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IRAN Announcement

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Really, all I want is for someone to acknowledge that the charter of IRAN seems to be nothing more than a huge roll of TP to EVERY gov member of that alliance.

You know asking an NSO member that is a bad plan. What with their whole strength is all that matters and charter approved couping and shiz. Really not the one to ask that question to...

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You know asking an NSO member that is a bad plan. What with their whole strength is all that matters and charter approved couping and shiz. Really not the one to ask that question to...

Sadly, that is an oversight on my part. A more pertinent question is why would a SITH alliance, have an IA department? Marka Ragnos would roll over in his tomb.

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This is what you dont seem to get. When Battallion did that, you had the choice of having you and MBP remove him...via the provisions in the charter. Instead, you QUIT. Regret after the fact, does not change the fact. YOU STILL QUIT. The MOMENT you quit, you left IRAN with 2 triumvirs. The decision-making was no longer up to you. Im not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp.

See the post above yours.

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In that case, it sickens me to see anyone support a coup of a legal government.

It wasn't a legal government, Batallion lost his government position the second he broke the charter, MBP was the only legal government member of the alliance and asked for me to come back.

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It wasn't a legal government, Batallion lost his government position the second he broke the charter, MBP was the only legal government member of the alliance and asked for me to come back.

Show me where the charter said he lost his position for breaking the rules? I will wait, I am a patient man.

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A government that acts illegally and against the wishes of it's membership deserves either a coup or an exodus.

In that case, convince me that their membership did not want peace. Because his only crime, really...is agreeing to peace. By your criteria...if the membership of Iran wanted peace, and Mogar and TMBP had opposed it in discussion(I know this is hypothetical)... then Battallion should have immediately imposed Martial Law and made himself grand exulted emperor? Come on guys, there is a reason they have a charter. It spells out how government is to be conducted.

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Join the GDA if you want democracy.

This is the cyber !@#$@#$ verse, if you suck, get the $%&@ out of the way so someone competent can lead.

|-o-| Mogar, rightful Triumvir of IRAN

No thanks, I love Athens. And Im not after a democracy. Im after, a charter meaning what a charter says it means.

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Show me where the charter said he lost his position for breaking the rules? I will wait, I am a patient man.
It is our belief that ultimate power should not be bestowed upon just one person, so supreme power in our alliance shall be vested in three Triumvirs.

Bat broke this part of our charter, hence MBP was the only remaining legal gov member, and according to:

IV. Elections

The Independent Republic of Armed Nations is not a democracy and will not hold elections. Informal polls may be conducted in order to assess members' opinions on various subject matters, but decision making power is vested solely in the Triumvirs.

we did nothing wrong.

In that case, convince me that their membership did not want peace. Because his only crime, really...is agreeing to peace. By your criteria...if the membership of Iran wanted peace, and Mogar and TMBP had opposed it in discussion(I know this is hypothetical)... then Battallion should have immediately imposed Martial Law and made himself grand exulted emperor? Come on guys, there is a reason they have a charter. It spells out how government is to be conducted.

We. did. not. oppose. it. I was actively online, and so was MBP, following our charter would dictate he needs to speak to at least one of the aforementioned people before agreeing to anything, and he did not, hence he broke our charter, I was not made aware of this until the next day, and by then the situation had been explained to the rest of the government, all of whom support our decision besides Batallion's friends from another game.

Edited by Mogar
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Come on guys, there is a reason they have a charter. It spells out how government is to be conducted.

Their charter failed to address this possibility. In essence, with only two triums left who were dead-set opposed to one another, the government was paralyzed from a legal standpoint. Barring an agreement between the two remaining triums, this would be a legal deadlock impossible to break within the confines of the charter.

There was no legal option to break the deadlock.

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We. did. not. oppose. it. I was actively online, and so was MBP, following our charter would dictate he needs to speak to at least one of the aforementioned people before agreeing to anything, and he did not, hence he broke our charter, I was not made aware of this until the next day, and by then the situation had been explained to the rest of the government, all of whom support our decision besides Batallion's friends from another game.

*plays Jeopardy music*...Still waiting..Show me where the charter says a violation of the charter initiates immediate removal. Also, I plainly said your opposition was hypothetical.

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Show me where the charter said he lost his position for breaking the rules? I will wait, I am a patient man.
The term of service of each Triumvir shall be indefinite and shall terminate only upon the resignation of the Triumvir or upon the decision by the other two Triumvirs that the third has been derelict in his duty or can no longer serve responsibly.

Mogar and MBP thought Batallion was derelict in his duties, they removed him. Completely legal.

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Their charter failed to address this possibility. In essence, with only two triums left who were dead-set opposed to one another, the government was paralyzed from a legal standpoint. Barring an agreement between the two remaining triums, this would be a legal deadlock impossible to break within the confines of the charter.

There was no legal option to break the deadlock.

That may well be the case, but it is certainly not a matter for someone who QUIT the alliance (Mogar) to decide. Mogars side has admitted this is a coup, so their regard, or lack thereof for IRANs charter is obvious.

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That may well be the case, but it is certainly not a matter for someone who QUIT the alliance (Mogar) to decide. Mogars side has admitted this is a coup, so their regard, or lack thereof for IRANs charter is obvious.

Read my edited post, after reading the charter, we didn't do anything wrong.

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Mogar and MBP thought Batallion was derelict in his duties, they removed him. Completely legal.

Thats great Poobah, if you totally ignore the fact that Mogar RESIGNED his position and left the alliance BEFORE he and MBP removed Battallion. Fuinny thing about facts though, you cant ignore them.

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Thats great Poobah, if you totally ignore the fact that Mogar RESIGNED his position and left the alliance BEFORE he and MBP removed Battallion. Fuinny thing about facts though, you cant ignore them.

and you ignore the fact Bat broke the charter before I resigned, making MBP's reappointment of my to Trium perfectly legal as the only remaining Trium member.

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Read my edited post, after reading the charter, we didn't do anything wrong.

LoL, your printed portion of the charter totally supports MY stance. YOU WERE NOT A TRIUM...You quit. Once you quit, the only way you get your spot back, is if the other 2 triums PUT you back. We know this did not happen. So explain to me how you, BY THE CHARTER...Got your position back? Did I miss the Do-Over clause?

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