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International Monarchist League

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A message on some very nice stationary was sent to all the monarchs of the world.

My fellow Monarchs, I invite you to join this prestigous club. Be you king, kaiser, prince, or what have you, all monarchs are invited to join. We welcome absolute and constitutional monarchs alike. This is not a bloc, and will hold no political sway, it is simply a place for monarchs to come together, discuss international and domestic issues, and stengthen the bonds between us. Held in a private lodge, secluded in northern Marscurian Pakistan, the area makes an ideal place to get away for a vacation at any time. All monarchs are welcome. The lodge is well guarded, and contains a helipad for transport.


Mikhail I

Kaisermelech of the Marscurian Empire, Sultan of Marscurian Pakistan


The meeting lodge. All members of the club are given a key and access to the lodge at any time.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail I
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While the Re family likes this idea, we cannot for any reason allow our leader Tahsir to ever leave Dranagg. Or the captial. Or the building he currently resides in.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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This is some nice stationery, though Vedran as he stabbed at the paper with a letter opener, humming to himself.

My fellow Monarchs, I invite you to join this prestigous club. Be you king, kaiser, prince, or what have you, all monarchs are invited to join. We welcome absolute and constitutional monarchs alike. This is not a bloc, and will hold no political sway, it is simply a place for monarchs to come together, discuss international and domestic issues, and stengthen the bonds between us. Held in a private lodge, secluded in northern Marscurian Pakistan, the area makes an ideal place to get away for a vacation at any time. All monarchs are welcome. The lodge is well guarded, and contains a helipad for transport.


Mikhail I

Kaisermelech of the Marscurian Empire, Sultan of Marscurian Pakistan

"Huh." The head of state position in Arctica, while not an elected position, was not strictly hereditary either. The position of Sovereign had been established by the then-President of Arctica, Vedran, upon the Great Migration to Madagascar. The legislature was kept intact, though it could not by itself circumvent the edicts of the ruler, or those of the Mundokiir or Thurokiir, the military and political (respectively) leadership posts created along with that of the Sovereign. So Arctica described itself as a monarchy, mainly because the label "dictatorship" was frowned upon in modern times. Each member of the Hierarchy (the three top positions) selected a line of successors in the case of resignation or untimely death. These successors were determined based on ability and other factors. Arcticans, and in particular their leader had little patience for constitutional monarchies where the head of state had no real power and hereditary monarchies where wars could be started over disagreements over pedigrees and family trees and religious nonsense.

Still, it would do to at least check this out. Vedran did not like to watch opportunities pass by. He swept the letter aside, got out his own stationery and a pen and sent the finished letter (by messenger) to the Kaisermelech's residence or place of work.

Your Majesty,

It is my pleasure to accept your invitation to the International Monarchist League. While the government of this nation operates on a tiered system, it is still officially a monarchy. As you may know, we are a new type of monarchy where a hereditary line has not yet been established and succession to the post of Sovereign is not determined solely by heredity. We are, in theory, a nation with a Hierarchy (a supreme ruler, a military leader, and a political leader) who oversees the government and has the authority to rule by decree, while below it is a functioning republic with an elected legislature and president{1} who handle the daily affairs of the state.

Owing to the ongoing political tensions between the Nordlandic Confederation and the Communist International and the possibility of a crisis at almost any time, and also owing to an extended state of heightened military readiness in my own country{2} it would not be wise for me to personally travel to foreign nations at this time. Until the situation changes, when a meeting of the League is called, I will either attend via telescreen or send a trusted representative. I look forward to working with the League.



Vedran I, first Sovereign of Arctica, Supreme Commander of the Armed and Uniformed Services{3}

OOC: 1. There is a small council elected at the county level, which elects representatives to Provincial Congresses, which elect representatives to the 99-member National Congress. The National Congress elects the President, who is basically the president of the legislature.

2. Arctica's armed forces have been at DEFCON 3 for several months now, ever since the start of the nuclear winter from the last big war.

3. His style of address is "His Excellency"

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