such mercy by TPF or their OPP minions? The fact your alliance (and a number of others) happily picked the bones of defeated alliances who lost a lot of NS means I'm really struggling to feel sorry for TPF at this point in time. I guess Batallion is going to be IRAN's NoWedge.

Show me where I said I agreed with the terms you were given, I've made it quite clear I don't approve of any terms whatsoever, and have been on the losing end enough to never be disrespectful enough to my enemies to make them pay me money/tech after I already kicked their teeth in, and I'm a recent addition to IRAN as you're well aware, so I don't see how blaming me for the actions in the past even makes sense. Also, I thought the point of Karma was to give alliances a chance to go free and make out a new life post hegemony, or does that only apply to the alliances factions of Karma wants as allies later on? I wouldn't call him our NoWedge, although he was certainly just as loudmouthed and disrespectful, but at least NoWedge put some work into his alliance, Batallion let IRAN stagnate for the past year.

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Show me where I said I agreed with the terms you were given, I've made it quite clear I don't approve of any terms whatsoever, and have been on the losing end enough to never be disrespectful enough to my enemies to make them pay me money/tech after I already kicked their teeth in, and I'm a recent addition to IRAN as you're well aware, so I don't see how blaming me for the actions in the past even makes sense. Also, I thought the point of Karma was to give alliances a chance to go free and make out a new life post hegemony, or does that only apply to the alliances factions of Karma wants as allies later on? I wouldn't call him our NoWedge, although he was certainly just as loudmouthed and disrespectful, but at least NoWedge put some work into his alliance, Batallion let IRAN stagnate for the past year.

I'm not talking about you. You are demanding TPF get white peace because they got beaten down good. Considering TPF's (and OPP's) penchant for picking clean the bones of defeated alliances after they are beaten down (as badly or worse than TPF's current beatdown), why should they be given such leniency?

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I'm not talking about you. You are demanding TPF get white peace because they got beaten down good. Considering TPF's (and OPP's) penchant for picking clean the bones of defeated alliances after they are beaten down (as badly or worse than TPF's current beatdown), why should they be given such leniency?

This is where he will say "because Karma is supposed to do things differently"

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Perhaps you can provide a list with evidence of each accusation? For the less perceptive of us in the Cyberverse.

Initial TSI attempt at reps after they gave a white peace to their White Tree. The Soldier disbandment, which was premature but they were vindicated by the RV posts in their assumption they would be hit with very hard reps. The Terra Prime disbandment. The idea one side needs no real CB or treaty link (DF) because they are on one side of the war. An ambassadors repeated threat to infiltrate and spy on an alliance. The constant call for things like harsh reps and PZI/EZI which was only really dealt with by MK (props to them) but never curtailed, to my knowledge by other leaders.

Thats some off the top of my head.

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I'm not talking about you. You are demanding TPF get white peace because they got beaten down good. Considering TPF's (and OPP's) penchant for picking clean the bones of defeated alliances after they are beaten down (as badly or worse than TPF's current beatdown), why should they be given such leniency?

Supposedly you want to be better than your enemies, at least that's what the word on the street is :v:, I'm not going to defend their past actions, that's up to them to do, I will express my opinion as to what I feel they should get for terms, and I know that mhawk's TPF != Slayer99's TPF, although right now trying to convince anyone of this is like trying to say Assington wasn't Sponge's puppet during the War of the Coalition.

This is where he will say "because Karma is supposed to do things differently"

You're correct, someone has to take the first step to end this cycle of harsher and harsher reps with every major conflict, I doubt this will happen though, and NPO will most likely get the harshest reps any alliance has recieved in the history of the cyberverse.

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