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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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I'm not stressing over the banter, don't get me wrong. Nothing wrong with having a bit of mid-war fun after all.

So I can make mushroom stamp comments with no hard feelings? :P

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OP has had his fun, can we move along now?

Also we didnt screw up staggers, it was just a storage of nations. Cant declare in Nuclear Anarchy you know. Also we know peacemode is part of war so get over it.

I never said PC hosed the staggers. Though now that you mention it. They did several times. :P

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[OOC]You people (that's everyone on both sides) do realize that the worst that anyone's war odds can possibly be is 6-1, right? And that's only if you fill your offensive capability without cross-declaration (which is silly).[iC]

Planet Bob's mathematicians are a strange lot.

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I think this is one of those times where you need to know EDFD and how seriously (not) to take him. The outraged overreaction by some Hegemonists is very funny, though.

Let's not forget that TPF took 4000 and 4000 more tech from much smaller alliances in the Polar/Hyperion war who were fighting against much worse odds than TPF were at the start of this one.

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I think this is one of those times where you need to know EDFD and how seriously (not) to take him. The outraged overreaction by some Hegemonists is very funny, though.

The reactions from some of the Karma Coalition are interesting as well, though, especially from his own governent ;).

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You know... TPF has been at war for a month. So if anyone entered peace mode after a stagger, of course they're going to be at the top 50. Not because they've been sitting there forever but for the simple fact everyone else is fighting a war and still going down while they're not moving in NS. I highly doubt those are the same at the beginning of the war. Don't call out TPF for "peace mode" when it is just rebuilding so they can get back in the fight.

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You know... TPF has been at war for a month. So if anyone entered peace mode after a stagger, of course they're going to be at the top 50. Not because they've been sitting there forever but for the simple fact everyone else is fighting a war and still going down while they're not moving in NS. I highly doubt those are the same at the beginning of the war. Don't call out TPF for "peace mode" when it is just rebuilding so they can get back in the fight.

I think Polar pointed this phenomenon out last war when the Continuum and friends were abusing them for having nations in peace mode. I seem to remember a ChairmanHal post with a picture of doves being released to poke fun at NpO's member list.

It is funny how people who harrassed and abused others for certain tactics in war suddenly cry foul when they get called out for using the same tactics. :P

And, no, I'm not referring to you personally, Mia. :P

Edited by Tygaland
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The common complain wasn't the taunting but the PZI business.

No, it wasn't. The most common complaint was about Valhalla, and Valhalla never PZIed anyone for peace mode. It's only been since Karma forces started taunting people for using peace mode that it's shifted to the GATO thing.

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No, it wasn't. The most common complaint was about Valhalla, and Valhalla never PZIed anyone for peace mode. It's only been since Karma forces started taunting people for using peace mode that it's shifted to the GATO thing.

Don't forget vox. Either way I think most people on the karma side is just amused by the delicious hypocricy and why wouldn't they be?

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Don't forget vox. Either way I think most people on the karma side is just amused by the delicious hypocricy and why wouldn't they be?

There's plenty of hypocrisy going around everywhere these days. <_<

Better to look to one's own house.

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Please explain how taunting TPF is somehow equal in severity to NPO sentencing peace mode nations to perma-ZI. This so-called 'excuse' that Karma is using - that we are not as 'bad' as the New Pacific Order - seems perfectly valid considering we are not employing any tools to specifically punish those individual peace mode nations for the policy of their alliance. I do not believe people were inherently opposed to Pacifica previously taunting their opponents about peace mode; taunts, insults, and so on of various degrees are expected during times of war. It is the fact that Pacifica had the audacity to make those insults, coupled with heinous consequences for the peace mode nations, and now use the exact same tactics to hide from reprisal. As Tygaland has stated previously, pointing out someone else's hypocrisy does not make you a hypocrite.

You have it all wrong, havent you paid attention? They all hated it, its just that none of the had the cahounas to speak out against it. Being on the losing side will do that to you.

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I've wondered how this is managed internally by TPF, NPO and whomever. I totally get the need to protect your nations at those NS where you are going to get stomped, and the need to keep some NS and economic power for the rebuilding. Seems like a smart move if the other guys let you do it.

But within the alliance, who is chosen for "peace mode guy who gets to save his pixels and help us after the war" and who gets picked to be "sacrificial virgin who gets thrown into the volcano to melt infra until we actually get some peace terms or overwhelm them with numbers at 3000 NS."

Unlike the OP, I don't mean this as a dig at all, I get the strategy. It just seems like a tricky thing to pull off as leadership and sell to those in the alliance who weren't picked to be spared and will get pounded to near ZI. I think it says a lot about NPO and TPF member dedication and leadership communication that they are able to do it and not drop members who get frustrated.

Don't know if this has been answered before, but as I just saw this i will answer. There is only one nation chossen to keep in peace mode and help us rebuild (I know it is a huge number of nations). Of Course as time goes on, he may come out as well. Of course we had our banks and others in peace mode to start, but keeping them there was a chore, as can be seen by the fact that only one still has remained in Peace Mode. EVERY other TPF nation has fought at least one round, almost all 2 and a few are on their 3rd round looking forward to their 4th. There has been no complaints about anyone chosen to go into Peace Mode, only complaints about remaining in it. Even OBM couldn't be kept in Peace Mode :P

I am very proud of the way The Phoenix Federation has fought in this war and the way we have stood tall against the hordes coming for us. Some day we will figure out how to get rid of all those tribbles. :D

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There's plenty of hypocrisy going around everywhere these days. <_<

Better to look to one's own house.

I think the word hypocrisy has been abused, butchered and thrown around so much its pretty much lost all meaning.

By your definition someone pointing out hypocricy makes them a hypocrite which means your a hypocrite for pointing out they're a hypocrite...

...uh oh, that means I'm a hypocrite too <_<

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I think the word hypocrisy has been abused, butchered and thrown around so much its pretty much lost all meaning.

By your definition someone pointing out hypocricy makes them a hypocrite which means your a hypocrite for pointing out they're a hypocrite...

...uh oh, that means I'm a hypocrite too <_<

Ah, so this is what they mean by the cycle that needs to be broken. :o

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There's plenty of hypocrisy going around everywhere these days. <_<

Better to look to one's own house.

Yes pointing out how the hegemony doesn't abide by its own rules is clearly hypocricy. You've opened my eyes.

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Yes pointing out how the hegemony doesn't abide by its own rules is clearly hypocricy. You've opened my eyes.

I think Haflinger is building up to another attempt to pull off the "Karma is as bad as the Hegemony" with half twist in the pike position.

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Do you speak Mogar?

I know that's a terrible question, (LOL!) but it actually makes a difference.

Okay, so since I'm not techy enough to know how to make one of those cool links that brings you right to the specific post, Ima do this.

On oage two is the first time Mogar makes clear that he's not talking about PZI. Here's the quote:

So it's ok to use the same exact sentence NPO used, but as long as you aren't PZIing anyone it's legit?

^this is correct, I'm not saying that you're PZI'ing anyone my problem is acting as arrogant and using the same taunts as NPO did, when you're attempting to claim moral superiority, it's better to not stoop to your enemies level, which is essentially what most of the arguments against me were, "it's ok to taunt them, as long as we aren't doing the PZI part of it", I disagree with that, when your opponent is fighting honorably, spitting in their face isnt exactly honorable, nor is acting exactly like the "worst(morally) alliance ever".

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I think Haflinger is building up to another attempt to pull off the "Karma is as bad as the Hegemony" with half twist in the pike position.

He can go for extra points if he also pulls off a three way break-off flank maneuver.

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^this is correct, I'm not saying that you're PZI'ing anyone my problem is acting as arrogant and using the same taunts as NPO did, when you're attempting to claim moral superiority, it's better to not stoop to your enemies level, which is essentially what most of the arguments against me were, "it's ok to taunt them, as long as we aren't doing the PZI part of it", I disagree with that, when your opponent is fighting honorably, spitting in their face isnt exactly honorable, nor is acting exactly like the "worst(morally) alliance ever".

Did this post have a point besides praising karma? Cause I could swear that you were arguing for the hegemony side a few posts ago.

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I think Haflinger is building up to another attempt to pull off the "Karma is as bad as the Hegemony" with half twist in the pike position.

Perhaps you should start looking at the ever growing list of incidents. Its not a bad haul considering Karma is only one month old and still have a lot of time to catch up on with the "Hegemony".

After this war TPF will be a small irrelevant alliance even with those nations in peacemode

Thats quite a prediction.

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Actually, what I was trying to say was that accusing others of hypocrisy is something we could all do with a lot less of. Quite frankly, get your own house in order, don't worry about what others think of you.

But of course, to get that message you'd have to actually read my post.

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