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The Dalai Lama returns


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Given the title, Dalai Lama, a religious African of Tibetan decent has stood up claiming to be the last Dalai Lama. The last dalai lama has been missing for several years now and has been considered dead once the search was called off. The Tibetan community has given him recognition at his early age. However, Tibet recently suffered several changes in government and has been unable to support, nor advertise the new, 15th Dalai Lama. Thus, in a trust and friendship as well as shared view of the need for peace, Archon Mykep the Younger has given home to the new Dalai Lama until Tibet is stable enough for his protection.

Although young, the new Dalai Lama is well on his way into the eyes and ears of the people of the world.

The Dalai Lama cleared his throat and began, "Peace be with you all".

"Within out lifetime there will be great problems in the world, but let us make sure that within our lifetime no disasters happen. We can prevent them. It is up to us. We can save the world from destruction, to begin with. By serving the world, we can save it. But saving the world is not enough, we have to work to build an enlightened human society as well. Every human being has a basic nature of goodness, which is undiluted and unconfused. That goodness contains tremendous gentleness and appreciation, and it is that appreciation and gentleness that we must use to communicate and express ourselves to each other. This wisdom is not generated within the political and economic spheres. It does not matter if you are a Leftist or a Rightist, It does not matter if you are an Afrikan or a Nord, it does not matter if you are ruled by one or many; we must find that common ground that is our love for our nations and our love for peace. In peace we prosper, in war we fall. Find it in your hearts and in your minds the idea that anything can be achieved through peaceful means.

If not, I stand by our Archon Mykep the Younger in any attempt to strike down the aggressors of the world. All deserve a fair chance to probe themselves worthy to stand as a government leader and the people deserve the chance to have thier own freedom. That is why any attempt to attack another nation will be considered an attack on me and our beloved nation. If we stand together as a nation, I see no reason why we should not stand together with the world!"

The crowd applauded and the rally cry was heard. Peace would prevail when the world stands against war.

Edited by mykep
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OOC: I don't think you can gain the title Dalai Lama by be related to the last one. He's supposed to be the reincarnation of another...

In the Himalayan tradition, phowa (Tibetan) is the discipline that transfers the mindstream to the intended body. Upon the death of the Dalai Lama and consultation with the Nechung Oracle, a search for the Lama's reincarnation, or yangsi (yang srid), is conducted. Traditionally it has been the responsibility of the High Lamas of the Gelugpa Tradition and the Tibetan government to find his reincarnation. The process can take around two or three years to identify the Dalai Lama, and for the 14th Tenzin Gyatso it was four years before he was found. The search for the Dalai Lama has usually been limited historically to Tibet, although the third tulku was born in Mongolia. Tenzin Gyatso, though, has stated that there is a chance that he will not be reborn although if he is reborn it will not be in a country run by the People's Republic of China.[15] The High Lamas used several ways in which they can increase the chances of finding the reincarnation. High Lamas often visit the holy lake, called Lhamo La-tso, in central Tibet and watch for a sign from the lake itself. This may be either a vision or some indication of the direction in which to search and this was how Tenzin Gyatso was found. It is said that Palden Lhamo, the female guardian spirit of the sacred lake, Lhamo La-tso, promised Gendun Drup, the 1st Dalai Lama in one of his visions "that she would protect the reincarnation lineage of the Dalai Lamas." Ever since the time of Gendun Gyatso, the 2nd Dalai Lama, who formalised the system, the Regents and other monks have gone to the lake to seek guidance on choosing the next reincarnation through visions while meditating there.
High Lamas may also have a vision in a dream or if the Dalai Lama was cremated, they will often monitor the direction of the smoke as an indication of the direction of the rebirth.[15]

Once the High Lamas have found the home and the boy they believe to be the reincarnation, the boy undergoes a series of tests to affirm the rebirth. They present a number of artifacts belonging to the previous Dalai Lama and if the boy chooses the items which belonged to the previous Dalai Lama, this is seen as a sign, in conjunction with all of the other indications, that the boy is the reincarnation. If there is only one boy found, the High Lamas will invite Living Buddhas of the three great monasteries together with secular clergy and monk officials, to confirm their findings and will then report to the Central Government through the Minister of Tibet. Later a group consisting of the three major servants of Dalai Lama, eminent officials and troops will collect the boy and his family and travel to Lhasa, where the boy would be taken, usually to Drepung Monastery to study the Buddhist sutra in preparation for assuming the role of spiritual leader of Tibet.[15]

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OOC: Editted.

Also, this is an introduction to another player entering the world sphere sooner or later. Trying to make a story and he will fill in all the blanks. It is also the introduction to something else. So please, be patient with my knowledge of the DL. :)

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