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Where are you NPO?


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This thought really only applies to large alliances... if you look around the average alliances do not have the resources to agree with this sentiment. There MUST be nations that do not fight in some alliances in order to rebuild the younger nations after the war, while those that did fight use the remains of their funds to rebuild their own nations.

Yeah dude, the NPO is pretty small.

The NPO is not posting for a very solid reason. Their members have a tenancy to tell the truth on these forums, and the truth has another name. Incrimination. So you'll probably only see posts from IO/High Command folks who are able to properly toe the line and put forward the proper propaganda. Probably even then you wont see them much as folks are more resistant to their usual crap lines right now.

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The New Pacific Order’s current radio silence prevents NPO members from participating in role-playing activities on the CyberNations forums.

This is entirely unacceptable, any alliance preventing membership from participating in role-playing on the CyberNation forums doesn’t deserve anyone’s support.

NPO nations are not prohibited form participating in the national role-play areas of the CyberNations forum, only this forum and its sub-forums.

We thank you for your concern for our members' role-play activities.


Imperial Officer, New Pacific Order

Edited by Cortath
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Yeah dude, the NPO is pretty small.

The NPO is not posting for a very solid reason. Their members have a tenancy to tell the truth on these forums, and the truth has another name. Incrimination. So you'll probably only see posts from IO/High Command folks who are able to properly toe the line and put forward the proper propaganda. Probably even then you wont see them much as folks are more resistant to their usual crap lines right now.

Yep, propoganda.

Stand by... I need to find my script.

Please direct me to anywhere I may have posted propoganda.

Actually, the quoted post proves my earlier point perfectly.

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While it would be entertaining to engage you folks in thoughtful discussion, any argument I might offer at this time will be twisted and shouted down by those who feel they must spew hatred and bile at every opportunity.

You're irrelevant. Why don't you come out of peace mode and say that? Do something about it.

This is so beautiful, seeing my enemies put into the position they left me in. Yet instead of man up and take the abuse they sit there, roll over and play like they're the victims of some horrid crime. After the defamation you perpetrated against myself and so many others I find the whining about how "unfair" public perception of you is to be delicious. Keep on refusing to admit your wrongs, that'll get you places.

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You're irrelevant. Why don't you come out of peace mode and say that? Do something about it.

This is so beautiful, seeing my enemies put into the position they left me in. Yet instead of man up and take the abuse they sit there, roll over and play like they're the victims of some horrid crime. After the defamation you perpetrated against myself and so many others I find the whining about how "unfair" public perception of you is to be delicious. Keep on refusing to admit your wrongs, that'll get you places.

Sure Doitzel, I'll get right on that.

we wont get into the who defamed who argument.

Edited by Loucifer
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Yep, propoganda.

Stand by... I need to find my script.

Please direct me to anywhere I may have posted propoganda.

Actually, the quoted post proves my earlier point perfectly.

Propaganda (not "propoganda") is the dissemination of information aimed at influencing the opinions or behaviors of people. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, often presents information primarily in order to influence its audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or gives loaded messages in order to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.

Of course I haven't seen you posting anything except unsubstantiated claims that nobody is capable of arguing with you in a rational manner, which is pretty funny coming from the person who said this to me before banning me from #nsa about 4 months ago:

[19:50] <&Loucifer> is there a category for abandonig friends the quickest?

[19:51] <&Loucifer> how about a category for supporting a megalomaniac?

[19:51] <&Loucifer> how about one for trolling your previous alliance?

[19:51] <&Loucifer> How about shutting the hell up

Om nom nom, more unsubstantiated claims and vacuous demands. Seems like a pattern with you, Loucifer.

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Hmmm. Seems like they are gone now. Funny how they all left once they called us traitors. And yeah I saw the post before you edited it Mr Lou. And I was thinking that the Emperor was going to say something.

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The surrender terms for NPO should be:

$10 billion + 200k tech paid out to the alliances of Karma.

And no less.

I calculate it would take them maybe 2-4 months or more. But it would save them their death and it will test their willingness to repay the damage they have done to CN and a shot at living again. It would also ensure peace within Karma because of the mass-coordination between NPO and Karma.

Otherwise, continue the war until they are off the top 40 alliances.

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The surrender terms for NPO should be:

$10 billion + 200k tech paid out to the alliances of Karma.

And no less.

I calculate it would take them maybe 2-4 months or more. But it would save them their death and it will test their willingness to repay the damage they have done to CN and a shot at living again. It would also ensure peace within Karma because of the mass-coordination between NPO and Karma.

Otherwise, continue the war until they are off the top 40 alliances.

*declares war on the NPO*

May I have some of that now?

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FAN had a much longer radio silence at a time when we were unpopular and couldn't afford any more negative PR (or accidental OPSEC violations).

Ultimately we decided it did more hurt than good.

In order to make such a decision in the end, one must be able to make a judgement including factors that cannot be put into simple numbers on a page. One must actually pay attention to the feelings of their members. One must be able to understand the effect it will have on third parties and how they will see and feel about an alliance that actually silences its players like this.

Doing such basically states that you do not wish your members to be part of the international community but it is ok for your leaders to be part of it. Considering some of the posts their leaders make during these moments of silence it is hard for me to believe that none of the members of the NPO that like to post are taking this quietly. Then again, I didn't and in the end I was called a traitor within the elite circles and eventually run out.

You know, I would rather not see the IO's and higher ranking officials post at all during this time because most of the time they do not post anything that would appear "official" in quality. It ends up appearing more like idle conversation and that is pretty much all their members would wish to post like. It's that type of elitism that has been seen in NPO diplomacy and action that is now so nonchalantly put upon their members.

Yes it has a very negative PR affect that is not easy put in numbers and is not even easily seen but it is there. That is where the top dogs at NPO need to learn to direct their "radar" towards.

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In order to make such a decision in the end, one must be able to make a judgement including factors that cannot be put into simple numbers on a page. One must actually pay attention to the feelings of their members. One must be able to understand the effect it will have on third parties and how they will see and feel about an alliance that actually silences its players like this.

Doing such basically states that you do not wish your members to be part of the international community but it is ok for your leaders to be part of it. Considering some of the posts their leaders make during these moments of silence it is hard for me to believe that none of the members of the NPO that like to post are taking this quietly. Then again, I didn't and in the end I was called a traitor within the elite circles and eventually run out.

You know, I would rather not see the IO's and higher ranking officials post at all during this time because most of the time they do not post anything that would appear "official" in quality. It ends up appearing more like idle conversation and that is pretty much all their members would wish to post like. It's that type of elitism that has been seen in NPO diplomacy and action that is now so nonchalantly put upon their members.

Yes it has a very negative PR affect that is not easy put in numbers and is not even easily seen but it is there. That is where the top dogs at NPO need to learn to direct their "radar" towards.

If you think the NPO leadership needs your advice on keeping their members from forming an insurrection, you must have been playing some different game since 2006. Or whenever you started. More or less, you don't have any clue what you're talking about.

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If you think the NPO leadership needs your advice on keeping their members from forming an insurrection, you must have been playing some different game since 2006. Or whenever you started. More or less, you don't have any clue what you're talking about.

Actually yes I was playing a different game from 2006 till sometime in 2008. My clue comes from being in the NPO for most of my time in this game and from learning first hand. So there is your clue.

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Actually yes I was playing a different game from 2006 till sometime in 2008. My clue comes from being in the NPO for most of my time in this game and from learning first hand. So there is your clue.

Heh. Hahahaha. :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:


I suppose you don't get the joke, that's fine.

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Chron, if someone is going to derail this topic it's gonna be me. Stop trolling this topic.

It looks like this thread back on track, so I give it a bit more time before trying to get it locked.

FAN had a much longer radio silence at a time when we were unpopular and couldn't afford any more negative PR (or accidental OPSEC violations).

Ultimately we decided it did more hurt than good.

If it's okay, I would like to ask you a couple of questions to ascertain the effect of the blackout. How long did FAN have a blackout? And what led you to the conclusion that it was undesirable? What were seeing in the forums? I was actually kinda of surprised that FAN instituted a blackout. They were quite popular with the general community. I suppose one might get a different opinion due to the NPO trolls, but I think FAN was generally well liked.

In order to make such a decision in the end, one must be able to make a judgement including factors that cannot be put into simple numbers on a page. One must actually pay attention to the feelings of their members. One must be able to understand the effect it will have on third parties and how they will see and feel about an alliance that actually silences its players like this.

I agree with you although I'm more curious to know what effect being bottled up has on the NPO membership. I can't imagine that it would make them very happy. Although perhaps, they been suppressed by their leadership for so long that it has stopped bothering many of them.

Radio Silence is Folly, these forums are CyberNations

The open world forum is the real battle, lose on these forums and you lose the game

I agree with you. So far on the forums, I think that it is commonly accepted that the NPO were at fault from the very beginning. The NPO hasn't even tried to change anyone's opinion, so what are we supposed to think? It has even got to the point where we are opening discussing whether the NPO leaders should be EZI/PZI'd upon completion of the war!

The question I would like to posit to the everyone else is this, "How do you think things would be different if the NPO continued to maintain a strong presence on the forums?"

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Chron, if someone is going to derail this topic it's gonna be me. Stop trolling this topic.

Im doing no such thing. Im vehemently disagreeing with an individual that is making statements out of pure and silly ignorance. If it's derailing the topic, even though I did not initiate that divide, I will cease commenting on it.

But please don't pretend to be able to tell me what to do.

I agree with you although I'm more curious to know what effect being bottled up has on the NPO membership. I can't imagine that it would make them very happy. Although perhaps, they been suppressed by their leadership for so long that it has stopped bothering many of them.

NPO Culture is built up so that they exist somewhat seperately from the general CN forums. It's structured to be it's own community, existing and participating in CN is considered largely peripheral to them more or less. CN is just a game, the NPO is an entity which transcends CN.

Therefore, the culture is set up so that even being told to not bother with the CN OWF does not really bother them much at all.

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Im doing no such thing. Im vehemently disagreeing with an individual that is making statements out of pure and silly ignorance. If it's derailing the topic, even though I did not initiate that divide, I will cease commenting on it.

Nah, not everyone who disagrees with you can be stupid. There are just too many for that idea to have validity.

NPO Culture is built up so that they exist somewhat seperately from the general CN forums. It's structured to be it's own community, existing and participating in CN is considered largely peripheral to them more or less. CN is just a game, the NPO is an entity which transcends CN.

Therefore, the culture is set up so that even being told to not bother with the CN OWF does not really bother them much at all.

I think that that concept is certainly true for the higher ups in the NPO. You called yourself a foot soldier, but I would definitely put you closer to the top, certainly in terms of activity. Most of the reports that I've heard, including those that I've learned elsewhere, seem to disagree with you. They would seem to posit a fairly inactive membership who largely accepted everything the NPO leaders told them. Discussion was stifled, even on the NPO forums, by the higher ups in the party.

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Nah, not everyone who disagrees with you can be stupid. There are just too many for that idea to have validity.

I dont believe everyone that disagrees with me is stupid. But frankly, folks only seem to remember when I go against those that seem to act like they are.

I think that that concept is certainly true for the higher ups in the NPO. You called yourself a foot soldier, but I would definitely put you closer to the top, certainly in terms of activity. Most of the reports that I've heard, including those that I've learned elsewhere, seem to disagree with you. They would seem to posit a fairly inactive membership who largely accepted everything the NPO leaders told them. Discussion was stifled, even on the NPO forums, by the higher ups in the party.

I never called myself a foot soldier. I started out that way, to be sure, but I didn't stay a grunt forever.

Regardless, the two points were making arent mutually exclusive.

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Regardless, the two points were making arent mutually exclusive.

Okay, so then as someone who served in the NPO for a long time, what do you think about the radio silence? Both in terms of it's effect on the NPO grunts (which you alluded to earlier) and in terms of it's effect on the CN community.

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Okay, so then as someone who served in the NPO for a long time, what do you think about the radio silence? Both in terms of it's effect on the NPO grunts (which you alluded to earlier) and in terms of it's effect on the CN community.

Shocking as this may be, Im actually agreeing with Generalissimo on this point. Conceding the OWF allows every random hater free rein to spout off ignorant nonsense and defamation. You may not like NPO, but they did much more than nearly all other folks in this game to keep it interesting.

Whether or not that outweighs the "crimes" they've committed is best left to those in the trenches.

That being said, the NPO membership is so used to this kind of thing by now that it more or less doesn't make a slight bit of difference to them. And suggestions that somehow NPO membership are taking the radio silence as a personal affront are laughable at best.

Actually, insinuations of NPO leadership needing to "heed the words of their members" are equally ridiculous. The NPO has every means of controlling their membership that they could possibly need, this may seem implausible to some people, but for those of us with experience of the community and how it works, it's simply old hat.

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Shocking as this may be, Im actually agreeing with Generalissimo on this point. Conceding the OWF allows every random hater free rein to spout off ignorant nonsense and defamation. You may not like NPO, but they did much more than nearly all other folks in this game to keep it interesting.

Whether or not that outweighs the "crimes" they've committed is best left to those in the trenches.

That being said, the NPO membership is so used to this kind of thing by now that it more or less doesn't make a slight bit of difference to them. And suggestions that somehow NPO membership are taking the radio silence as a personal affront are laughable at best.

Actually, insinuations of NPO leadership needing to "heed the words of their members" are equally ridiculous. The NPO has every means of controlling their membership that they could possibly need, this may seem implausible to some people, but for those of us with experience of the community and how it works, it's simply old hat.

While you are correct in your assertions about the NPO, those come from quite awhile back and thus might not be so close to the truth with how things have been lately. We have seen quite a few new names from the NPO step forth upon the OWF battlegrounds. While spending time in the OWF I saw first hand internal discussions in which the Body took part. One of those discussions was about Radio Silence. While there were certainly plenty who simply did not care there were those who wished to be able to take part when they felt like it.

You seem to put forth the Pacifican ideal quite admirably. Unfortunately in reality not everyone might feel the way they are told to feel. Its surprising to hear what individuals think when speaking one on one. You really begin to understand how Pacifican culture is pressed upon its members.

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Actually, insinuations of NPO leadership needing to "heed the words of their members" are equally ridiculous. The NPO has every means of controlling their membership that they could possibly need, this may seem implausible to some people, but for those of us with experience of the community and how it works, it's simply old hat.

Do they have special powers you're not telling me?

HeinousOne, link?

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