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I remember when..


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That's illegal, I think...

Yeah, that's what our SIGINT specialist in FAN said, too.

Doesn't seem to have stopped the practice among Pacifica's elite, however.

One of the few 'lines' that FAN refused to cross in our war with them was building our own copy of those tools. That should tell you something right there.

Edited by He Who Has No Name
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I remember all of these and more.

I also remember finding very damning evidence of exactly how you came about these "feats". Fabrication, lies, conspiracies and methodically, meticulously planned intransigence, of which you were a willing and able party. And I remember you making up wild accusations of me spying on you in order to swing your little alliance into spying and harassing me in order to try and silence me. Little honor or ethics there.

And on that day I will remember that you happily aided and abetted them until it became an inconvenience and a danger to yourself, at which point you ran away taking your dirty secrets with you. You didn't merely assist in making those crimes possible, you helped spill the blood. And I will make sure you pay for your sins as well.

mpol's right as usual, NR - nobody leaves alive, and all of us are dirty. But some of us are so filthy that they've earned the privilege of getting their time cut short for them. Some of us, such as you.

One could hope you, of all people, wouldn't be holding grudges. Especially against people who have reformed and now in no way affiliated with the powers that were.

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The logs from GWIII that I saw showed it to be a .NET script that scraped the server for a delineated segment of alliance info.

It would parse alliances for nation data and build a tagged database on the user's local machine. Very useful for observing and directing wars, especially during post-GWII / early GWIII era combat.

It's obviously evolved since then, and when NR split from NPO, he became the indispensable man - he had proof they were being very naughty with such tools, so unlike the vast majority of departing NPO headliners from that point in time (Diskord, Seerow, LJ Scott, later Doitzel, etc), he was essentially allowed to walk away un-harassed and even given a free pass at trading barbs with the NPO Crap-spewer Battalions here on the forums.

NR admitted to me in in-game PM that he kept developing his own version privately for IngSoc to use, and FAN has proof that Koona and Bilrow developed their own version that was first called SkyNet and later Unimatrix Zero. That development effort is probably a large part behind why Bilrow abandoned the GGA and joined his real friends at NPO. Or it might just be because he has about as much personal integrity as a dead $@roach, hard to say.

Either way, New Reverie wrote the illicit tools that gave NPO much of it's early strength in warfighting, from about GWII to the emergence of Skynet around the UJW.

And since SkyNet and Unimatrix Zero are both geared solely towards offensive wars, and NPO built their military doctrine and organization around those 'tools', they're going down like a cheap hooker now - because they're totally on the defensive and don't have the slightest clue how to fight when they don't hold the advantage in order to use their crutch.

NR, for his part, apparently still has not learned to not cackle and caw during crow season.

It's extremely easy to write a program that does all of that without breaking the ToS. It's all in the method of data acquisition. ^_^

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It's obviously evolved since then, and when NR split from NPO, he became the indispensable man - he had proof they were being very naughty with such tools, so unlike the vast majority of departing NPO headliners from that point in time (Diskord, Seerow, LJ Scott, later Doitzel, etc)

If memory serves right, New Reverie didn't do anything to piss off NPO on his departure. Whereas I suppose the rest of us may have slammed the door a little hard when we walked out, that and I don't think anyone expected our walkouts. NR had thought of creating his own black team alliance for a while, and was stepping down from positions in order to let others fill the gaps, whether they be in Recruitment or the Council.

Anyway SkyNet wasn't rolled out until Febuary 2007 I believe, sometime shortly after my departure. Before that the elements that made up said programs where done manually iirc. It was spread across perhaps around 4/5 different parsers which turned CN source code into bbcode tables from which everything could be managed. Also the target list one which you might have seen which from what I've seen on IRC is still in use, which converts the source code into a html target list.

I'm also pretty sure that right upon SkyNets release screens where leaked by a certain banned member of the guide on how to use said program. If I'm not mistaken, somewhere in the depths of my random assortment of CN related items those screens lie...

Edit: If we're talking about FAN...

I remember engaging you in the first wave.

I remember instructing those of my battalion to engage.

I remember subsequently re-engaging and setting targets for others to do so.

I remember monitoring your aid and soldier count levels.

I remember being most shocked to find we were re-engaging when there was never any aid breaking the terms, and some of the proposed troop counts listed didn't match those I had aquired myself that day.

Edited by LJ Scott
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I remmber that the same group of ingrates who hailed your demise are now busy hailing your return.

I remember us not doing anything about it. At least till over a year later.

Also !@#$@#$ hail, you guys really deserve it.

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That's illegal, I think...

IF they are still doing it think admin would have caught them. But it depends on how it's done. Manual parsing is fine.

I remember being allied to FAN

I remember you not activating our MDP in the first FAN war

I remember opposing the second FAN war

I remember trying to convince MHA to give you guys peace

I remember Sih Porta

I remember FAN spying on MHA

I remember Black Peace

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I remember 80% of the world cheering for your demise, and the majority of these cries from people not aligned to the war in any way.

I remember the second FAN war becoming very unpopular.

I remember after said unpopularity, these same people now feeling sorry for you and wanting you to receive peace.

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I remember when the ICP was sanctioned (lol)

I remember when 70k was a huge aid package.

I remember when receiving 1 million was a wet dream.

I remember when a 30k NS nation was the biggest in the game.

I remember getting nukes nukes with 1,400 infra and 400 tech.

I remember when Leftists owned in GW2.

I remember when Leftists failed hard in GW3.

I remember staying up for update waiting for Legion to enter and feeling a gut wrenching feeling when they did.

I remember being a Leftist.

I remember forming TDSM8.

I remember merging into MK.

I remember Daemon banned member, banned member, and OhSnapSon helping to make TDSM8 into what it was.

I remember GOONS dying.

I remember feeling betrayed following the UJW.

I remember reforming TDSM8.

I remember the BAPS war and noWedge telling me to $%&@ off when I brought up terms.

I remember watching my closest ally die.

I remember forming CnG.

I remember fighting against the noCB coalition thinking we'd never receive terms.

I remember disbanding TDSM8 and feeling the most crushing loss Ive ever felt in this game.

I remember coming back and burying NPO for what they did.

I remember playing this game for far too long.

Most of all: I remember fearing FAN.

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I remember when the ICP was sanctioned (lol)

I remember when 70k was a huge aid package.

I remember when receiving 1 million was a wet dream.

I remember when a 30k NS nation was the biggest in the game.

I remember getting nukes nukes with 1,400 infra and 400 tech.

I remember when Leftists owned in GW2.

I remember when Leftists failed hard in GW3.

I remember staying up for update waiting for Legion to enter and feeling a gut wrenching feeling when they did.

I remember being a Leftist.

I remember forming TDSM8.

I remember merging into MK.

I remember Daemon banned member, banned member, and OhSnapSon helping to make TDSM8 into what it was.

I remember GOONS dying.

I remember feeling betrayed following the UJW.

I remember reforming TDSM8.

I remember the BAPS war and noWedge telling me to $%&@ off when I brought up terms.

I remember watching my closest ally die.

I remember forming CnG.

I remember fighting against the noCB coalition thinking we'd never receive terms.

I remember disbanding TDSM8 and feeling the most crushing loss Ive ever felt in this game.

I remember coming back and burying NPO for what they did.

I remember playing this game for far too long.

Most of all: I remember fearing FAN.

/end thread

I remember with my first nation in the NPO declaring my first war on a FAN nation.

I remember being told to shut up and do as I was told when I asked why we were attacking them.

I remember never receiving an answer to that question.

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I remember loving FAN during GWII and III.

I remember feeling betrayed when the !@#$%^&* concerning them making deals with NAAC during GWIII came to light.

I remember staying up for my first update blitz during FAN I.

I remember thinking FAN I would never end.

I remember FAN blitzing NPO during the UJW, and then getting peace

I remember getting pissed off when FAN II rolled around, and questioning NPO IO's on why we were fighting them.

I remember arguing for giving FAN white peace last summer after Polar was kicked out of One Vision.

Good times.

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I remember talking to a NAAC member from my school who told me about the secret deal with FAN

I remember telling IRON .gov about said deal and being laughed at because it was absurd

I remember IRON signing its first MADP and going to war against FAN a few months after that

good times :P

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