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Knowledge is Pitiless


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Ragnar Ruriksson stood at the grand opening of the Menton School of Logic and Tactics. It was usually abreviated as Mentat. There they would teach their students to think with logic. They would also learn advanced fighting techniques and military tactics. In an attached building members of the Mentat Order learned how to manipulate religion to serve the order's ends. The students of the school who chose to join the Order would go out to a series of islands and learn from masters of every disipline of combat. They would also learn the moral codes of those ancient warriors, and they swear a vow to follow the code of the Mentat School.

Excerpts from the Mentat Book

-Why look for meaning where there is none? Would you follow a path that leads nowhere?

-We as humans tend to make pointless demands of our universe, asking meaningless questions. Too often we make such queries after developing an expertise within a frame of reference which has little or no relationship to the question being asked

-The ego is only a bit of conciousness swimming upon the ocean of dark things. We are an enigma unto ourselves.

-Love is an ancient force, one that served its purpose in its day but is no longer essential to the survival of the species

-Discovery is dangerous...but so is life. A man unwilling to take risks is doomed never to learn,never to grow,never to live

-It is said that there is nothing firm, nthing balanced, nothing durable in all the universe--that nothing remains in its original state, that each day, each hour, every moment, there is change

-Nature commits no errors; right and wrong are human categories

-Orginizational structure is crucial to a military. It is, as well, a prime target to attack.

-Some lies are easier to believe than the truth

-The strictest limits are self-imposed

-Special Knowledge can be a terrible disadvantage if it leads you too far down a path you cannot explain anymore

-Too much knowledge never makes for simple decisions

OOC: I am going to post Ragnar's speech later

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