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The Syndicate Edict

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On April 23rd, The Syndicate (TS) launched attacks against the Multi Colored Cross-X Alliance in defense of our allies, the Viridian Entente. Full scale nuclear attacks have left both sides damaged, and as such The Syndicate requests no reparations, or any other terms from the MCXA. TS and MCXA agree upon the following terms to conclude our conflict, for white peace.

1. Peace out of all wars.

2. Do not re enter the conflict, including spying on Karma nations, or send aid to anyone fighting in the conflict for its duration.

3. Failure to comply with terms will result in a resumption of hostilities.

After originally discussing the peace terms signed by AZTEC, and VE, The Syndicate decided that it could not force those terms upon MCXA in good conscience. MCXA were honorable opponents and entered the war via treaty obligations, throughout the entire ordeal they remained extremely polite and respectable. Because of this, The Syndicate chooses to sign separate terms that reflect our ideals and political views more accurately.

Our allies in the Viridian Entente & friends in AZTEC have, and will always have our full support.

tl:dr TS and MCXA agree to white peace, Carter's kindergarten teacher Mrs.Spiegel was damn good, cause she taught Carter that two wrongs don't make a right.

Signed for The Syndicate:

Carter, The Don

Signed for the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance,

Dr. Fresh









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honorable Carter. you guys could ahve easily accepted the tech reps that were originally tossed around w/o batting an eye, yet you chose a more peaceful road. good work

mcxa, looks like you guys caught a break on this one

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