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The Will Of The Norns

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I know a lot of hard work went into making this happen and, though some will say this is a mistake, the return of Nordreich to the Cyberverse as a whole and true alliance will likely lead to better things. Congratulations on making it this far.

Heia Nordreich.

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I'm glad to see a Volkisch alliance finally arise from the ashes to provide a most refreshing alternative to the Bolshevik politics that have dominated our dear planet for far too long. Heil!

Edit: I decided to remove some OOC clarifications. The others have done a fine job explaining things as it was.

Edited by Tom Litler
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Hey remember when ICP did this and you guys blew them up?


Oh yeah, I had almost forgot about the tech "reparations" that were demanded.

Oh and kingzog, I believe you had some friendly comments to direct towards us as well.


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So Tomcat, you want to destroy the Nordreich to avenge your Insane Communist Posse, is that it? Some moral superior you are. If Marx knew that you were about to make the workers and peasants of yours and your enemies' nations suffer for the sake of a war of vengeance dedicated to some tattered flag of the past, he would be spinning in his grave.

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Bob Janova, there is a reason for us standing here alone, we don't want to hide behind anyone's back.

No protectorate, no treaties, just us under our flag and our name. Those who have issues or questions regarding our alliance are welcome to bring it up with us and together try to solve them.

To those who welcomed us - Thank you.

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So Tomcat, you want to destroy the Nordreich to avenge your Insane Communist Posse, is that it? Some moral superior you are. If Marx knew that you were about to make the workers and peasants of yours and your enemies' nations suffer for the sake of a war of vengeance dedicated to some tattered flag of the past, he would be spinning in his grave.

I said no such thing.

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The tone you and yours take speaks more than any words.

The bitterness I sense in your replies screams blood lust.

I'm only posting the historical facts of the past for the benefit of those who may have not been around back in the day to have seen what happened first hand, as we did.

That is all.

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Bob Janova, there is a reason for us standing here alone, we don't want to hide behind anyone's back.

No protectorate, no treaties, just us under our flag and our name. Those who have issues or questions regarding our alliance are welcome to bring it up with us and together try to solve them.

To those who welcomed us - Thank you.

Actions were taken in the past that cannot be undone. The most that can be done is disavowal and apology, and I see no tendency towards either of those things. Just sayin'.

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My dear friends, they're be time enough for counting, when the dealings done (lol). On a serious note, I'm glad to see some of our old friends and foes here, most of which have at least been more than gracious and welcoming, for that I give thanks and toast to your good health.

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Feel free to come back, ICP. We need each other.

no need the left has the International, the ICP is however a reminder that we leftists must remain vigilant and while some of us do sincerely wish you luck we will be watching nevertheless ;)

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Oh great maybe you manage to not attract a certain group of members this time.

OOC: The fact of the matter is that any group of people can join an alliance, any alliance, and they have the right to do so as much as anyone else. Where it becomes a problem is when people cannot divide IC from OOC. What a person does outside this game is no business of anyone here. Should that become an internal issue with Nordreich I'm certain they will address it themselves.

Edited by Captain Flinders
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