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Unimportant GOONS Announcements

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good luck GOONS nice too see you guys moving to the black sphere, personally I thinks it's nice to see GOONS back whether it's the old "order of neutral shoving" or not I don't think it really matters

Edited by sircrimson
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One more time for everyone saying "not the old GOONS" earlier this week I went through the roster ruler-by-ruler and recognized nearly 1/3 of the current memebrship as members of the Order of Neutral Shoving.

But, GOONS, you know Planet Bob--get used to the same replies in every thread for the next 6 months.

Obligatory: Vote banned member for Black Senate.

hi, schatt

Just wanted to say, I really liked your last avatar. It reminded me of the kid from the Doctor Who episode "Human Nature"

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How's it feel to be one of those pubbies who's tears I'm living off of?

Frankly it doesn't matter if you are old GOONS or not. What does matter is that you're already acting just like them.

Edited by fluffy ewunga
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Frankly it doesn't matter if you are old GOONS or not. What does matter is that you're already acting just like them.

As soon as I make fun of you for something that has nothing to do with the game, then you can start complaining about us being like old GOONS.

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At first I was worried when you guys announced the new existance of GOONS. But then I got to thinking. The Black Sphere isn't what it used to be. Not one single alliance will ever be able to control Black again. Not one single alliance will be able to dictate what happens in the senate any longer. And most importantly, not one single person anymore will be able to sanction someone for getting votes in a free senate.

GOONS, I for one am taking you at your word that you are a new alliance with a different mindset from the old GOONS. Dont disappoint me.

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I don't see the problem with a second GOONS, if they are from Something Awful then don't they have the full right to the name GOONS even if it isn't the "original"?

Beats the hell out of me. You'd think after two years they could let go.

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