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I remember when..


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"Discipline is remembering what you want."

I remember when GGA was relevant.... wait what? that never happened


I remember going to join FAN only to notice that they had an age requirement (lol wat) to join... and i was too scared to buy cigarettes, let alone join FAN with my nation

oh yeah and it's nice to see brass around here a bit still, he's !@#$@#$ awesome

Edited by CptGodzilla
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I remember when GGA was relevant.... wait what? that never happened


I remember going to join FAN only to notice that they had an age requirement (lol wat) to join... and i was too scared to buy cigarettes, let alone join FAN with my nation

oh yeah and it's nice to see brass around here a bit still, he's !@#$@#$ awesome

GGA was relevant for a very long time. Even as an extension of Pacifican Policy, it still retained its relevance due to being a close ally of the NPO...

Closer than Polaris, anyway...

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We need to save them for future threads!

Apparently we need to get her a bigger handgun as well, although chicks dig .22's.

My girlfriend prefers her .45 over a 9mm or a .22, although her personal protection is a .22 just for the smaller size.

Hey, no making fun of my Ruger!


At least now you know most of the cyberverse thinks you're hawt with guns.

Edited by Mogar
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i remember mikethewicked and being the first Polar diplomat to FAN.

i remember setting up a lottery to win 10k of my money twice a month.

i remember discussing the signing of a Friendship pact with FAN.

i remember when i was told that something bigger was in the works and to say nothing.

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I remember when I joined my first alliance.

I remember getting rolled by FAN and TOP in the war that soon followed.

I remember debating on joining either \m/ or FAN after the war. I joined \m/.

I remember blitzing FAN on the opening night of the first FAN/Initiative war.

I remember blitzing you guys again and again.

I remember my war with Guns and $@pits right before the Unjust War broke out.

I remember the FAN of old, when the FANpile was feared.

I remember the concocted breaches of surrender terms and the cryptically worded surrender terms that the NPO and FAN signed, allowing for the NPO to hit FAN.

I remember vocally speaking out against that act then, in another life.

I remember joining the NPO, and I remember leaving when I couldn't take the hypocricy any more.

I also remember NPO getting hit for their agressive policies, and I remember FAN coming out of peace mode.

FAN is a true testiment of what an alliance is, having faced huge odds for the past 2 years and kept down because of fear.

Heres to FAN :)

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I remember thinking FAN was untouchable.

I remember GW2 and getting beat down by NPO

I remember when I thought a healthy beat down of FAN was a good idea.

I remember thinking FAN-WUT war dragged on too long and was overkill

I remember FAN getting peace and only to get attacked again

I remember thinking NPO were cowards after they attacked FAN again.

I remember when I realized that FAN would only see peace when the world stood up against NPO.

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I remember many lies told by those who claimed friendship.

I remember those that sell their personal integrity for advantage in a game.

I remember waiting for the day when they would pay for their sins.

I remember loving the hell out of this game.

First post in ages, good to see everyone.

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I remember when I was the only girl in fan for nearly a year and a half

I remember being FAN Congress during the war when the SHTF

I remember 2 years in peacemode

I remember never giving up even when I was really effing bored

I remember feeling good about this game for the first time in years

I will never forget what NPO did.

<3 FAN

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Hey, no making fun of my Ruger!


I remember how you became the most popular CN player before even posting anything.

I remember when Polaris had 3 MDP. NPO, Nordreich, and FAN.

I remember when I assigned myself to ambassador to FAN and I had to go through hazing to get masked. It was awesome.

I remember when mpol personally admitted to the NAAC deal and how upset I was. I was probably my first real experience with betray in this game.

I remember how FAN concentrated their nukes on the NPO instead of Polar, and how much fun it was to watch.

I remember being pissed off that I couldn't stop our participation in the Second FAN war.

I remember when we gave FAN white peace.

I remember being the first person to launch a nuke in the First FAN war, and how awesome it was to first strike nuke an alliance that preached using all weapons at your disposal.

Also hello, FAN.

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I remember being Prime Minister of Browncoats and having a treaty negotiated and ready to be announced between FAN and Browncoats (I think it was a MDP) the moment they came out from terms from NPO and instead NPO decided it was the perfect time to attack them with less than 2 days left.

I remember raging on the OWF after that for a good long while too. <_<

Good luck, FAN. I'll be rooting for you.

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FAN girls, breaking stereotypes about overweight good ol' boys since 2006...

I lol at myself sometimes.


I'm really loving the renewed patriotism! :ehm:

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