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Operation: Iron Sky

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Confederated Arsenals today announced it's spearheading of "Operation: Iron Sky", Prussia and the Nordic Confederacy's space program. The Nordic Cosmos Exploration and Settlement Department has appointed Jan Yazoneki as chairman, and will oversee funding, development and inaction of all extra-earth plans.

Once sufficient funding has been established, research will begin on the feasibility of long-term space settlement, advanced multi-stage rockets, shuttle-type launch craft and resource and mineral mining on extra-earth sites.


Some of the first images of the space settlement program have already been leaked, detailing a personal-environment suit that would be able to withstand long hours and heavy/difficult work on all extra-earth sites.

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Molakia is very interested in space travel. While we lack the proper facilities to launch our own programs, we offer our lands to any space agency to use for launches, and we also have many peoples willing to take the risk of going into space.

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With the announcement of the the Nordic Cosmos Exploration and Settlement Department, Scolar Visari outlined his plans to join his Nordic brethren in space exploration. In his Five Point Memo, he outlined the following plans.

- The Reich Ministry of Space Exploration and Research will be established

- The Greater German Reich will join the Nordic Cosmos Exploration and Settlement Department

- In the Eastern Nordic Protectorate, the Greater German Reich will construct basic launch and landing pads, which will be used by all Nordic countries for the duration of the Space Program.

- We will donate a large sum of money and scientist to help in the space exploration efforts

- Searching for suitable candidates for space exploration will begin at once.

Edited by Malatose
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*Private communique along NC channels*

As the newest and least known member of the NC, the Ministry of Science will be sending Jan Yazoneki a proposal requesting that on of our Armée de l'Air(Air Force) pilots be the first man, or at least one of the first men (should the first mission be multi-person) to be put into space by the Iron Sky. This would bring great prestige to Languedoc, the French peoples as a whole, and would do much to solidify relations with the rest of the NC

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Absolutely, we welcome our comrades to the south.


Excellent. Fascist Party Observer and General of Muzzolini's army, Pietro Badoglio will accompany the NC space crew. The 'gift' we offered is being wired now.



General Pietro Badoglio

Edited by King Balomesh
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The Norsvean Luftforsvaret has recruited professional speed pilot Henrik Engelsen and Stockholm Universitet physics professor Jon Garikksen to help man this flight. In addition, 300 workers have been sent to help with the operation.

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With the Fascist observing and possibly flying in this space program, we will finally see Pigs fly.

-Unknown Molakian Senator while dodging A Rebel Molotov in Downtown Kotka

OOC: I lol'ed so hard.

IC: The Holy Imperium congratulates the Nordic Confederacy on an amazing goal and we are confident the means are there to reach it.

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My congratulations my brothers in the Nordic Confederacy, the human push for excellence and exploration has never been stronger as in today's modern age. First ComIntern and now you gentlemen, I hope that space will offer the world many more chances for advances in medical technology, biochemistry, and aerospace travel. Again my well wishes and good luck to all of you.

Also, if there ever comes a time for the heads of state to explore more deeply the wonders of the stars. I hope as much that I will have the chance to go along.

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My congratulations my brothers in the Nordic Confederacy, the human push for excellence and exploration has never been stronger as in today's modern age. First ComIntern and now you gentlemen, I hope that space will offer the world many more chances for advances in medical technology, biochemistry, and aerospace travel. Again my well wishes and good luck to all of you.

Also, if there ever comes a time for the heads of state to explore more deeply the wonders of the stars. I hope as much that I will have the chance to go along.

Actually, it was Canada alone that sent men to the moon, created the technology necessary to build the Space Elevator (which was built with help from half the world) and now is planning to build moonbases. Each of these things we have achieved on our own - until now. Because now, the ComIntern will contribute, exponentionally accelerating our progress.

As said before, we hope that the NC's space program is as successful as ours, and we wish them luck. To catch up, they will need it.

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"I hope they do not mind the higher fuel costs and strain on their economy in the middle of economic sanctions. These people seem to know nothing about rocket launches." -Uberstein

OOC: There is a reason we launch from as far towards the equator as possible. France launches it's rockets from Guiana, or the US launches from Florida. The USSR launched in southern Kazakhstan. Fuel costs are much less to closer you get to the equator because the spinning of the earth also helps you get thrown off the earth. It's the same reason a space elevator can't be built on the north pole.

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"I hope they do not mind the higher fuel costs and strain on their economy in the middle of economic sanctions. These people seem to know nothing about rocket launches." -Uberstein

OOC: There is a reason we launch from as far towards the equator as possible. France launches it's rockets from Guiana, or the US launches from Florida. The USSR launched in southern Kazakhstan. Fuel costs are much less to closer you get to the equator because the spinning of the earth also helps you get thrown off the earth. It's the same reason a space elevator can't be built on the north pole.

Fuel is actually quite inexpensive to our confederacy. Norsvea, Nordheim, The Slavic Kingdom, and the Russian Protectorate are all major oil producers, let alone the alternative hydro and bio fuel Norsvea produces. Yes, our confederacy is almost self-sustaining.

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Fuel is actually quite inexpensive to our confederacy. Norsvea, Nordheim, The Slavic Kingdom, and the Russian Protectorate are all major oil producers, let alone the alternative hydro and bio fuel Norsvea produces. Yes, our confederacy is almost self-sustaining.

You realise alternative and 'bio' fuels are next to useless in high energy rocketry applications? Take a look at a fairly standard rocket fuel which is totally artificial, and realise, oil and bio fuels have nothing to do with it.

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"I hope they do not mind the higher fuel costs and strain on their economy in the middle of economic sanctions. These people seem to know nothing about rocket launches." -Uberstein

OOC: There is a reason we launch from as far towards the equator as possible. France launches it's rockets from Guiana, or the US launches from Florida. The USSR launched in southern Kazakhstan. Fuel costs are much less to closer you get to the equator because the spinning of the earth also helps you get thrown off the earth. It's the same reason a space elevator can't be built on the north pole.

OOC: Who said we weren't going to launch from near the equator?

Also, we have enough oil fields to sustain all of Europe for quite some time, and enough Hemp oil from Vince to sustain most vehicles and once-petrol burning factories.

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With the announcement of the Nordic Space Programme, the WNSR also does hereby establish the Department of Space within the Ministry of Truth. This department shall deal with all space exploration matters. The Wästerdsyskreich National Bank has devoted $40,000,000,000 to funding this trip from the beginning, with more available as time passes.

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OOC: Where are people getting all this money.

OOC: Because we don't have to spend it all on expensive imports, since almost all of our importing and exporting is done internally within the Nordic confederacy and is next to nothing. Then, we have our oil exports, marijuana exports (which does gain a lot of money), Chocolate, etc.

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OOC: Where are people getting all this money.

OOC: GDP of 1.8 trillion, 33% tax, and say 8% to space funding = 48 billion for spending. However, having that lying around does seem a bit of a stretch.

OOC: Because we don't have to spend it all on expensive imports, since almost all of our importing and exporting is done internally within the Nordic confederacy and is next to nothing. Then, we have our oil exports, marijuana exports (which does gain a lot of money), Chocolate, etc.

OOC: Thats actually money neutral as you have no exports. So, it does not answer any questions. A simpler question is space funding /( GDP * tax rate ) = what? If its more than about 5% or so, its a bit suspicious.....

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OOC: GDP of 1.8 trillion, 33% tax, and say 8% to space funding = 48 billion for spending. However, having that lying around does seem a bit of a stretch.

OOC: Thats actually money neutral as you have no exports. So, it does not answer any questions. A simpler question is space funding /( GDP * tax rate ) = what? If its more than about 5% or so, its a bit suspicious.....

OOC: What formula do you use for GDP?

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