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before this war....the NPO was #1 TOTAL....now if you look at it, they are #4.

#1. sparta

2. The Order of the Paradox

3. Mostly harmless Alliance

4. NPO

5. New Polar order and so on so forth...

funny, if you ask me, it seems the tides of change have come. now there are new red team alliances, which the NPO, which is now so constrained that they can not contain the red team, there is a...get this....New atlantic order.

The tides of Planey bob are changing, and from what these forums look, no one wishes to admit it. now i probably will get alot of "whatever" stuff, but i don't have a voice...but it is interesting when you think of it. The New Pacific order's days seem to be numbered.

that is all...

and as a member of The Democratic Order, I remain FANATICALLY NEUTRAL...

thank you :D

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