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Sending troops home


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After you get nuked for the day, if you deploy 100% of your soldiers, can an opponent with more than 0 soldiers deployed view the ground attack screen to force your troops back home? Does the result change if you have a fallout shelter system or not?

I know that you can't get defeat alerted after you get nuked if you don't have the fallout shelter system, and that you can if you do have the fallout shelter system, but I'm foggy as the mechanics of getting your troops sent back home due to your opponents having over 95% odds.

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After you get nuked for the day, if you deploy 100% of your soldiers, can an opponent with more than 0 soldiers deployed view the ground attack screen to force your troops back home?

I believe so yes, unless you rebuy some troops to defend after you carry out your grounds, leaving 0 troops at home will likely get your deployment returned.

Does the result change if you have a fallout shelter system or not?

If the FSS means you evade being defeated by the nuke, and then you deploy 100% soldiers, and don't buy any to defend, then I would expect you'd be hit by a defeat alert, which would also return the troops home.

I know that you can't get defeat alerted after you get nuked if you don't have the fallout shelter system, and that you can if you do have the fallout shelter system, but I'm foggy as the mechanics of getting your troops sent back home due to your opponents having over 95% odds.

If I understand it correctly, any time your opponent has over 95% odds on you, they can send your troops home, whether you've been defeated already or not, whether you have a FSS or not, this is the risk you take in trying to get that extra hitpower from 100% deployment.

Edited by Jack Shepard
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