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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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I'll be impresses when the they can win something 1on1.

Really? This coming from the paper tiger coalition the Hegemony? All you've done in the past are curb stomps and you crapped your pants at the first sight of an even war. Are you sure you want to go down this road?

Note: I don't think TPF is a paper tiger, but the vast majority of the Hegemony certainly are.

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Really? This coming from the paper tiger coalition the Hegemony? All you've done in the past are curb stomps and you crapped your pants at the first sight of an even war. Are you sure you want to go down this road?

Note: I don't think TPF is a paper tiger, but the vast majority of the Hegemony certainly are.

I happen to think the vast majority of alliances on both sides are paper tigers at best.

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Did a TPF member seriously say that? Have you not paid attention to the past several wars?

You come along and attack TPF in every single thread our name comes up in. What is it exactly that we did to hurt you so?

Edited by Roadie
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You come along and attack TPF in every single thread our name comes up in. What is it exactly that we did to hurt you so?

The truth of the matter is, this is the 1st thread dealing specifically with TPF that I have ever been a part of. Further truth is , I dont know anyone in TPF. But, I have been on the wrong side of TPF and her allies a time or 4. More truth, I have not attacked TPF. I have debated, barbed and jabbed with Mogar on many topics, most because I think he has a narrow view of world events. But, attack TPF....no. The statement you quote is simply a reply to someone in TPF talking about being impressed with 1 on 1 victories. Having watched the way ~ and 1V wars have unfolded....I found this to be utterly hypocritical and amazingly funny. But, I will give you a chance to make me wrong. Find me the last war TPF was in that they won, that even remotely resembled a 1 on 1.....Go ahead, take your time, I will wait. Finally, dont take my posts personally. This thread just happens to be about TPF.

Edit: If you were referring to the dialect exchanged with mhawk in the FAN thread, do note, that wasnt an attack on TPF, it merely an amazement, at the "coincidence" that you are being militarily upended, and suddenly, after nearly 2 years, you wanna give FAN white peace and pretend like it had nothing to do with the current war. Truth be told, I gained a measure of respect for mhawk in the way he handled himself, even though I didnt believe a word he said.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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The truth of the matter is, this is the 1st thread dealing specifically with TPF that I have ever been a part of. Further truth is , I dont know anyone in TPF. But, I have been on the wrong side of TPF and her allies a time or 4. More truth, I have not attacked TPF. I have debated, barbed and jabbed with Mogar on many topics, most because I think he has a narrow view of world events. But, attack TPF....no. The statement you quote is simply a reply to someone in TPF talking about being impressed with 1 on 1 victories. Having watched the way ~ and 1V wars have unfolded....I found this to be utterly hypocritical and amazingly funny. But, I will give you a chance to make me wrong. Find me the last war TPF was in that they won, that even remotely resembled a 1 on 1.....Go ahead, take your time, I will wait. Finally, dont take my posts personally. This thread just happens to be about TPF.

Edit: If you were referring to the dialect exchanged with mhawk in the FAN thread, do note, that wasnt an attack on TPF, it merely an amazement, at the "coincidence" that you are being militarily upended, and suddenly, after nearly 2 years, you wanna give FAN white peace and pretend like it had nothing to do with the current war. Truth be told, I gained a measure of respect for mhawk in the way he handled himself, even though I didnt believe a word he said.

Truth be told, no one ever ends up fighting any wars 1v1 any more.

If you are on the "winning" side it's generally because you are at a 2-1 or 3-1 or more advantage.

If you are losing you are generally 1-2 or 1-3 if not worse.

The last war to some extent and this one to the extreme are different than any wars in the past due to the immediate use of nukes and the fact that nukes are so powerful now. Before it was tough to go 1 vs 2 or 3, now it's basically impossible if you are in nuke range and your opponents are even semi-coordinated.

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The truth of the matter is, this is the 1st thread dealing specifically with TPF that I have ever been a part of. Further truth is , I dont know anyone in TPF. But, I have been on the wrong side of TPF and her allies a time or 4. More truth, I have not attacked TPF. I have debated, barbed and jabbed with Mogar on many topics, most because I think he has a narrow view of world events. But, attack TPF....no. The statement you quote is simply a reply to someone in TPF talking about being impressed with 1 on 1 victories. Having watched the way ~ and 1V wars have unfolded....I found this to be utterly hypocritical and amazingly funny. But, I will give you a chance to make me wrong. Find me the last war TPF was in that they won, that even remotely resembled a 1 on 1.....Go ahead, take your time, I will wait. Finally, dont take my posts personally. This thread just happens to be about TPF.

Edit: If you were referring to the dialect exchanged with mhawk in the FAN thread, do note, that wasnt an attack on TPF, it merely an amazement, at the "coincidence" that you are being militarily upended, and suddenly, after nearly 2 years, you wanna give FAN white peace and pretend like it had nothing to do with the current war. Truth be told, I gained a measure of respect for mhawk in the way he handled himself, even though I didnt believe a word he said.

Thank you. I never payed attention to CN politics until a few weeks ago and because I wasn't around when these things happened, I never know why the haters until I ask. I appreciate you taking the time to clear that up.

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Thank you. I never payed attention to CN politics until a few weeks ago and because I wasn't around when these things happened, I never know why the haters until I ask. I appreciate you taking the time to clear that up.

Just as long as you understand its really nothing personal. People sometimes take alliance banter too seriously. They are just my opinions, and at the end of the day, mean nothing. Thank you for being respectful.

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Truth be told, no one ever ends up fighting any wars 1v1 any more.

If you are on the "winning" side it's generally because you are at a 2-1 or 3-1 or more advantage.

If you are losing you are generally 1-2 or 1-3 if not worse.

The last war to some extent and this one to the extreme are different than any wars in the past due to the immediate use of nukes and the fact that nukes are so powerful now. Before it was tough to go 1 vs 2 or 3, now it's basically impossible if you are in nuke range and your opponents are even semi-coordinated.

Quoted for truth.

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Quoted for truth.

Aint that the truth! I've been on Planet Bob for almost two years and I've never seen a sizable war that was remotely one to one. I guess there's just too many pixel lovers that jump to the perceived stronger side, if there was any doubt to begin with in a given war.

But, I'm having a hoot, even though I've been blasted by quite an assortment of folks from MK, PC, and NSO. :war:

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This war was 95 to 90 after the main punch and counter-punch, the fact that it ended up so unbalanced was down to Hegemony incompetence and surrenders.

The day after IRON entered, it was 194M to 128M NS, or 95 to 63. I think it's safe to say that they would count as part of the main punch, at 20M. Or were you expecting them to not join the war?

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This war was 95 to 90 after the main punch and counter-punch, the fact that it ended up so unbalanced was down to Hegemony incompetence and surrenders.


What doesn't get talked about enough is the matter of preparation. Karma was much better prepared as a whole than the 'Hegemony'. Part of that was being in the position of ambush (ready to strike when NPO or its allies made a serious misstep), part of that was establishing clear goals early on, long before the first shots were fired.

Does that speak to some sort of overall Hegemony incompetence? No. But obviously some alliances were much better prepared than others to fight and those that were not took an early out when terms were given.

It would have been interesting to see the results if the Continuum and its allies had the same sort of clearly defined goals and universal preparation what the outcome would have been. At this stage however, we're clearly into the end game.

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What doesn't get talked about enough is the matter of preparation. Karma was much better prepared as a whole than the 'Hegemony'. Part of that was being in the position of ambush (ready to strike when NPO or its allies made a serious misstep), part of that was establishing clear goals early on, long before the first shots were fired.

Does that speak to some sort of overall Hegemony incompetence? No. But obviously some alliances were much better prepared than others to fight and those that were not took an early out when terms were given.

It would have been interesting to see the results if the Continuum and its allies had the same sort of clearly defined goals and universal preparation what the outcome would have been. At this stage however, we're clearly into the end game.

Karma was a rag-tag band where most of the participants joined at the eleventh hour. We didn't have any better idea of the sides than the Hegemony did; nobody knew for sure until people showed up. We didn't have the advantage of getting to pick when the war started, we didn't have the infrastructure already in place to organize things, and we didn't have a clear decision-making process or organizational framework. We most certainly didn't have clearly defined goals. Almost everyone had a vague common desire to topple the ruling party, but that's about the extent of it. There were parties pushing to allow the NPO to surrender when they came to ask for terms on the first night.

If we were better prepared than you then that's a very eloquent statement of Hegemony incompetence. If "preparation" is your explanation of why you lost you ought to be embarrassed.

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To the people who keep on claiming that it's just a coincidence that Superfriends, C&G and Citadel united against Continuum, there was no advance planning of this coalition at all, I might remind you that this exact coalition was proposed around last Christmas at least, possibly earlier, and Hal knows this quite well.

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To the people who keep on claiming that it's just a coincidence that Superfriends, C&G and Citadel united against Continuum, there was no advance planning of this coalition at all, I might remind you that this exact coalition was proposed around last Christmas at least, possibly earlier, and Hal knows this quite well.

Sure there were rumors, and obviously they weren't baseless, but both sides have equal access to rumors. It's not as if those three groups have been plotting together since Christmas. The core of the Hegemony side has at least been a coherent and organized faction all this time, so for them to have pulled such a lousy showing even with all that warning is especially sorry.

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I can propose that you and NPO will fight together, if you then do it in 2010 that doesn't mean it was planned since now. The fact of the matter is that Karma was not planned, or even seriously considered, until the Hegemony started making aggressive noises around the end of March. Just because some conspiracy theorist looked at the web in December and overreacted to our leaving Continuum doesn't mean that we were actually planning anything since then.

What is FTFY?

Does that speak to some sort of overall Hegemony incompetence? No. But obviously some alliances were much better prepared than others to fight

Not being prepared for an aggressive war is incompetent. The Hegemony chose the moment, the scope and the reason for the war. The fact that you are losing speaks volumes about how incompetent your planning was. With some honourable exceptions, the military performance (particularly on a strategic level) has been pretty incompetent too, although I am aware that that is true on our side as well.

As for the numbers, I guess I was so busy working out our front that I didn't update my mental image of them on that day, but still, 1.5:1 is not that unbalanced. I'm sure we could take a 9 million NS alliance ;).

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