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Attention "The Phoenix Federation"

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His post is a little ambiguous, but not wrong I think. It would read clearer as "You can't declare on anyone while you're in anarchy."

Silly me, I forgot I was on the Internet there for a second.

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I love these posts. It doesn't matter how you feel about your alliance's imminent destruction - go down happy, sad, or indifferent - but down you will go. And THAT is what matters. Perhaps if you guys implemented a different way of thinking (and operating), you'd be doing a much better job on the battlefield.

All in all, when losing makes you happy, you get really good at it. So, enjoy the war, I guess....

You can destroy our pixels, but not our alliance. This just makes me, and indeed most of us, more determined to see TPF rise from the ashes.

Considering we've been on the battlefield in total 1v3 or 1v4 nuclear war from the 25th hour and we're still standing together nearly a month later, I think we're doing ok.

We've lost a few people who were down so badly they figured it was worth it to reroll due to poor resouces but they will be rejoining TPF once they've rerolled into what they consider good resources.

We've had a few people abandon ship but not that many considering how long and brutal this war has been right from the start.

Losing the people from the second group isn't a huge deal because they valued their pixels more than mhawk's word and that's the kind of people you don't need to make your alliance better.

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I figured that halfway down the first page, someone would realize that I made that post while being in peacemode myself. I figured that's where the laughter would ensue, and we would all pat each other on the $@! and go back to what we were doing.

I fought toto and vol navy on two seperate occasions and they put up a very good fight, and fought with respect. I have no hard feelings toward anyone.

Some of you people *cough, mogar, cough* are very very very very sad, and should get out a little more. I mean really. I'm not trying to offend anyone, or try to make them feel bad. But I seriously do feel bad for you.

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By teh way, the reloading crap? Only 2 out of the top 10 TPF nations in peace mode are capable of replenishing nukes. Enjoy your dwindling WC TPF.

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By teh way, the reloading crap? Only 2 out of the top 10 TPF nations in peace mode are capable of replenishing nukes. Enjoy your dwindling WC TPF.

Why do you hate us so?

Please go clear your concience in the "TPF Complaint Department" thread.

You'll feel better. And we'll be able to make squishy overtures of reconcilation with you!


Have a bunny.


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By teh way, the reloading crap? Only 2 out of the top 10 TPF nations in peace mode are capable of replenishing nukes. Enjoy your dwindling WC TPF.

Crap? I suggest you go back and count up MP's ;) I count 4 of them.. As for the others.. they were most likely banks before.. as we have stated.. EVERYONE came out to play this time around :P But please feel free to insinuate all you like ... we enjoy the lively banter :wub:

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By teh way, the reloading crap? Only 2 out of the top 10 TPF nations in peace mode are capable of replenishing nukes. Enjoy your dwindling WC TPF.

All hate is to be directed to our Minister of Hate, Roadie. The Department of Hate has set up shop in their very own thread here. All posts in said thread must be completely serious. Anyone attempting "lulz" goes on EZI without question. Please pick up a Tear Collecter as you enter. Your tears will be used as refreshment for our soldiers. We thank you for your hate.


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By teh way, the reloading crap? Only 2 out of the top 10 TPF nations in peace mode are capable of replenishing nukes. Enjoy your dwindling WC TPF.

You keep coming up with this peace mode stuff and claims that we are afraid of damage, but it just isn't accurate. Out of our top 20 pre-war nations, outside of a couple surrenders, most of us are at or well on our way to ZI. No one has been ducking battle here.

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I figured that halfway down the first page, someone would realize that I made that post while being in peacemode myself. I figured that's where the laughter would ensue, and we would all pat each other on the $@! and go back to what we were doing.

I fought toto and vol navy on two seperate occasions and they put up a very good fight, and fought with respect. I have no hard feelings toward anyone.

Some of you people *cough, mogar, cough* are very very very very sad, and should get out a little more. I mean really. I'm not trying to offend anyone, or try to make them feel bad. But I seriously do feel bad for you.

I've always been aggressively defensive of my allies, it's part of my personality, if you don't like it, become my ally and then we'd never have to argue :D.

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I've always been aggressively defensive of my allies, it's part of my personality, if you don't like it, become my ally and then we'd never have to argue :D.

Mogar is Mogar is Mogar.

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I figured that halfway down the first page, someone would realize that I made that post while being in peacemode myself. I figured that's where the laughter would ensue, and we would all pat each other on the $@! and go back to what we were doing.

I fought toto and vol navy on two seperate occasions and they put up a very good fight, and fought with respect. I have no hard feelings toward anyone.

Some of you people *cough, mogar, cough* are very very very very sad, and should get out a little more. I mean really. I'm not trying to offend anyone, or try to make them feel bad. But I seriously do feel bad for you.

You are a terrible terrible person. Nothing but the typical Karma hypocrite. Way to be the monster you're facing.

Am I doing it right? :P

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I've always been aggressively defensive of my allies, it's part of my personality, if you don't like it, become my ally and then we'd never have to argue :D.

:wub: Mogar

Your a good friend.

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It's a fairly easy system, and here is how it is managed:

Version 1 - How outsiders imagine TPF

After we all gather together in our sacred coven, and prior to the point where we engage in the ritualistic cannibalism, but after the point where we've slaughtered the bull and bathed in his blood, MHAWK sits us all down and offers to shoot any one of us who wish to quit the Phoenix Federation.

After that we have our meeting. The main point of order each week is "Who should we PZI for no good reason?". After we decide on a hapless victim, we get on a video conference with Pacifica, where we listen to the emperor explain how the gran plan of oppression is unfolding. Once we are clear on who to subjugate, and how we are going to spend the next day stifling everyone's fun on planet Bob, Mhawk informs us all how he (and all the cool kids) will stay in peace mode, and how the rest of us must spend the next 23 hours refreshing our screens in case of attack, WHILE paying daily tribute.

Version 2 - How it really happens

When someone wants to go into peace mode to recharge the batteries, no one complains. Cause we're cool like that.

I'm sure you guys will choose to believe version 1.

Yah know, i preach OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC, and yet you still let out our innermost workings intot he public. The hell with the firing squad roadie, that is too lenient...... Make him clean Mhawks toilet bowl for a week...that will do the trick.

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You shouldn't be offering terms to alliances who are already absolutely devastated by losing a war, I've never been a fan of reps considering I've had to pay them most of the time, and off the top of my head, TOP and NSO made it clear they weren't part of your ragtag gang, not to mention Karma has made it clear most of them don't get along. :v:

This ragtag gang just obliterated your finely tuned bloc.

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I'll be impresses when the they can win something 1on1.

No one is trying to "impresses" you, and your lack of history is distressing.

200million ns will win against 150 million every single time.

Your words, not mine.

Edited by InkBlot
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I don't get it. Why is everyone making such a big deal about nations going into peace mode? Considering TPF's position I say it's a pretty smart move to get into Peace Mode when they can to muster up a counter-attack. Honor =/= Intelligent. >_>; The only reason I can see for why nations are complaining about TPF going into Peace Mode is that they can't continue their glorified and "honorable" tech-raids.

Edited by AdolfVonSippycup
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