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The end of responsibility.


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Harsh terms WORK? It can be argued that MK leads this Karma revolution, as they, at least strengthwise lead C&G. Did you not see the terms they were given last war? They were among the harshest I have ever seen. Athens terms as well, for their size, were VERY harsh. Yet, a few months later, here is C&G at the forefront of this revolution. The terms that were intended to "work", only emboldened and bonded C and G. They failed, and as such, there is not a signatory of C and G that would not unquestionably die for the others. I love them like they are family. Bottom line...Harsh terms create a dangerous resolve.

Harsh terms only destroy an alliance that doesn't have much will left to exist to begin with and only really cripples those economically that likely wouldn't have had a proactive rebuilding effort anyway.

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Yes, we've been hearing a lot of this: by winning the war, Karma will ruin everything, the world will be a engulfed in chaos with all the evil alliances being resurrected, such horrible concepts as "lulz" and tech raiding, etc. Just like in the bad old days, before the noble, good alliances died for our sins by cynically isolating and backstabbing their own allies one by one.

Enough of this. The "hegemony" has been around for a long time, and done a good job, but apparently people want to try something new now. A bit more dignity in defeat would be appropriate.

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You make a lot of assumptions in this that I think are wrong. First of all I don't think the karma phenomenom, in which a massive coalition forms to counter an aggressive move, will be a common thing. A lot of things led to Karma. Second, you should know well that the hegemony will not seek to re-establish itself through open war but with backdoor politics.

Gotta give it up for you, it takes gut to make an OP which is one big assumption, then accuse others of making assumptions. Stop acting like your the big authority who knows exactly what will happen after this war. If this war does anything it shows that everyone can be held responsible for what they do even the strongest alliances in this game. With this Hegemony gone, maybe there is a little bit more competition again, instead of "what alliance will be next on NPO's curbstomp list"

Third, if anything, this war shows harsh terms WORK, Karma is full of alliances that were spared and given terms they could recover from. The alliances that got harsh terms and I mean harsh terms like Legion, GATO, NADC, \m/, etc are either disbanded or joined their attackers.

Conveniently ignoring NpO and MK. Plus Vox and FAN having been kept in perpetual war for years. As has been argued about before the reason that \m/ folded was more due to leadership and determination then the harsh terms they were presented, ironically the person who made up those harsh terms is the very person giving an example on how to deal with that (together with FAN, congrats guys).

I guess ignoring harsh terms works as well?

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I think people put wayyy too much thought into what 'Karma' will become after this.

Karma will cease to exist. Things will be just like they were before this war, just with different stats.

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Wow OP; what you have done is state an opinion without backing it up with any substance or credibility whatsoever.

Now look, nobody is attacking your nation, you didn't have to preface your statement by saying "this is my view, not the view of my alliance", you don't have to worry about EZI or PZI (you won't even suffer a ZI for this), and there aren't a million blind "o/" 's in this thread.

Gee, what a wonderfully ebil world you Karma folks have created. :P

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Karma is about to kill the concept of responsibility in CN. The irony is that they think their revolution will bring about restrain, mercy and compassion. No. The Pax Karma will be one in which all leaders know no matter how horrible their acts they will face no consequence. If all you have to fear is a brief smack to the face which you can rebuild from swiftly, a stern talking to (or slap to the wrist) so to speak, we will see levels of cruelty and abuse of power never before seen.

Before all moves have to weigh national/alliance interest against the potential consequences, the ironically named Karma coalition is bringing about an age in which people no longer face consequence thus leaving them to behave in a purely self-interested way. Scary future...

So because "light" surrender terms were given this time that must mean that no one is ever going to give harsh terms again? Some people don't seem to understand that it's possible to evaluate terms on a case-by-case basis. You don't have to do the same thing as everyone else did before you. If an alliance was to be percieved as misbehaving in some future war, I'm sure they'll be given terms that reflect that. Not everything has to be black and white.

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Who was the last person bullied by GOONS, \m/, GENMAY, Legion, etc?

I'm sorry, who did we bully? I must have missed it. Or am I misunderstanding something?

With regards to the OP, I welcome the return to the decentralization of pre-GWII/GWIII times. I remember them with fondness. A time of freedom. A time of chaos. A time of opportunity. A time where no one whined about the lack of war.

All those whiners are about to see what constant tension/instability is like. It will be interesting to see if they can take it.

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Karma aren't as bad or as good as everyone claims. There are too many of them to fit under one category.

Terms only work to ensure one creates a long-term bitter enemy and make them smarter and efficient.

You seem to speak my mind whenever I check these forums...

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Karma is about to kill the concept of responsibility in CN. The irony is that they think their revolution will bring about restrain, mercy and compassion. No. The Pax Karma will be one in which all leaders know no matter how horrible their acts they will face no consequence. If all you have to fear is a brief smack to the face which you can rebuild from swiftly, a stern talking to (or slap to the wrist) so to speak, we will see levels of cruelty and abuse of power never before seen.

Before all moves have to weigh national/alliance interest against the potential consequences, the ironically named Karma coalition is bringing about an age in which people no longer face consequence thus leaving them to behave in a purely self-interested way. Scary future...

You mean as opposed the the world the NPO created in which draconian consequences were the norm for inconsequential "wrongdoings"? I hardly believe anyone will be begging for a return to the "order" (i.e. ruthless power grabbing) that was wrought by the NPO.

If you want unprecedented levels of cruelty, you need only look at the history of the NPO as the sole super power on planet bob. THey created the illusion of peace and order through cruelty and suppression.

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Karma is about to kill the concept of responsibility in CN. The irony is that they think their revolution will bring about restrain, mercy and compassion. No. The Pax Karma will be one in which all leaders know no matter how horrible their acts they will face no consequence. If all you have to fear is a brief smack to the face which you can rebuild from swiftly, a stern talking to (or slap to the wrist) so to speak, we will see levels of cruelty and abuse of power never before seen.

Before all moves have to weigh national/alliance interest against the potential consequences, the ironically named Karma coalition is bringing about an age in which people no longer face consequence thus leaving them to behave in a purely self-interested way. Scary future...

Smoke much?

What you really mean to say, is that in the future, CN will not be responsible to NPO. CN never SHOULD have been responsible to a bunch of lying conniving manipulative bungholes.

Cybernations is tired of a few players dictating what reality in the CN world should be. We are re-writing reality. Get with the program, or be written OUT.

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