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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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I can propose that you and NPO will fight together, if you then do it in 2010 that doesn't mean it was planned since now. The fact of the matter is that Karma was not planned, or even seriously considered, until the Hegemony started making aggressive noises around the end of March. Just because some conspiracy theorist looked at the web in December and overreacted to our leaving Continuum doesn't mean that we were actually planning anything since then.

I actually believe that Grämlins wasn't, at least not then. If you had been, this would all have happened much sooner. However, the argument that this was all planned out is not the same as the argument that Grämlins specifically were involved in the planning. And Hal has direct knowledge of what was going on, he's not talking about rumours.

What is FTFY?

Fixed That For You.

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However, the argument that this was all planned out is not the same as the argument that Grämlins specifically were involved in the planning

So who was? MHA? FOK? Sparta? Fark? Without those alliances the idea of planning a war against the hegemony is so ridiculous as to be laughable. Even a month ago, any sort of attack on the hegemony would have resulted in a devastating loss.

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I actually believe that Grämlins wasn't, at least not then. If you had been, this would all have happened much sooner. However, the argument that this was all planned out is not the same as the argument that Grämlins specifically were involved in the planning. And Hal has direct knowledge of what was going on, he's not talking about rumours.

No. There may have been specific groups within Karma who were gunning for the NPO and co., but if so they are small portions of the coalition. Any planning they could have done can only be seen in political maneuvering, not in military organization, which is what Hal is arguing. There's no way the aggressors sitting in unified blocs can complain that they were out-organized by a defensive coalition that didn't condense until after the first shots were fired (much later even, if you count the entrance of TOP and maybe MHA).

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The main problem with the Q bloc being unprepared to the extent it was is that a large portion of it's NS not only fled the bloc, it joined the other side. Several in the days leading up to the war.

MCXA obviously was having problems, magnified by their gov jumping ship and joining up with Karma shortly before this broke out. Had that happened in reverse, say a large portion of VE's govt left and signed a protectorate with NPO on the eve of war the howls of outrage would last for years on here.

No amount of prep was ever going to win the war of pixels once all the alliances fled Q and dropped or ignored their personal treaties with NPO.

Some can say that was NPOs fault, and actually I'm sure most will. But I'm fairly certain some alliances knew this was coming and got out of town just ahead of the angry mob, circled back around and then blended right in with the mob.

You can also try and blame surrenders, but it seems to me that they didn't start coming until TOP, MHA, etc started joining the war, turning an already unbalanced war into a dogpile.

And before anyone gets all huffy and says they can't believe anyone from TPF would say that, I didn't say there was anything wrong with a dogpile. That's just how war works on Bob, no reason to complain about it.

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Exactly what Vol Navy said.

The turncoats MCXA, TOP, etc. as well as treaty breakers such as ODN made what could have been a fairly even FUN war into a war with sides so unequal that no amount of planning (after it began) and no military strategy would make the slightest difference.

I won't ever take some gripe about a stinking DOGPILE seriously ... ever.

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MCXA? MCXA fought on your side. TSO split off in late February, giving them over two months to replace the government. As former allies of MCXA who tried to help them after the split and were met by inactivity, we saw that they couldn't do that, but to blame TSO for that or claim that it was 'on the eve of war' is not accurate.

sides so unequal that no amount of planning (after it began) and no military strategy would make the slightest difference

This is not an accurate description of odds of 1.5:1.

Some can say that was NPOs fault, and actually I'm sure most will

It certainly was. The way NPO started the war alienated almost all their allies, and I doubt very much that TOP would have assisted Karma had the NPO acted in a way that was at all justifiable. The same is true with MHA to some extent as well.

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This is not an accurate description of odds of 1.5:1.

It certainly was. The way NPO started the war alienated almost all their allies, and I doubt very much that TOP would have assisted Karma had the NPO acted in a way that was at all justifiable. The same is true with MHA to some extent as well.

This was 1.5:1 for less than a week. When the sides looked fairly even, that's when TOP and MHA joined in the fight. After that happened the surrenders started rolling in and it became more and more of a dogpile.

And MCXA's former govt are traitors of the highest kind imo. They allowed the alliance to fall into a very disorganized state and then abandoned it and joined the other side. This at a time when everyone knew war was looming, we'd been on war alert since December. 2 months to try and reorganize the alliance and fight an all out nuclear war isn't a long time at all.

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The hegemony was on war alert since December and you still messed things up as badly as this? :wacko: Or are you just talking about TPF, who I hear have fought quite well on their limited front?

2 months to try and reorganize the alliance and fight an all out nuclear war isn't a long time at all.

It's much longer than Karma had.

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The hegemony was on war alert since December and you still messed things up as badly as this? :wacko: Or are you just talking about TPF, who I hear have fought quite well on their limited front?

It's much longer than Karma had.

I'm refering to TPF, I don't know what the other Q members who'd actually planned on sticking around for this conflict were planning.

It's also nice to know that we are fighting on a limited front. With 15-20 alliances having over 600 wars on our 185 nations I'd hate to see a front that wasn't limited. I figure you are selling the Mushroom Kingdom very short not to mention the other alliances at war with us.

I do figure that everyone had to know this war was coming. It's been a very popular subject for months.

MCXA is the one alliance I'd excuse for not being more prepared due to all they went through.

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The hegemony was on war alert since December and you still messed things up as badly as this? :wacko: Or are you just talking about TPF, who I hear have fought quite well on their limited front?

It's much longer than Karma had.

I can only speak for TPF's alert status (they don't tell us little folk about the top dog plans) ... TPF has been on alert since December. Haven't seen more than the stray (illegal) tech raid from us in more than 6 months, have you?

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The hegemony was on war alert since December and you still messed things up as badly as this? :wacko: Or are you just talking about TPF, who I hear have fought quite well on their limited front?

It's much longer than Karma had.

Frankly two things screwed this up real bad imo :P

1) Launching the war during negotiation... even if by accident. The best chance to run things out was for TOP to stay neutral, unleashing the yellow stream into their face was not a great move :P

2) TORN surrender and ensuing multiple alliances dropping NPO. Not the best moral booster pre battle.

I told TOP (before war) if it went to war we were gonna get stomped, or at very best a draw :P There was no illusion of there being an easy fight, or even winnable, things had to go perfect for a draw. The way it started was probably the worst execution possible and that aided greatly to turning things from even to quickly developing stompage.

In the end though it is rather fun to be out numbered and have plenty of targets. I'm glad we can fullfill out quota of destroyed pixels. All we can do is fight as well as we can against those against us and that is all we ever intended.

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It's also nice to know that we are fighting on a limited front. With 15-20 alliances having over 600 wars on our 185 nations I'd hate to see a front that wasn't limited. I figure you are selling the Mushroom Kingdom very short not to mention the other alliances at war with us.

In terms of total impact for Hegemony, it is limited. That is not an inditement (after all you are small), but the NPO and IRON fronts (and arguably MCXA and GGA too before they surrendered) are much more important.

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In terms of total impact for Hegemony, it is limited. That is not an inditement (after all you are small), but the NPO and IRON fronts (and arguably MCXA and GGA too before they surrendered) are much more important.

We are smaller than NPO and IRON but we are making enough of a dent to earn a comment here and there.

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In terms of total impact for Hegemony, it is limited. That is not an inditement (after all you are small), but the NPO and IRON fronts (and arguably MCXA and GGA too before they surrendered) are much more important.

We used to be a good deal larger! :D

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We may not exactly be winning the war, but hey we have a stronger alliance and a solid knowledge of who our friends are, all right I'll say it: We have a great leader too. I'm enjoying battle time and spending a fortune on band-aids.

Edited by Fenix
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We may not exactly be winning the war, but hey we have a stronger alliance and a solid knowledge of who our friends are, all right I'll say it: We have a great leader too. I'm enjoying battle time and spending a fortune on band-aids, and to the trolls with nothing else to do, nah i got nothin' go on living your miniscule lives. Your opinions don't really matter anyway.

Liked the first part, but then I felt real small thinking about my small, small life and then I started feeling for you and... hell, feeling for so many who are stuck in dead-end thinking that nothing or no one except themselves really matters. Here's some sugar:


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We may not exactly be winning the war, but hey we have a stronger alliance and a solid knowledge of who our friends are, all right I'll say it: We have a great leader too. I'm enjoying battle time and spending a fortune on band-aids, and to the trolls with nothing else to do, nah i got nothin' go on living your miniscule lives. Your opinions don't really matter anyway.

At first I thought you weren't upset at all, then I started seeing some insults at the end...and I must ask...


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