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The Brisbane Conference

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, friends, brothers, comrades, it is my pleasure and my honour to formally invite each and every one of you to an international conference in the Hanseatic city of Brisbane. The conference will be discussing the matters of peace and the future of the world in this troubled and turbulent time, and each and every national leader is invited to the conference. We are certain that each and every one of you will come.

I am reminded of an old tune in this dire time. There was the opening vocal line If it keeps on raining, the levee's going to break. It is very reminiscent of what exactly is going on in the world right now. International relations have effectively broken down, especially between nations of the Nordic Confederacy and the Communist International. It is no secret that neither of us have been especially friendly towards the other. I will not stand before you and make false claims about my nation's policies or those of my Nordlandic allies. We have not been especially friendly or receiving of the Communist International group, and they have not been friendly or amicable to us either.

The reason for this breakdown in relations is the fact that we are of two opposite poles. Both of us exist as something of an international superpower. The Nordlandic Confederacy emerged from the Slavorussian War victorious and on top of the world. With the annexation of territory, we gathered ourselves the proper resources from Slavorussia, and we have left the rest to the new nations therein, the Slavic Republic of Novak and the Eastern Reich. Both nations have warmed up very nicely to us, and we appreciate that.

The ComIntern is a force that arrived after the war, mostly. They arose as a world power and a significant threat to the Nordlandic Confederacy some time after the war had concluded. While it did indeed exist before the war, it is impossible to say that they had a significant presence or influence on the war. Now they have turned into a haven not only for Communist nations, but all nations who are strongly anti-Nordland. I will not delve into it any further.

In any case, these two entities are the two major superpowers in the world. They need to come together, or risk the largest and bloodiest global struggle to ever occur. Millions upon millions will die in the war, and to prevent all that senseless violence and murder, the Nordlandic Confederacy is holding a conference in the neutral city of Brisbane to discuss these matters.

I can honestly swear to you that I, Emperor Alexander, will personally attend the conference should major ComIntern nations agree to attend as well. I know the same goes for the rest of the Nordland.

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I see no reason to attend, I shall have no part of this. Commies and NC, delusional and acting as if they were world powers while still cleaning up from the last large war they started.

I shall stay right here at home. And don't any of you come near my nation, I prefer it not-irradiated.


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Foreign Minister Marc Delgado of the Federacion Iberiana will attend with a small, neutral observer delegation. In his announcement of attendance, he is reported as saying, "While neither party in this conflict has any direct ties to the Federacion Iberiana, it is inherently part of our national interest as a European state to ensure that tensions can be resolved peacefully between these two entities."

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***Private of course***

The Central Asian Federation's President Akmetov, is honored to have received an invitation to Brisbane, further validating the CAF's position as a relevant player in international affairs... that is until he learned the invitation had been sent to every world leader. He thinks to himself as he decides whether or not to go, “If only they had been this dedicated to peace a few weeks ago when they invaded Slavorussia and sent us all these damn refugees.”


We the government of the Central Asian Federation appreciate the invitation, However our political influence on world affairs is not yet large enough to warrant our own representative at this time. However we will send an official stenographer to document the meeting for our own governmental records.

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Liska Atka, Procinctia’s newly appointed Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and acting Minister of Foreign Affairs will represent Procinctia at this conference.

At age sixteen the youngest person to ever hold a post in Procinctia’s foreign service (violating all Procinctian age-labour laws) Liska Atka is the younger sister of Procinctia’s MIA Minister of Foreign Affairs Kiska Atka.


Liska Atka, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs (acting Minister of Foreign Affairs)

Edited by Generalissimo
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Somewhat frustrated with the lack of participation, much less progress, displayed at this conference, Foreign Minister Marc Delgado of the Federacion Iberiana was overheard muttering to an aide, "Why don't we just post a few flyers from each side? There'd be as much dialogue and we'd learn the same information."

As the hours of committee session continued, finally Minister Delgado stood and repeated his previous proposal for the body entire. "Honorable delegates, ladies and gentlemen, it is becoming increasingly clear that this Conference, while noble in its aims, is on the verge of accomplishing... Nothing. Therefore I would respectfully submit that we might better use our time in bilateral negotiations between individual nations to ease specific tensions which may exist.

"Before we leave these chambers, however, I have been instructed to make the following statement, which has been authorized by our President and the National Assembly's party leaderships.

"The Federacion Iberiana, and all of the world, has seen the signs. Extreme conservatism on the one side and Marxist (OOC: Can I use Marxist or do I have to say Communist? /OOC) ideology on the other have acted to polarize the world into black and white, right and wrong-- Nay, good and evil! I stand here today to say that there is no good and no evil in this conflict. There is no right and no wrong; there is only a difference in views. If you believe this to be true, if you have any doubts at all that either side is absolutely correct, then I urge you in the strongest terms available to join the Federacion in a bloc of the political center. We need not surrender to the polarizing forces which exist. We can find compromise, and we can ultimately find peace, but we must act now. Thank you, my friends, and good day."

Picking up his folder, Delgado turned and followed his delegation out of the committee chambers.

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"The Federacion Iberiana, and all of the world, has seen the signs. Extreme conservatism on the one side and Marxist (OOC: Can I use Marxist or do I have to say Communist? /OOC) ideology on the other have acted to polarize the world into black and white, right and wrong-- Nay, good and evil! I stand here today to say that there is no good and no evil in this conflict.

OOC: Actually, I'm not entirely sure that too many of the ComIntern members follow Marxism. I for one (and very likely several others; I didn't pay enough attention to their exact version, unfortunately) use "Rational Communism", which is a mixture of several ideologies, governmental policies, et cetera, trying to use the best of all and not get their weaknesses. I made Rational Communism myself, lol.


"I suppose even being liberal is a kind of extremism these days."

"Everything can be taken to its extremes. That said, Canada can unfortunately not send a delegate at the time, as they are currently too busy elsewhere."

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By this point Sarah's frustration due to the behavior of the world nations was almost as a breaking point, when the Western Germans (OOC: I think that's the English why to say Merger's nation) had requested to hold another Peace Conference in Brisbane she was barely willing to agree to such a thing. Above and beyond all honestly she saw the problem like this. The Nords deserved first blame, yes, they had invaded Slavorussia first and they had cause all these problems. However the Slavorussia resistance, if it could be called resistance, was pathetic. If the people couldn't even defend themselves in the face of invasion then what was even the point of giving their country back. But yes, the Nords had been the first aggressors.

Now on the other hand, the ComIntern was the most undiplomatic organization she had ever seen in her life and while AWS and Canada seemed diplomatic, nations again like Cainette and Alvonia seemed to speak so loud about war when their military power didn't even begin to number the amount of soldiers that any of the great powers of the world had at their disposal. It didn't make sense, the smaller nations were supposed to be the peaceful ones, but it seemed like everyone in the world was raving for war like a goddamned barbarian.

By this time, Sarah didn't believe peace was possible, but for the sake of the civilians she would attend, not for the leaders. Those leaders that refused to cooperate she had no respect for, but she felt that she was going to have even less respect after the talks would begin. But she promised herself that a smile of some sorts would never leave her face. But after this was offer, she was definitely going to have to break something, it was for this reason Sarah kept a very large supply of stress balls underneath her desk.

Stepping down to the conference she feigned a smile at the leaders that have arrived as she took her seat at the center of the table. "Gentlemen, I'm glad that we were able to look past our differences and come to this meeting. Now I suggest, to begin these talks that both sides list out what they are willing to give up for the cause of peace. That is, what the ComIntern wants and what the Nords are going to give up. After I see both sides, please." Sarah said almost begging. "Let me come up with a proposal before you all start gunning for the door. That you have all come, you should at least be able to sit and take what the other one wants to say. So Gentlemen and Ladies. You peace proposals?"

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"While not authorized to speak for the whole Comintern our personal demands are simple, return to pre-Slavorussian War Borders meaning the spoils of war will be turned back to the successor state of Slavorussia the CAF and recognition of the mansion in Germany as part of the Republic of Mariehamm and a sovereign nation."

Edited by Centurius
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A Nordic Lead meeting in a not so neutral country. We see no reason to send a representative to this "forum" which shall only be used for the spreading of the Nordic Coalitions blatant lies and propaganda.

OOC: Just a note, Beijing is not a communist state but rather a socialist state which I explained to Lynneth before applying for Comintern ;)

OOC:Same goes for me

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A Nordic Lead meeting in a not so neutral country. We see no reason to send a representative to this "forum" which shall only be used for the spreading of the Nordic Coalitions blatant lies and propaganda.

OOC:Same goes for me

While being allied we consider this an insult. Lady Tintagyl has never shown any sign of planning to even arrest a single comintern member. It is save.

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A Nordic Lead meeting in a not so neutral country. We see no reason to send a representative to this "forum" which shall only be used for the spreading of the Nordic Coalitions blatant lies and propaganda.

Getting the message from Cainette during the meeting Sarah immediately ripped up the message and tossed it under the table. Telling the leaders to excuse her for one moment, she took out paper and quickly scribbled down a response.


I am appalled by your sheer lack of diplomacy not to even consider peace. This is especially appalling considering that Cainette and Alvonia who are two of the smaller members of ComIntern are the loudest nations, while both Canada and AWS two of the largest members are willing to push for peace. Forgive me for saying this, but you are treating this war as a personal vendetta as a child would push a backyard brawl and you are gambling with your people's lives. Also I am a neutral nation, whatever my past and I can assure you that the Hansa will not fight in a war that perhaps can be kept from starting. But handling it like you are is pathetic at best. You are a small nation and should try for peace, until then, please stay out of affairs if you are only going to yell. You are embarrassing yourself, your alliance, and the world at large.


Sarah Tintagyl

Lady Protector of the Hanseatic Commonwealth

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