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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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To be fair it is hard to coordinate with so many other alliances :P


However I think it had more to do that the original numbers being relatively close and it wasn't worth sacrificing our hitting power to have enough people in peace mode to be able to hit every target in round 2 while the first round was in nuclear anarchy.

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A whole 58 nations in peace mode I see. 31%, impressive indeed. We must have messed up our staggers pretty bad to have allowed so many.

I mean this whole thread makes no sense. At the beginning we're mocked for too many and hiding in peacemode, then toward the end we're mocked that 69% are in warmode :P Oh well.

You fought hard against immense odds tyga, but we're gonna do more damage :P (might as well banter with you too)

Edited by mhawk
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PZI came with NPO's taunting.

Bad Kitty. You're still trying to push that. Mogar already did a good job of explaining that PZI was not what he was talking about.

It was the peace mode ridicule that Mogar spoke of, nothign more. I think you'll find he agrees with you on Karma being superior in the area of PZI.

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However I think it had more to do that the original numbers being relatively close and it wasn't worth sacrificing our hitting power to have enough people in peace mode to be able to hit every target in round 2 while the first round was in nuclear anarchy.

So you're saying Infra > Victory ?

You know I'm never going to drop that one, I hope. :D

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Bad Kitty. You're still trying to push that. Mogar already did a good job of explaining that PZI was not what he was talking about.

It was the peace mode ridicule that Mogar spoke of, nothign more. I think you'll find he agrees with you on Karma being superior in the area of PZI.

Yes, but until he cleared anything like that up, there was doubt. I felt like letting you know what that doubt was.

Edited by Rey the Great
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I mean this whole thread makes no sense. At the beginning we're mocked for too many and hiding in peacemode, then toward the end we're mocked that 69% are in warmode :P Oh well.

I wasn't mocking you. I was defending the Kingdom.

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Once again someone who does not understand the concept of reloading or helping the alliance rebuild after the war.

My respect for TPF has gone up in this war because they are fighting with odds 11-1, much more then our 7-1 odds.

Kudos TPF, keep fighting the good fight.


Seeing as all of the alliances fighting TPF were also fighting someone else I don't see how you can say they were fighting anything more than 2:1 odds.

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Yes, but until he cleared anything like that up, there was doubt. I felt like letting you know what that doubt was.

He did, but he's Mogar. Someones when Mogar get's really into a debate, it's like reeling in an Irishman with a potato and beer on a string. He'll chase anything.

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I wasn't mocking you. I was defending the Kingdom.

The kingdom has nothing to defend about. This thread was obviously in poor taste, but you guys and pc have done a good job at beating us down. Our goal is simply to give the most resistance we can for our allies, there is no plot to hide out the storm in peacemode.

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Once again someone who does not understand the concept of reloading or helping the alliance rebuild after the war.

My respect for TPF has gone up in this war because they are fighting with odds 11-1, much more then our 7-1 odds.

Kudos TPF, keep fighting the good fight.


TPF didn't seem to understand it last war either nor did they show any respect to alliances fighting against far greater odds than they are now.

But, hey, whatever makes you feel pious I guess. ;)

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Seeing as all of the alliances fighting TPF were also fighting someone else I don't see how you can say they were fighting anything more than 2:1 odds.

Redo the numbers of today's figures :P All our allies helping us on joint fronts except Avalon and NPO have peaced out, and most our enemies are not at war with NPO. For clarity, Echelon and IRON are also fighting, but I don't think we share any of the same fronts.

Edited by mhawk
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He did, but he's Mogar. Someones when Mogar get's really into a debate, it's like reeling in an Irishman with a potato and beer on a string. He'll chase anything.

Come to think of it, I can't see where Mogar cleared it up. Can you link me? I'm sorry, just really distracted by CN Radio.

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TPF didn't seem to understand it last war either nor did they show any respect to alliances fighting against far greater odds than they are now.

But, hey, whatever makes you feel pious I guess. ;)

I always respect alliances that give spirited fights against the odds. Take quick look at our record and you'll find I suggest or name treaties after such events, like the Que Sera Sera doctrine or the Zico accords.

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Redo the numbers of today's figures :P All our allies helping us on joint fronts except Avalon and NPO have peaced out, and most our enemies are not at war with NPO. For clarity, Echelon and IRON are also fighting, but I don't think we share any of the same fronts.

Was counting the numbers at the height of the war. :P

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Come to think of it, I can't see where Mogar cleared it up. Can you link me? I'm sorry, just really distracted by CN Radio.

Do you speak Mogar?

I know that's a terrible question, (LOL!) but it actually makes a difference.

Okay, so since I'm not techy enough to know how to make one of those cool links that brings you right to the specific post, Ima do this.

On oage two is the first time Mogar makes clear that he's not talking about PZI. Here's the quote:

So it's ok to use the same exact sentence NPO used, but as long as you aren't PZIing anyone it's legit?

Edited by Roadie
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Other than our military prowess being questioned. ;)

No one from TPF feels you guys are doing a poor job, however I think their comments are reflective of banter to our enemies given the nature of the thread calling us out :P

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I'm not spinning anything. MK blew the staggers on a mass scale. Truth is not spin.

OP has had his fun, can we move along now?

Also we didnt screw up staggers, it was just a storage of nations. Cant declare in Nuclear Anarchy you know. Also we know peacemode is part of war so get over it.

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