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The Will Of The Norns

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Haha. I think two of my prior nations individually excreted more than the equivalent of his 617 day old nation. Or perhaps that is how it came to be in the first place...

Who said this is even my first nation? I date back to ICSN. So yeah, keep up the "internet tough guy" act. I mean you're already embarrassing yourself enough by your posts. I am just trying to help you out, bud.

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Who said this is even my first nation? I date back to ICSN. So yeah, keep up the "internet tough guy" act. I mean you're already embarrassing yourself enough by your posts. I am just trying to help you out, bud.

LOL, yeah Huston... keep up the Internet "tough guy act"! Cause, I am planning to pants you if it continues (mostly cause Chifte wants sees-ies on your junk).


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Have you guys signed a peace treaty with FAN yet? (You were at war with them, right?) If not, why not?

Just thought I'd ask.

Been a long time since we've spoken. (Not long after you started TORN, I think.) We should fix that sometime.

Patience, Kingzog. All good things come in time.

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Who said this is even my first nation? I date back to ICSN. So yeah, keep up the "internet tough guy" act. I mean you're already embarrassing yourself enough by your posts. I am just trying to help you out, bud.

Well, that's the spirit, soldier!

(Sorry, my multiple conditions that cause me to be basement-ridden and continue to be the Internet Tough Guy are wearying me. You win, good sir. Congratulations.)

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Nordreich returns.

Thank Eris, I was afraid the post Karma world would be *peaceful*. And that just wouldn't be tolerable.

o/ Drama. :popcorn:

A good point indeed. Over at INT we were actually starting to get worried for lack of a worthy foe.

Here's hope the drama will ensue once more!

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A good point indeed. Over at INT we were actually starting to get worried for lack of a worthy foe.

Here's hope the drama will ensue once more!

Sounds like a DoW coming from you in the near future, as them sounds like fighting words mister commie... :awesome::war: o/ NV / NoR

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